Audition Process

Welcome to the Audition Process for our Arts High School Guitar Department. Our auditions take place at Arts High School in front of a panel of professional musicians who also teach at AHS.

Click here for the AHS Audition Requirements, Video Tutorials, and Sign Ups.

Click here for our Guitar Program Recruitment Video

Each student auditioning must:

  • Complete this online application (see FAQs for further details)

  • Prepare these audition materials, paying close attention to tempo markings and fingerings

  • Secure an audition time at this SignUp Genius site

  • Arrive in person, or virtually log on to your audition, with an acoustic guitar (preferably a nylon-string guitar) and a hard copy of audition music

  • Virtual Auditions: Log on to this Webex site on time

  • Be prepared to perform the audition music as well as sight- read short pieces provided at the audition

Additional information:

* Each audition is limited to 15 minutes

* All required scales must be memorized and played at designated tempo

* Students may not use any form of tablature

* Audition will include short sight reading excerpts

* Parents are not allowed in the audition, but may wait in the warm-up room or cafeteria

  • Click here for a downloadable PDF containing the audition materials.