Project Timeline
Expected Project Timeline:
April 18, 2024 Registration for the project:
Please complete the online form listing all of the dates and times that you are available. The more options you choose, the easier it is to match your classroom.
April 25 - 26, 2024 Partner pairing:
Classroom teachers will be contacted by the OhioDLA with your scheduled connection and your partner class's information.
We encourage you to reach out to your partner teacher to discuss the types of questions you are completing or the concepts that you might want used to reinforce your curriculum .
Partners will receive a Google Drive Folder with a Google Slideshow for each class. DO NOT SHARE the folder with your students. Share only the slideshow titled for your class.
April 25-28, 2024: Student Collaboration
Student groups create a word problem(s) to be added to their classroom's slideshow--question on one slide, answer on the next.
The class reviews the questions and confirms the answers are correct.
April 29 - May 3, 2024 - Math Marvel Connections
OhioDLA combines partners slideshows for scheduled connection.
Classes connect on their scheduled times for the Quiz Bowl to take place.
Student groups will take turns reading their questions to the teams on the other side.
If a school is having network challenges, the OhioDLA facilitator will read on their behalf.
Students compete locally to answer questions based on their teachers answering preferences.