North Reading Digtal Learning

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Digital Learning and Technology

Vision Statement

The North Reading Public Schools is committed to providing a technology rich learning environment that promotes the development of skills and understandings necessary for both students and staff to compete in the global workforce.

We will strive to meet the needs of our 21st century learners with a technologically infused and progressive curriculum. We will also endeavor to use technology to help us collect and analyze student, educator, and district achievement.

In support of our vision and the district mission, the North Reading Public Schools endeavors to meet the challenges of the State and National Education Technology Plan in the following areas:

  • Learning: Change the learning process so it's more engaging and tailored to students' needs and interests.

  • Assessment: Measure student progress on the full range of college and career ready standards and use real time data for continuous improvement.

  • Teaching: Connect teachers to the tools, resources, experts and peers they need to be highly effective and supported. Support the integration and facilitate the use of technology throughout our professional learning community.

  • Infrastructure: Provide broadband connectivity for all students, everywhere—in schools, throughout communities and in students' homes.

  • Productivity: Use technology to help schools become more productive and accelerate student achievement while managing costs.

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