Course Name: Introduction to internet of things
SME: Prof. Sudip Msihra
Institute: IIT Kharagpur
Course Name: Soft Skills
SME: Prof. Binod Mishra
Institute: IIT Roorkee
Course Name: Health Research Fundamentals
Course Name: Design and Analysis of algorithms
SME: Prof. Madhavan Mukund
Institute: Chennai Mathematical Institute
Course Name: Ecology and Environment
SME: Prof. Abhijit Deshpande And Prof.R Ravi Krishna
Institute: IITÂ
Course Name: Introduction to Operating Systems
SME: Prof. Chester Rebeiro
Institute: IIT Madras
Course Name: Object Oriented Analysis and Design
SME: Prof. Partha Pratim Das
Course Name: Introduction to wireless and Cellular communications
SME: Prof. David Koilpillai
Course Name: Managing Intellectual Property in Universities
SME: Prof. Feroze Ali
Course Name: Database management System
Course Name: Financial Accounting
SME: Prof. Varadaraj Bapat
Institute: IIT Bombay
Course Name: Body Language: Key to professional Success
SME: Prof.Rashmi Gaur
Course Name: Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things
SME: Prof. Sudip Mishra
Course Name: TALE 2: Course Design and Instruction of Engineering Course
Course Name: Information Security -5 -Secure System Engineering
SME:Prof.Chester Rebeiro
Course Name: Fluid Dynamics and Turbomachines
SME:Prof.Dhiman Chatterjee and Prof.Shamit Bakshi
Course Name: Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics
SME: Prof. Mahesh Panchangula
Course Name: Analog Circuits
SME: Prof. Nagendra Krishnapura
Course Name: Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality
SME: Prof.T.Ravichandran
Institute: IIT Kanpur
Course Name: Software Testing
SME: Prof.Rajib Mall
Course Name: Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice
SME: Prof. G K Suraishkumar,Prof.Edamana Prasad,Prof.Karmalkar S,Prof.Richa Verma
Course Name: Privacy and Security in Online Social Media
SME: Prof.Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
Institute: IIIT Delhi
Course Name: Design Practice
SME: Prof.Shantanu Bhattacharya
Course Name: Analysis and Design Principles of Microwaves Antennas
SME: Prof.Amitabha Bhattacharya
Course Name: Real Time operating Systems
SME: Prof. Rajib Mall
Course Name: Globalization and Culture
SME: Prof. Anjali Gera Roy
Course Name: Principles of Signals and Systems
SME: Prof.Aditya K Jagannatham
Course Name: How the Brain creates the Mind
 SME: Prof.Alok Bajpai
Course Name: Design for Internet of Things
 SME: Prof.T V Prabhakar
Institute: IISc Bangalore
Course Name: Sensors nd Actuators
 SME: Prof.Hardik J Pandya
Course Name: Basic Electronics
 SME: Prof. M.B. Patil
Course Name: Industrial Automation and Control
 SME: Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay
Course Name: Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers - SDOF systems
 SME: Prof. Riya Catherine George
Course Name: Stereochemistry
 SME: Prof. Amit Basak
Course Name: Cloud Computing
 SME: Prof. Soumya Kanti Ghosh
Course Name: Microwave Theory and Techniques
 SME: Prof. Girish Kumar
Course Name: Principles of Human Resource Management
 SME: Prof. Aradhana Malik
Course Name: Services Marketing: A Practical Approach
 SME: Prof. Biplab Datta
Course Name: Computer Architecture
 SME: Prof.Madhu Mutyam
Course Name: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
 SME: Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham
Course Name: Switching Circuits and Logic Design
 SME: Prof. Indranil Sengupta
Course Name: VLSI Physical Design
Course Name: Stress Management
 SME: Prof. Rajlakshmi Guha
Course Name: Integrated Circuits, Mosfets, OP-Amps and their Applications
 SME: Prof. Hardik Jeetendra Pandya
Course Name: Manufacturing systems technology part II
 SME: Prof.Shantanu Bhattacharya
Course Name: Non-Conventional Energy Resources
 SME: Prof. Prathap Haridoss
Course Name: Psychology of Everyday
 SME: Prof. Braj Bhushan and Dr. Alok Bajpai
Course Name: Introduction to Research
Course Name: Design of Steel Structures
 SME: Prof. Damodar Maiti
Course Name: Basic electric circuits
 SME: Prof. Ankush sharma
Course Name: Bioreactors
 SME: G. K. Suraishkumar
Course Name: MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation
 SME: Niket Kaisare
Course Name: Power system analysis
 SME: Prof. Debapriya Das
Course Name: Brief Introduction to Psychology
 SME: Prof. Braj Bhushan
Course Name: Introduction to Operations ResearchÂ
 SME: Prof. G. Srinivasan
Course Name: Engineering mathematics - I
 SME: Prof. Jitendra kumar
Institute:IIT Kharagpur
Course Name: Human molecular genetics
 SME: Prof. S.Ganesh
Course Name: Fundamentals of database systems
 SME: Prof.Arnab Bhattacharya
Course Name: Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE)
 SME: Prof N J Rao
