Academy Events

Logo Design by Ryan Peruta
(Academy Graduate, 2019)

Lunch & Learns

Lunch & Learn events allow Academy students to hear directly from professionals in their field of interest. Our guests speak about their education and career paths, as well as what students can expect on a daily basis. They will often share information about the trends/changes in the field as well as skills that are important to master.

Employer Panels

Employer Panel events allow the members of our Career Academy Advisory Board (community members and professionals in the field) to speak directly to our students about what it takes to get hired, stay employed, and thrive in any career. These events typically take place after school.

Job Shadows

Job Shadows allow individual students or small groups of students the opportunity to spend some time outside of school observing and interacting with a professional in their place of employment. We have a variety of local partners that have agreed to host students, but are always looking for new sites.

Field Trip

In a typical year, Academy students will be invited to attend 3-4 field trips relevant to their field(s) of interest. These field trips range from educational seminars and tours of innovative companies to entrepreneurial competitions and hands-on forensic science experiences. Our student organizations (DECA, FBLA, HOSA, etc. also take additional trips to competitions, etc.

Mock Interviews

Mock Interview days allow students the opportunity to practice their interviewing skills and receive immediate feedback on their performance from members of our Career Academy Advisory Board and community partners.


Career Academy students will attend workshops on a variety of topics, including:

Crafting Cover Letters

Building Resumes

Interview Skills

Workplace Safety


Career Academy students participate in Internships with a variety of local partners and organizations. Most students begin to seek internship opportunities in their Junior year, and internships can take place at any point during the calendar year. A few internship placements are paid, but the majority are unpaid. We work hard to find students placements in their specific field of interest, but for a variety of reasons, that may not be possible. However, all internships offer students the opportunity to observe and take on tasks that will be relevant to their career goals.

Please click here for more information about the yearly requirements of the Career Academies.