Poster Session 2 

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 10am-12pm 

NMT Skeen Library

SRS2024-010Sensing Sprites with Neuromorphic Cameras 

AUTHOR(S): Brandon Smith 

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Caitano da Silva

Neuromorphic sensors have inherently-fast speeds and low data rates, which potentially make them ideal for the observation of transient sources, such as lightning and sprites. Particularly, for autonomous observations. In this article, we report the first observations of sprites from the ground with a neuromorphic sensor. These observations are accompanied by measurements with established instruments such as low-light level and high-frame rate cameras. We determine that neuromorphic sensors can capture sprites and determine their duration to an accuracy of roughly 6 ms. Average sprite duration were found to be 55 ms within our data set. We have also ascertained that sprites may be too dim for the neuromorphic sensors to resolve the internal spatiotemporal dynamics, without the aid of intensifiers. 

SRS2024-020—Analysis of Mitochondria in Polyploid Freshwater Snails 

AUTHOR(S): Halie Locke 

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Joel Sharbrough

Whole-genome duplication (WGD) events and the resulting state of polyploidy are a fundamental mutational process that is common in eukaryotes. WGDs result in the duplication of the entire nuclear genome, resulting in organisms possessing multiple sets of chromosomes. As a result, WGDs are crucial in shaping the genetic diversity, adaptability, and evolutionary paths of organisms. In our research, we aimed to investigate these concepts by using two fluorescent stains, DAPI and MitoTracker Red, to selectively label DNA and mitochondria within cells of Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a freshwater snail native to New Zealand, but invasive around the world (including New Mexico). Notably, P. antipodarum exhibits a wide range of ploidy levels from diploid to hexaploid, and everything in between. To evaluate the degree to which WGD alters mitochondrial biology, we simultaneously stained double stranded DNA with DAPI (emits blue fluorescence under UV light) and mitochondria with MitoTracker Red, a small, positively charged fluorophore that selectively accumulates inside mitochondria via the electrochemical gradient. We used confocal microscopy, a powerful imaging technique that provides high resolution, three-dimensional images of the sample, to quantify the number and size of mitochondria inside intact cells. This analysis provides valuable information of the dynamics and distribution of mitochondria within diploid vs. polyploid cells of P. antipodarum. Overall, our research contributes to a deeper understanding of the effect of polyploidy on mitochondrial function and evolution, and more broadly in understanding the role of WGD in shaping the genetic and physiological characteristics of organisms.

SRS2024-034—Temperature Variation at Different Altitudes

AUTHOR(S): Lauren Hall, Fredrick Beckmann

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Sharon Sessions

In this study, HOBO sensors were utilized to compare temperatures at different elevations across campus. The methodology involved a collaborative effort among students who strategically placed the sensors at random locations across campus, varying in elevation such as rooftops, ground level, and suspension from trees. The temperature data collection spanned a period of 7 to 14 days. Following this timeframe, the HOBO data logger was employed to analyze temperature fluctuations and other patterns during this time period. This project compares the HOBO data sensor output for different elevations across campus to understand the impact of elevation on temperatures.

SRS2024-035—Weather in a Tank

AUTHOR(S): Catherine Maneri, Haley Cordova 

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Sharon Sessions

This project investigates the role of eddies created by the Coriolis force in the accumulation of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. We hypothesize that eddies trap garbage in a specific location, and that garbage would be more dispersed without the influence of rotation. The garbage chokes the ocean’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which exacerbates climate change. The localized collection may make it easier to collect and remove the garbage. Using a weather in a tank experiment set-up, we observed how eddies form, the role of rotation in creating eddies, and the effects of eddies on fluid flow. When the rotation speed is increased, a larger number of smaller eddies form within the same volume of water. In one setup we observe the fluid rotation and how garbage moves on the surface. In another setup, we increase the rotation rate of the tank and observe how the formation of eddies impact the distribution of garbage on the surface. Our conclusions are that eddies can be reproduced; they increase in number with rotation and speed; garbage does flow along the circles of eddy motion; we can estimate the number of eddies in an area; gather locations of garbage based off of the eddy’s location; and we can contribute to the extensive effort needed to clean up our oceans.

SRS2024-043Mapping I-25 Topographically using a Cellular Pressure Recording App

AUTHOR(S): Hannah Aranda

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Richard Sonnenfeld

The goal of this project is to build off preexisting concepts of the relationship between pressure, p and altitude (z) using data recorded by the Barometer PlusTM app and the formula:

p=p_surface e^((-z)/h)

where p_surface = is the surface pressure and h is the scale height.

