Parents FAQ and the Answers too!


Look for answers to your questions here. If you do not find what you need please email me at kenworkk@npenn.org

Question: How many books can my child check out?

Answer: Kindergarten checks out 1 book at a time

First grade checks out 2 books

Third through sixth grade checks out 3 books.

These numbers can be adjusted if a project is assigned by a teacher and a student needs books for research.

Question: What kind of books may my child check select?

Answer: We have about 20,000 books in our library. Due to time constraints, kindergarten students will be checking out preselected books from our "easy" fiction or "easy" non-fiction section during library class each week. First grade students are directed to the easy and easy non-fiction section but then chapter books are introduced to their selections after the winter holiday break. If you feel your first grade child is ready for chapter books prior to that date please contact me and I will help your child with that selection when they are ready. We also encourage students to select books that speak to his/her own curiosities and interests. Free choice of reading materials is an integral part of our program. We encourage all children to try to select one book they can read on their own (if they can read J) and the others may be books that need to be read to them.

Question: How long can my child keep their books and when do they return them?

Answer: Books need to be returned after two weeks or renewed if your child needs more time. Students may return books during their library class or during any of the open library times that are posted on the library home page. Overdue notices are sent by email or distributed to homerooms at a minimum of once a week and students are reminded during their library class of books that are due. If books are over a month overdue, letters will be mailed home addressed to you as the parent/guardian of the child and phone calls may be made as well.

Question: What if a book gets damaged or lost?

Please contact the library or ask your child to request a payment paper. The payment paper will include the book title and cost to replace it. Cash payment is appreciated or checks made out to “Inglewood Library”. If you find the book at a later date and it is still in good condition, please return the book. If it is found during the same school year (September to June) you will receive a refund. Please note: if your child brings home a book that is already damaged please remind them to bring it to our attention so that we can repair it if possible before it circulates again.

Question: Do you have “Birthday Book” program?

Yes!!! If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with a gift that lasts forever, please consider purchasing a new, preferably hard cover book and send it in to the library with your child’s name and birth date. We will place a bookplate inside with that information and show the book to other students in the school. If you need title ideas please contact us.

Question: Do you accept donations?

Answer: Absolutely! Any books that are still in good condition that you would like to donate will be either added to our library collection or given to teachers for classroom use. If the book cannot be used in either of these locations, we will ask if you would like the book/s back or if you would like us to donate them to other worthy places.