Summer Before Fourth Grade

So, you're going to be a 4th grader! Below are lots of ideas that can help you prepare for 4th grade.


Multiplication and Division:

Practice your multiplication facts this summer!!! Depending on how well you knew your fact by the end of third grade, try to practice anywhere from 5-20 minutes/day.

Ways to practice your multiplication facts:

Addition and Subtraction: 

Review our lessons in multi-digit addition and subtraction (with regrouping) by printing out worksheets and/or practicing online with drills, games and activities.


Be on the lookout for fractions this summer! They are EVERYWHERE - in the kitchen, at summer camp, in your pizza, in your family, in your book, at the grocery store, in your closet, in your bag of M&Ms! Find them, think about them and talk about them. You can also review our lessons in fractions by printing out worksheets and/or practicing online with drills, games and activities.

Preparing for 4th Grade Math:

4th Grade Math Topics: Get a head start by watching videos online, trying out some worksheets or even have an older sibling, friend, or other relative introduce you to the concepts.

Go Math - Getting Ready for 4th Grade Worksheets


Reading over the summer is VERY important! 

Check out Mrs. Peritore's AMAZING list of books by reading level.

Online Reading: Raz Kids, Big Universe and Storia will continue to work with your login and password until they’re changed for 4th grade. I’ll be checking in to see who’s logging on!

Other Reading Opportunities:


Pick one or more to keep your writing skills sharp this summer. Don’t forget the non-negotiables:

Keep a summer journal:

Use a spiral notebook, composition notebook, journal or type it on the computer! Make a plan to write a little every few days or every week. Be sure to start each entry with the date so you can look back on your memories from the summer. Here are some ideas…

Write a letter or send a postcard:

The five parts of a letter are easy to remember… heading, greeting, body, closing, signature… parts of a letter, parts of a letter. 

Write an All-About:

Pick a topic you know a lot about or think about something you are really interested in and do some research. Make a google slideshow with pictures and other non-fiction features


Some of my favorite YouTube channels…