It is possible to extrapolate the altitude given a pressure recorded at any point on the Earth’s surface with relatively precise accuracy. Research performed by NASA was used to generate a topographic map of the Earth’s surface using satellite data. The issue with this method was that the error of the satellite scans was roughly 2-3 meters. With small islands and atolls, this error can make the difference between a community being safe from sea swells/tides or being underwater. To address this, scientists were sent to these atolls to accurately map the elevations of the islands. The method that proved to be the most accurate was to record the pressure at key locations of the island and use the above formula to find the accurate altitude. It is hypothesized that it will be possible to use modern technology, such as phones, in order to implement a similar mapping technique. Using the app that has been proven to accurately record pressure while driving, A pressure map will be recorded while driving between Albuquerque and Las Cruces. Once the pressures are recorded, they will be inputted into the same program the scientists mapping atolls used in order to topographically map the trip and test our hypothesis.

SRS2024-044—Eco-crete: High Strength, Low Embodied Carbon Concrete

AUTHOR(S): Kimberly Whiston, Thomas Bond


As global warming becomes a larger dilemma, it is important to address any and all sources of carbon emissions, the production of concrete and Portland cement constituting a significant portion. In an attempt to address this, a concrete mix was developed to produce high strength concrete while minimizing the use of virgin materials and keeping the embodied carbon footprint low. The mix consists of completely recycled aggregates such as plastic, concrete, PV glass, as well as slag left over from ore refining processes. It was mixed and compacted into three by six inch cylinder molds and allowed to set for thirteen days. Next, it was cut from the molds and the concrete had its compressive strength tested by a hydraulic press. The concrete on average supported 7,215 pounds of force or 1,020.7 PSI. Although the mix exhibited low strength, it did have a low embodied carbon, indicating potential applications in low-stress environments. With modifications, the strength of the mix could increase while keeping the embodied carbon footprint low.

SRS2024-047—Investigating the Effects of Phleomycin on P. aeruginosa and S. maltophilia Biofilms 

AUTHOR(S): Bianca Wanamaker


Biofilms are three-dimensional associations of bacteria and extracellular compounds. Bacteria in biofilms enjoy greater antimicrobial resistance and protection against animal immune systems than planktonic cells. Biofilm infections are therefore difficult to treat, which, considering that a majority of bacterial infections are caused by biofilms, makes them an important target in antimicrobial development. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia are gram negative bacteria that are often multidrug resistant, found in healthcare settings, and cause nosocomial infections. Both form biofilms with matrices composed of proteins, polysaccharides, and eDNA. Polymicrobial infections of these species are synergistic. Phleomycin is a radiomimetic antibiotic and antitumor agent, inducing DNA breakage in a way that mimics DNA damage from ionizing radiation. This suggests that it may be used to break the matrix eDNA in P. aeruginosa and S. maltophilia biofilms, damaging the structural integrity of the biofilm. This research aims to investigate the effects of phleomycin on the biofilm forming abilities of P. aeruginosa and S. maltophilia. Titration of DNA with phleomycin showed that all phleomycin concentrations damage DNA, but a ratio of 26 mg phleomycin to mg DNA resulted in a lack of visible DNA band in agarose gel. Future experiments will be the determination of minimum inhibitory concentration of phleomycin on P. aeruginosa and S. maltophilia, biofilm growth assay, time of addition assay, and determination of potential synergisms. This research seeks to determine the relationship between phleomycin exposure and biofilm formation and growth, and to extrapolate those findings to the exposure of biofilms to ionizing radiation.

SRS2024-050—Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1) Hosts a Bacteriophage Isolated from the Socorro WasteWater Treatment Plant  

AUTHOR(S): Abey Kouchich-Martens, Erika Eaton, Sofi Zamora 


Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses, thus obligate parasites, that infect bacteria to replicate and often kill the bacterial cell. The phages that do kill their host during the lytic life cycle are inherently antibacterial and yield opportunities in a clinical setting for treatments, particularly against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Two distinct phages infecting Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1), a common lab strain, were isolated from a sample of sewage water taken from the City of Socorro Wastewater Treatment Plant Socorro, New Mexico. The two phages, LittleStelly and MontyT, are lytic as evidenced by the plaquing morphology: circular clear plaques with defined edges. The DNA isolated from the phages was put through a series of DNA restriction digests to verify that the two phages are different. TEM imaging showed the two phages have different morphologies. LittleStelly is a myovirus and MontyT is a siphovirus with a prolate head. LittleStelly’s DNA was submitted for genomic sequencing. The double-stranded DNA genome is 282,848 base pairs long with a GC content of 36.8% and non-redundant 5’ overhang cohesive ends. It contains 369 predicted protein-coding genes and 7 predicted tRNA genes. LittleStelly is related to the phiKZ “Giant phages” based on BLAST results. Research will continue with annotating the genome and determining gene functions. LittleStelly and MontyT will be tested against multidrug-resistant strains of P. aeruginosa to determine their host range for potential application in phage therapeutic treatment. 

SRS2024-051—Garthfield and Junko: Escherichia Coli Bacteriophage Isolation and Characterization 

AUTHOR(S): Ixtel Barrera-Moncayo, Gwenevere Gatto, Lalitha Madduri, Micah Kirkman, Laurel Geoffrion, Alan Blair  


Bacteriophages (phages) are the most abundant biological entity on Earth. They contribute to conserving and maintaining microbial life because they infect bacteria cells. Because of this phages have many medical and antibacterial implications such as treating wastewater. Garthfield and Junko are phages that infect the bacteria Escherichia coli, which is an enteric bacterium found in the gut of warm-blooded animals. A direct isolation was done on a sample of filtered sewage from the Socorro Wastewater Treatment Plant, where E. coli is commonly found. Garthfield plaques were clear with an average diameter of 1.4 mm, and Junko plaques were turbid with an average diameter of 0.2 mm. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) revealed that Garthfield is a myovirus and Junko is a siphovirus. The length of the Garthfield tail was 120 nm and the capsid was 97 nm in diameter. The length of the Junko tail was 245 nm and the capsid was 93 nm in diameter. Garthfield replicates using a lytic cycle and Junko may be temperate. Garthfield was chosen for genome sequencing due to higher DNA yield. The genome is double-stranded DNA that is 135,534 base pairs long with 43.6% GC content. The genome contains 229 predicted protein-coding genes and 7 tRNAs. Future research into both phages would involve host range testing to compare whether the bacteriophages are also capable of infecting other bacteria hosts similar to E. coli along with further identification of Junko’s life cycle. 

SRS2024-055From Molecular Machine to Leaky Valve: Modeling the Mitochondrial Protein Involved in Cell Death   

AUTHOR(S): Sarah Crotzer 


Mitochondria are responsible for synthesizing the cell’s energy and play an important role in regulating cell death. When the inner membrane of the mitochondria becomes more permeable to ions and solutes, the mitochondria swells and bursts, initiating cell death. Although researchers agree that this phenomenon is caused by a protein called the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), there is much debate about the exact identity and structure of the pore. One proposed structure for the mPTP is the c-subunit ring of ATP synthase. We used molecular dynamics to simulate the ATP synthase c-subunit ring with several different mutations. The simulations were run using Amber biomolecular simulation software. Each simulation trajectory was run for 450 nanoseconds. The trajectories were analyzed using software such as CPPTRAJ to calculate values such as Root Mean Square Deviation and Root Mean Square Fluctuation, which measure how much the protein has changed in shape. The simulations were also visualized and analyzed qualitatively using ChimeraX. Modeling specific mutations revealed a pattern of structural changes. A mutation site associated with high levels of tissue death in heart attack patients resulted in dramatic changes in structure. In a similar mutation, the c-subunit ring collapsed at one end, sealing off the inner channel. Further simulations and quantitative analysis are required to gain more insight into the structure of this molecule and what role it plays in mitochondrial permeability and cell death. Including ions in future simulations would enable us to measure ion flow and compare to experimentally determined conductance values. 

SRS2024-074Exploring the Relationship Between Game Player Counts and TikTok Popularity: A Study of Social Media Influence on Gaming Trends 

AUTHOR(S): Allen Suazo

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Hayley McCullough

With TikTok boasting incredibly high numbers of global downloads, its widespread reach underscores its appeal as a potential advertising platform for video game companies. This study delves into the connection between player counts of popular video games and their levels of popularity on TikTok; the goal is to explore the role the prominent social media platform plays in shaping contemporary entertainment and cultural trends. By analyzing the overlap between TikTok engagement metrics and player counts, this study delves into the impact of social media influence across the video game landscape – is there a correlation between popularity on TikTok and popularity amongst actual gamers? Beyond further investigating TikTok and social media’s ability to shape cultural trends and discourse, this research also provides insights into TikTok as an alternative advertising tool that possibly enhances game visibility outside traditional marketing methods. 

SRS2024-075—Does Size Really Matter: An Analysis of Video Game Achievements to Positive Reviews 

AUTHOR(S): Angel Arredondo

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Hayley McCullough

Various factors contribute to a game's success and longevity, encompassing elements like gameplay, graphics, team size, budget, and development time. These factors are often scrutinized to discern their connections with a game's success. This study explores the concept of "Feature Creep" in games. Constant maintenance, updates, and expansions are often viewed as a necessity for the longevity of modern games, thus resulting in many companies releasing update after update – expansion after expansion. While some of these updates/expansions excel, providing players more satisfying/engaging experiences, others fall short, appearing to be nothing more than opportunistic cash grabs. As such, “Feature Creep” demands investigation into the relationship between game size and game success. This study analyzes a sample of 370 games and uses the total number of achievements to assess game size and amount of content (independent variable) with the numbers of positive and negative reviews serving as indicators of success (dependent variables) By examining whether an excess of content impacts success, insights can be gained to help teams and companies navigate this challenge and focus on other aspects of game development. 

SRS2024-077—Linguistic Analysis of Shipping in Fanfiction for Tell Tale's Walking Dead Video Game Series 

AUTHOR(S): Jaime Terrazas Lozano, Vianey Medina Soto 

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Hayley McCullough

The practice of shipping, wherein fans create relationships between characters, has long been a prevalent theme in fanfiction, regardless of whether the relationships are canonical. Our study focuses on fanfiction derived from The Walking Dead Telltale series, utilizing integrative complexity as our primary analytical tool; integrative complexity is a psycholinguistic variable that has previously been used to study both video games and fanfiction. Delving into the linguistic intricacies of character relationships in Walking Dead fanfiction, we aim to uncover whether the complexity of fanfic writing influences the prevalence of specific shipping categories. Specifically, we will compare four distinct categories (female-female, female-male, male-male, and multiple relationships) and determine which exhibits the highest level of integrative complexity. We hypothesize that stories involving multi-gendered shipping will demonstrate greater integrative complexity due to the need to navigate multiple relationships and genders within a single narrative. This exploration is impactful as it provides insights into the relationship between character shipping and structural complexity, which can provide insight into the underlying psychology of video game fandoms. As the first study of its kind to employ integrative complexity in examining character shipping in video game fanfiction, our research provides a foundation for future research to build upon, offering a deeper understanding of their interconnected dynamics of storytelling and media consumption 

SRS2024-082—Investigating the Contribution of Stellar Convection in the Large uncertainties in Gaia Parallaxes of Red Super Giant Stars 

AUTHOR(S): Damian Lovato-Admire 


Over time red supergiant stars tend to have their photo-center shifted due to convection, creating various bright spots across the star. The goal of this research project is to create a tool that reads in a reconstructed image from optical interferometric observations and uses the image to compute the photo center of a red supergiant as accurately as possible. This tool would be useful as the photo-center of a star directly impacts Gaia’s parallax calculation. This project is important because it can help astronomers accurately map the location of a star in space, allowing for further research on red supergiant stars. Another importance benefit of this project is that, we can develop methods to use Gaia observation to study the convection of red supergiants that are too far to observe with an optical interferometer. 

SRS2024-091—Comprehensive Energy Audit of a Residential Building 

AUTHOR(S): Luke Dierks, Mercy Ike Ajigah, Kirk Balogun, Victor Schiller, Alexander Schlesinger 


Energy efficiency is critical to building comfort, cost-effectiveness, and minimizing operational emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Energy audits of residential buildings are one of the key diagnostic tools that determine the energy efficiency of buildings. All houses have non-ideal openings that permit the inflow and outflow of air and thus energy loss. Determination of this leakiness and locating the leaks helps to mitigate these problems. Any penetrations in the thermal envelope of the building can be a source of air leaks such as gaps around doors and windows. Energy auditing is key to determining the leakiness or tightness of a building with a major impact on the cooling and heating systems constituting the greatest fraction of building energy consumption. This work considers the energy audit of a three-bedroom residential building in Socorro, New Mexico. Different instruments such as IR cameras, blower door testing, analysis of the gas and electricity bills over an extended period, and kill-a-watt instruments to determine the current energy consumption in the house. Additionally, a manual J calculation, an industrial standard is done to determine the building heating and cooling loads which help to size HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning) systems for the building. The building we tested was found to have quite high energy leakiness as compared to the average building. These measurement and modeling tools help identify major energy losses and provide suggestions for improvements in the building, improving efficiency and lessening environmental footprint. 

