Sub Plans

Recorder Sub Plans for March:

Use this Google Slideshow for all of the links required for today's lesson. Students may have already done some of the slides, but will benefit from the extra practice. You can mix and match from each section to fill the time in the most appropriate way to keep students engaged. If they seem to be losing focus, then move onto something else.

**Notes for the sub: covering teachers, please feel free to use the plans above or use the time in whatever way you deem most beneficial to your class. If you need time to catch up in another subject, then do that and don't worry if you skip these plans altogether.

Recorder Sub Plans for December:

**Notes for the sub: covering teachers, please feel free to use the plans above or use the time in whatever way you deem most beneficial to your class. If you need time to catch up in another subject, then do that and don't worry if you skip these plans altogether.

Recorder Sub Plans for September, October and November

Recorder Sub Plans for January, February, and March

Recorder Sub Plans for April, May, and June