About Speech Therapy

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is a specialized therapy done by speech -language pathologist who treat students with communication delays or disorders. Speech therapy can include one or more of the following communication areas:

Expressive language: unable to form meaningful messages using age appropriate grammar or word finding difficulties.
Receptive language: difficulty understanding what is being said to them.
Articulation/speech: unable to produce age appropriate sounds.
Social language: difficulties with turn taking, initiating and maintaining a conversation, repairing conversation breakdowns, perspective taking and interpreting non-verbal cues.
Voice: disturbance of pitch, loudness or quality in relation to a individuals age, gender and culture.
Oral Motor: difficulties with muscle function and/or motor planning that affect the individual's ability to eat, drink, or speak.
APD(Auditory Processing Disorder): difficulties attending, poor listening skills, following multi-step directions, difficulties processing information.
Augmentative : assisting non-verbal student’s communication with a communication device or PECS (Picture Exchange System).

For more information regarding speech therapy, please refer to the American Speech and Hearing Association: https://www.asha.org/