
PreK Remote Learning Sample Daily Schedule

Read at least 15 minutes a day. Encourage children to retell experiences and events that are important to them through pictures and dictation.

Physical Activity/Outdoor Play (Goal 30-60 minutes a day)

Hands-on Activity (at least 10-20 mins) Ex. building structures from household items/boxes, art projects, etc.

Cognitive Development Activities (20 minutes a day) Ex. counting objects, sorting household items, exploration activities, etc.

Rest or Quiet Time (60 minutes a day)

Other Suggestions:

  • Limit screen time/online activities to 20 minutes a day

  • Promote language development and communication by engaging children in conversation throughout the day, engage in back and forth dialogue by asking open-ended questions, and involving them in rhymes, songs, and fingerplays.

For more information regarding open-ended questions, please visit: