Welcome to the
Welcome to the
Bridle Path Library!
Bridle Path Library!
I'm the Librarian, Ms. Kristen Fiedler.
Contact me: fiedlekl@npenn.org
Class Schedule:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 46-Price 3-Zebluim 6-Crawford 6-Margolis3-Fusaro 1-Melville 1-Zazyczny 3-Arney1-Baker 4-Berlanda 4-Caya 4-Hoffman2-Young 2-Stewart 2-Huynh 2-SylvesterK-Grabon K-Walker 4-(Walton Farm) K-Barmore 5-Ellsesser 5-Lomas 5-AbramsonClass Schedule:
Important Information:
Important Information:
North Penn Chromebook Rules (K-12)