North Reading Public Schools

Remote Learning Plan

Dear Parents/Guardians, Families, and Students,

We thank you for your patience while we prepare for the next phase of remote learning during this school closure that now extends through May 4, 2020. Our teachers and administrators have been preparing for weeks and we will be ready to begin with more structured learning opportunities beginning on April 6, 2020.

We understand that there are many questions and we believe that the best way to answer those questions is to share out specific remote learning schedules for North Reading High School, North Reading Middle School, and our three Elementary Schools. Specific schedules and information will be coming soon from your building principal. We appreciate your support while we transition to this new educational experience.

The most important message I have for all of our students, parents/guardians, and families is that North Reading students are going to succeed because of the support that the parents/guardians, families, and our entire school community will provide.

During these extraordinary times it’s important to realize that we are not attempting to fully replicate a school day or the entire school experience. What we are doing is providing opportunities for students to continue to grow, learn, and develop in a structured environment.

As we move forward, please remember the following:

  • (Most) parents/guardians are not teachers. During this closure we do not expect you to “teach” grade level content standards to the students. Your role is to assist the students in engaging with the teachers and the materials to the best of your ability. For a variety of reasons this will be more challenging on some days than others, and we understand this.
  • If you are working from home and can share what you are doing with the students, that’s a great learning experience as well. Cooking, baking, gardening, communicating with family, letter writing, journaling, reading, writing, reflecting etc. are all opportunities for student learning.
  • Technology could fail. The Internet could be down. We urge everyone to try not to “stress out” and worry that the students are falling behind. They will be fine.
  • Please reassure students that...
    • what a school day and school year look like is different for the spring of 2020 for everyone.
    • the college application process is going to look different.
    • standardized testing is going to be different.
    • North Reading students will not "fall behind" and this plan will ensure a continuation of learning.
    • every other student in the country is in the same boat.
  • Remote learning does not necessarily mean online learning. Technology is one tool that we will be utilizing during this process of remote learning. We have distributed devices to support those students in need. Anyone who would like to complete or change their response should complete this form.
  • During this first phase of remote learning students will focus on going deeper with concepts and standards that have already been taught.
  • Our plan is designed to include supports for all of our learners, including those students who receive support services, are on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 504s, and/or who are English Learners.
  • Our plan reflects the great work and efforts of our administrators, curriculum leaders, union leadership, and educators at all levels. We have developed a plan that is designed to assist all of our students and educators to engage in meaningful ad productive learning for approximately half the length of a regular school day. We expect this learning to take place via combination of educator-directed learning and student self-directed learning.
  • Please do not compare your experience with those of other students and families. What we see on social media is not always the full picture. Every student’s experience is unique and every family is doing everything they can do for their student(s).
  • Please avoid comparisons to other districts and states. Each state has different laws governing their teaching and learning approach. Massachusetts is consistently ranked #1 for PreK-12 education and we are leading the nation on many education measures. Our approach is designed to be best for all students.
  • In meetings I’ve participated in with the Massachusetts Business Alliance and those from Higher Education, I consistently hear that the most important skills that our students need to have are the Social Emotional skills (self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness) as well as the habits of mind for students to be resourceful. It’s not what they know (content) but their ability to be adaptive to new learning and resourceful to access new information and training that is paramount. These are the skills that parents/guardians and families can reinforce.
  • We know that within our district there are many students and each one is an individual learner. Some will transition to remote learning readily while others will need more support. Our Special Education team will work closely with parents and families to support all of our students on Individualized Education Programs and our Student Support team will work with all students to make this experience as successful as possible.

