Employee Discount

This FREE opportunity is available to businesses and organizations offering a discount on products or services to the district’s approximately 2,000 staff members. You supply a logo and either a PDF flyer or verbiage describing your discount and NPSD will post the information on the Intranet.

How It Works

  • Provide a JPG or PNG logo for the Employee Discount Directory (employees click your logo to be directed to the supplied flyer)

  • Provide a PDF flyer containing information about the discount for North Penn employees, how they need to identify themselves, any exclusions and any other information about your products and/or services.

  • You may change up the PDF flyer with at least one week's notice.

  • You may cancel your discount at any time (with at least one week's notice) by contacting Erika Shaedle.

  • Each school year, you will need to complete an advertiser's agreement to confirm your discount is still valid, or to indicate expiration date.

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