Ranger Service Learning 


 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  -Margaret Mead

Class Overview

Ranger Service Learning is a grade 12 elective intertwining Social Studies & English curricula with volunteer service to promote engaged and responsible citizenship. Students earn THREE credits (English 12, Social Studies Elective & Service Learning) upon successful completion of the course.

The AM class of 2024 RSL students displaying their individual service hour certificates for the school year.

John Pieschalski, RSL Teacher

About the Teachers

John Pieschalski began teaching at North Ridgeville High School in 2006 as part of the English Department. He taught English for six years at Clearview High School in Lorain before coming to NRHS.

Steve Malone began teaching at North Ridgeville High School in 2012 as part of the Social Studies Department. He taught at Amherst Steele High School for three years before coming to NRHS.

Steve Malone, RSL Teacher