I can assure you that I am corresponding with Superintendents across Massachusetts on a daily basis and North Reading is in a great place with what we are doing. As always, we will do what is best for North Reading while also being cognizant and respectful to equity concerns across the state. As I have mentioned previously, the one place where Massachusetts recognizes a need for growth is with respect to the achievement gaps that disadvantage some students due to economic status, access to technology, race, English learner status, and disability. We believe that these new guidelines and the steps we will be taking during this extended closure will allow ALL of our students to move forward and continue to learn and grow to the best of their abilities with supports in place from the district’s educators and administrators.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at any time at 978-664-9557 or

Sincerely yours,

Patrick C. Daly

Superintendent of Schools

Guiding Principles, Expectations, and Legal Notice

During this extended closure, our primary goal for the North School District is to focus on the physical, social, emotional, and mental well-being of our students. As part of this effort, we will continue to scale up our remote learning model in order to offer all students with structure, routine, academic engagement, and meaningful connections to their teachers and schools.

Remote learning is not synonymous with online learning. Remote learning can take place in a multitude of ways, including by helping students engage with resources in their everyday lives and in the natural world around them. Remote learning also provides unique opportunities to further engage students in the arts or interdisciplinary work. We must be conscious of the effects of increased screen time and seek a balance between learning through technology and remote learning that happens offline to support students’ curiosity and understanding. By engaging students academically in meaningful ways, we hope to help students and families with their overall well-being during this difficult time.

However, we also recognize that remote learning will be harder for some students in particular so the goal is to personalize this learning as much as possible in the hope that all students will feel cared for as individuals. Therefore we recognize that learning expectations must be developmentally appropriate and will vary by grade level. The following principles apply to learning expectations for all students, PK through Grade 12.

  • Teachers’ number one priority is to work to maintain a meaningful connection with students. Now more than ever, teachers and parents are essential partners in supporting students’ physical, social, emotional, and mental well-being. If at any time a teacher or parent becomes concerned that a student is disengaging academically or struggling emotionally, she or he will reach out to connect with the other to coordinate additional support and/or resources for the student. Nothing is more important than students’ feeling connected to people who care about them and their overall well being.
  • Teachers will actively seek to connect with students throughout the week to support both the social and emotional well being of students as well as to support their continued learning. Teachers will continue to hold ‘virtual office hours’ to support our students.
  • Students are expected to actively engage in the remote learning opportunities provided by educators. While the learning will focus on reinforcing prior learning and traditional grades will not be provided, student engagement will be tracked and specifics on how that will work is articulated further in materials that will be shared by your child(ren)’s principal and teachers. The priority for educators will be on providing meaningful and timely feedback on student work, and for students to be actively engaged.
  • At all levels our plan is designed with the flexibility necessary to accommodate any number of needs of both students and educators.
  • While distance learning cannot recreate a traditional classroom, it does provide unique opportunities for students to apply and deepen their knowledge through traditional learning methodologies as well as through project-based learning, real-world experiences, and interdisciplinary work. Remember that remote learning does not mean students sitting in front of a screen all day!
  • Please see our Extended Learning website for more information and resources
  • Student Support Service members (guidance counselors, adjustment counselors, Special Educators, and other support staff ) will continue to actively reach out and support the social, emotional, and learning needs of their students. This outreach and support will include:
    • Individual contact (Google/video chat, phone calls, email, other) on a regular basis to ensure that students/families on their caseload are doing well and have access to the resources they need.
    • Consistent and timely communication in response to emails and curriculum support.
    • Grade-level based communication and curriculum shared via email and/or Google Classroom.
    • Student Support personnel will continue to meet regularly to address student concerns.
    • Adjustment Counselors have coordinated office hours to be available during the school day should a staff member need to refer a student for a mental health concern or crisis situation.
    • Student Service Providers will invite students to participate in a small group or individual instructional groups to review and deepen learning.
    • As noted, the implementation of remote learning must be developmentally appropriate, and therefore varies by age. With age comes a greater ability for independence, and our approach assumes an increasing degree of student responsibility throughout the grade levels. The details below outline the implications of these guidelines for each grade level.

It is clear that individual student experiences will vary depending on their age, academic maturity, individual and family needs, access and capacity for remote learning, health, and disability. When in doubt, return to our guiding principle knowing that engaging students and caring for their overall well being is our number one priority. This plan is about creating and maintaining a remote learning environment that best meets the students’ social and emotional needs during this difficult time.

More detailed information about these expectations and the practical impact for your child(ren) will be provided by your child(ren)’s schools administration and educators.

Grades 9-12 Expectations

  • Students will follow a daily schedule consistent with the Green & Gold Day schedule .
  • Mondays/Thursdays are Green Days and Tuesdays/Fridays are Gold Days. Wednesdays are reserved for completing assignments/ receiving feedback from teachers/office hours for students and parents (as needed.)
  • All schedules and assignments are flexible to accommodate the unique needs of our students during this time. However, it is recommended that students follow the schedule provided whenever practicable.

Grades 6-8 Expectations

  • Students will follow a modified schedule that reflects their current classes.
  • Monday is Day 1, Tuesday is Day 2, Thursday is Day 3, and Friday is Day 4 . Wednesdays are reserved for completing assignments independently for any subjects.
  • All schedules and assignments are flexible to accommodate the unique needs of our students during this time. However, it is recommended that students follow the schedule provided whenever practicable.

Grades PreK-5 Expectations

  • Students will follow a remote learning schedule that includes specified time periods each day for student engagement.
  • Students will be invited to live check-ins at least twice per week.
  • Wednesdays will allow for students to complete independent work on assignments.
  • All schedules and assignments are flexible to accommodate the unique needs of our students during this time.


Dear Parents and Guardians,

As you know, our school district has presently closed its physical school buildings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period of school closure, the District will be providing students with remote learning opportunities, which may include analog materials, telephone calls, video conferencing, pre-recorded lessons, and other online services. Students are expected to participate in these services if possible. Please reach out to your child’s teacher or principal if you become aware of any issues with your child accessing the remote opportunities provided by the District.

In accordance with state and federal laws, including the Massachusetts Wiretapping Act and FERPA, parents and students must refrain from recording any and all remote lessons. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis due to special circumstances, and only with the consent of everyone involved in the lesson.

In addition, while parents/ guardians are permitted to observe online instruction in a non-disruptive manner, to the extent that remote learning opportunities provide access to confidential student information, all participants agree, by participating in this remote learning opportunity, to refrain from disseminating any confidential student information about other student participants with any and all third parties.

By participating in the remote learning opportunities, consent to this request is hereby provided.

Similarly, we ask everyone in our school community to recognize that video conferences and other online services will be taking place in the homes of the educators and students who participate in the calls, and to be mindful of everyone’s right to privacy. To that end, we remind our students to dress appropriately and choose an appropriate location in their home from which to participate in any and all remote learning opportunities, particularly those with a video component. Parents/ guardians should take all precautions to safeguard personal or private information that they do not wish to be disclosed.

Students will be expected to behave in accordance with school rules of conduct while participating in remote instruction. Cyber-bullying, harassment, discrimination, and abuse of the remote learning process will not be tolerated and may result in suspension from remote learning, as well as additional consequences when school resumes. The District also encourages its staff and students alike to limit disruptions to remote lessons to the extent feasible (while also recognizing that sometimes pets, small children, and technical difficulties cannot be prevented from disrupting a lesson that happens at home).

Special education teachers, ELL/ SEI teachers, and individual service providers will be in contact with parents/ guardians of students with specialized learning needs regarding necessary modifications to the remote learning opportunities offered to other members of an individual student’s class, as well as to discuss direct and group service provision. Any small group remote video services are subject to this notice.

Parents/guardians may choose to request that analog materials be provided as a substitute to online materials to the extent feasible on a case by case basis.

By accessing these services, the District recognizes that you and your child consent to access online remote learning tools and agree to fully comply with the requirements of this letter.

We appreciate your time and attention to this notice.

If you have any questions about the contents of this notice, please contact the appropriate building or district administrator. If you are unclear about the best point of contact, please contact Superintendent of Schools, Patrick Daly,