Course Name: Fundamentals of electrical engineering
 SME: Prof. Debapriya das
Course Name: Design Thinking - A Primer
 SME: Prof. Ashwin Mahalingam,Prof. Bala Ramadurai
Course Name: Photogeology In Terrain Evaluation (Part 2)
 SME: Prof.Javed Malik
Course Name: Biology for engineers and other non-biologists
 SME: Prof. Suraishkumar, Prof. Madhulika Dixit
Course Name:Waves and Oscillations
 SME: Prof.M. S. Santhanam
Institute:IISER Pune
Course Name:Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving
 SME: Prof. Deepak Khemani
Institute:IIT Madras
Course Name:Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory
 SME: Prof. Manoj Harbola
Course Name:Basic Electrical Circuits
 SME: Prof. Nagendra Krishnapura
Course Name:Soft Skill Development
 SME: Prof. Priyadarshi Patnaik, Prof. V.N. Giri & Prof. D. Suar
Course Name:Advanced Topics in the Science and Technology of Concrete
 SME: Prof.Ravindra Gettu, Prof.Manu Santhanam
Course Name:Appreciating Linguistics: A Typological Approach
 SME: Prof.Anindita Sahoo
Course Name:Data Science for Engineers
 SME: Prof. Ragunathan Rengasamy,Prof. Shankar Narasimhan
Course Name:Project Management
 SME:Prof. Raghu Nandan Sengupta
Course Name:Emotional Intelligence
 SME:Prof. Rabindra Kumar Pradhan
Course Name:Introductory quantum mechanics
 SME:Prof. Manoj Harbola
Institute:IIT Kanpur
Course Name:Managing Services
 SME:Prof.Jayanta Chatterjee
Course Name:Chemistry - I
 SME:Prof. Mangala Sunder Krishnan
Course Name:Cell Culture Technologies Â
SME:Prof. Mainak Das
Course Name:Applied Thermodynamics for Engineers
SME:Prof.Dipankar N. Basu
Institute:IIT Guwahati
Course Name:Engineering mathematics -II
SME:Prof. Jitendra kumar
Institute:IIT KGP
Course Name:Transform Calculus and its applications in Differential Equations Â
SME:Prof. Adrijit Goswami
Course Name:Introduction to Rings and Fields Â
Institute:Chennai Mathematical Institute
Course Name:Computational Electromagnetics Â
SME:Prof.Uday Khankhoje
Course Name:Differential equations for engineers
SME:Prof. Srinivasa Manam
Course Name:Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms Â
SME:Prof. Sudarshan Iyengar
Course Name: Recent Advances in Transmission Insulators
SME: Prof.Subba Reddy B
Course Name: Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering
SME: Prof. Subrata kumar majumdar
Institute: IIT Guwahati
Course Name: Energy conservation and waste heat recovery
SME: Prof. PK Das , Prof. A Bhattacharya
Course Name: Software Project Management
Course Name: Nonlinear and Adaptive Control
SME: Prof. Shubhendu Bhasin
Institute: IIT Delhi
Course Name: Nanotechnology, Science and Applications
SME: Prof.Prathap Haridoss
Course Name: Engineering Mechanics
SME:Prof.K. Ramesh
Course Name: Introduction To Mineral Processing
SME:Prof. Arun Kumar Majumder
Course Name: Transport phenomena
SME:Prof. Sunando Dasgupta
Course Name: Experimental Physics I
SME:Prof.Amal Kumar Das
Course Name: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
SME:Prof. Santanu Chattopadhyay
Course Name: Computer numerical control CNC of machine tools and processes
SME:Prof. Asimava Roy Choudhury
Course Name: Employment Communication - A Lab based course
SME:Prof. Seema Singh
Course Name: Digital Electronic Circuits
SME:Prof. Goutam Saha
Course Name: Power System Engineering
SME:Prof. Debapriya Das
Course Name: Engineering drawing and computer graphics
SME:Prof. Rajaram lakkaraju
Course Name: Product Design and Development
SME:Prof. Inderdeep singh
Course Name: Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
SME:Prof. Sanjiv Sambandan
Institute:IISc Bangalore
Course Name: Electrical Machines - I
Course Name:Strength of materials
SME:Prof. Sriman Kumar Bhattacharya
Course Name:Concepts of Thermodynamics
SME:Prof. Suman Chakraborty,Dr. Aditya Bandopadhyay
Course Name:Cost Accounting
SME:Prof. Varadraj Bapat
Institute:IIT Bombay
Course Name:Technical English for Engineers
SME:PProf. Aysha Iqbal
Course Name:C Programming and Assembly Language
SME:Prof.Janakiraman Viraraghavan
Course Name:Control engineering
SME:Prof. Ramkrishna.P
Course Name:Digital Circuits
SME:Prof. Jayanta Mukherjee
Course Name:Computer architecture and organization
SME:Prof.Indranil Sengupta, Prof. Kamalika Datta
Course Name:Engineering Metrology
SME:Prof. J. Ramkumar / Prof. Amandeep Singh
SME:Dr.Jayanta Kumar Ghosh
Course Name: Marketing Management-I
SME: Prof. Jayanta Chatterjee / Prof. Shashi Shekhar Mishra
Institute: IITK
Course Name: Developing Soft Skills and Personality
SME: Prof. T Ravichandran
Course Name: Machine Learning, ML
SME: Prof. Carl Gustaf Jansson
Institute: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Course Name: Effective Writing
Institute: IITR