Technology & Design

Technology and Design

Technology and Design is an inquiry based STEM course that combines aspects of science, technology, engineering and math to introduce students to the world of technology as it relates to problem solving challenges and the engineering design process. Students will develop skills with which to identify a problem and work toward possible solutions using the design process. They will be exposed to different design project challenges related to transportation, energy, structures, forces, and manufacturing and construction technologies. They will learn about materials, tools, machines and construction principles to help build working models to solve technology challenges.

Students will learn to apply critical thinking, decision-making, and problem solving skills as individuals and/or teams to develop solutions to the various challenges. They will learn how to apply their knowledge from math and science classes and use it along with the materials and tools to design and build functional models and projects. Students will also learn how to communicate with team members and work safely as a team while producing their work. In addition to content-based knowledge and skills, this curriculum integrates the skills, knowledge, and expertise of 21st Century Learning as identified by the Partnership for 21st CenturySkills. Twenty-first Century Learning, when used in combination with standards-based content, ensures that students are prepared for success in today’s challenging environment. The course is designed to help students build the following 21st Century Skills: Information and Media Literacy; Communication Skills; Critical Thinking; Problem Identification and Solution; Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills; Self-Direction; Accountability and Adaptability; Global Thinking and Social Responsibility.

Upon completion of this course, students will have acquired the knowledge to better understand and appreciate quality craftsmanship and design. This knowledge will make the student a more educated consumer with a better understanding of technology and how it affects the world in which we live. The knowledge and skills developed here will enable them to integrate problem solving principles to real world situations in future work and life challenges.