Digital Citizenship

Interland is an adventure-packed online game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice. There are four lands through which students come up against phishers, hackers, bullies, and over-sharers — those who reveal too much information about themselves online. 

Level 1: Share With Care- Helps students understand how to communicate responsibly using technology.

Level 2: Secure Your Secrets-  Personal privacy and security are just as important online as they are offline. Safeguarding valuable information helps kids avoid damaging their devices, reputations, and relationships. 

Level 3: It's Cool to be Kind- The Internet is a powerful amplifier that can be used to spread positivity or negativity. Kids can take the high road by applying the concept of “treat others as you would like to be treated” to their actions online, creating positive impact for others and disempowering bullying behavior. 

Level 4: Don't Fall for Fake- It’s important to help kids become aware that people and situations online aren’t always as they seem. Discerning between what’s real and what’s fake is a very real lesson in online safety. 

Digital Citizenship Resources

Common Sense Media: Early Childhood Toolkit & Research

Finding Balance with Media and Tech Use at Home: Workshop Slides 

Executive Function Skills & Digital Media