SRS2024-092—Effect of Chloroplast Size and Abundance in Diploid vs Polyploid Plants 

AUTHOR(S): Damilola Odumade 

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Joel Sharbrough

The plant genome is partitioned into three separate compartments: nucleus, plastid, and mitochondrion. Rubisco (Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) performs carbon fixation in plant chloroplasts and, similar to other jointly encoded plastid-nuclear enzyme complexes, consists of an equimolar ratio of nuclear-encoded small subunits and chloroplast-encoded large subunits. Elevation of nuclear genome copy via whole-genome duplication perturbs the delicate stoichiometry between the nuclear and plastid genomes, potentially affecting the assembly dynamics and/or abundance of plastid-nuclear enzyme complexes like Rubisco. In response to such profound genomic changes, recent work has shown that polyploids exhibit elevated chloroplast abundance and chloroplast genome copy number per cell to compensate for the perturbed stoichiometric imbalance. Consequently, polyploids are expected to exhibit higher photosynthetic capacity than related diploids. We are testing this hypothesis at the genomic and phenotypic level in diploid (Triticum urartu, Aegilops speltoides) vs. polyploid wheat (tetraploid pasta wheat – Triticum turgidum, hexaploid bread wheat – Triticum aestivum). At the genomic level, we determined the ratio of the nuclear: chloroplast genome copy number per cell using quantitative PCR. Phenotypically, we imaged chloroplasts in the mesophyll of leaf tissue using light microscopy and counted and measured chloroplast size with ImageJ. We are currently measuring photosynthetic rate using an Oxigraph+ respirometer and will use linear models to test for relationships between the genomic, tissue, and organismal level traits. Together, the data that will be produced during this project will provide important evidence regarding the question of how polyploids can overcome the constraints of polyploidy and remain an evolutionary success. 

SRS2024-104—Developing a Precision Landing Drone Using Visual and Non-Visual Sensor Techniques 

AUTHOR(S): John Racette

RESEARCH ADVISOR: Dr. Mostafa Hassanalian

The efforts of this research are directed towards the development of a semi-autonomous drone which is capable of precision landing using visual and depth cameras in conjunction with additional sensors using nonvisual cues for use in dusty or light-deprived environments. This research is rooted in the design goals of a NIOSH-funded design project, but includes more theoretical research as well. The breadth of this theoretical research covers a variety of subjects but is primarily focused on the biomimetic study of how bees and other insects utilize electrostatic and electromagnetic fields to assist in localization during flight and landing. Research into these flight techniques of insects is intended to provide insight into how electromagnetic and electrostatic signals can be used to assist in drone landing and flight. The theoretical research portion has mostly been limited to review of existing research. In terms of physical development, a drone has been built which is capable of semi-autonomous GPS denied precision landing using visual and depth sensors in conjunction with a visual fiducial tag called an April Tag. 

SRS2024-106—Multistep Synthesis for Engineering Crystals with Diverse Interactions 

AUTHOR(S): Isabella Martinez Pruet 


The development of crystals with diverse interactions is highly sought after due to its application in various fields such as catalysis, sensors, optoelectronic devices, and materials engineering. This presentation outlines our goal to use multistep synthesis to grow crystals with diverse interactions such as 2S--2N square interactions combined with hydrogen bonding from amide-amide interactions. These crystals will be grown out of solution and characterized through X-ray diffraction to characterize their structure and properties, paving the way for advanced applications in the aforementioned fields. 

SRS2024-146Cultivation and Analysis of Autotrophic, Lithotrophic, and Organotrophic Microorganisms from Cottonwood Cave, NM 

AUTHOR(S): Cassandra Skaar, Jina Cattaneo, Nathaniel Jobe, Seth Monde


Cottonwood Cave in the Guadalupe Mountains is a relic cave formed by sulfuric acid speleogenesis and is an important link between geologic and biologic processes that shows the powerful impact microbes have on the environment. The goals of our research was to sample, identify and classify microbes found in sediment samples that reflect the microbial ecosystem within the cave. Samples were collected from various sites within Cottonwood Cave: CC24-1c from the end of the Entrance Hall, CC24-3c that was collected from the soil beneath an outcrop of possible biotic origin, CC24-21c that contains evidence of photosynthetic growth, CC24-22c that was collected atop a limestone boulder near the entrance, and CC24-23c from near the natural entrance. To culture the microbes within the cave, a combination of complex media and defined media. For complex media experiments, we enriched and isolated cave microbes on a variety of media such as TSA, LB, and various concentrations of R2A. From these media, we recovered six isolates that based on BLAST analysis of their 16S rRNA genes include Paenisporosaracina sp., Bacillus sp. Cza47, Neobacillus sp., Mesillia aureus sp., Sporosarcina saromensis and Virgibacillus sp., while other isolates are still being sequenced For defined media, we are using liquid media to enrich for ammonia oxidizers, nitrite oxidizers, phototrophs, and methanol oxidizers, and are also testing agar with humic acid and chitin for organisms that degrade complex organics.We will report results for ongoing enrichment experiments, as well as culture-independent analyses of rRNA genes extracted directly from cave deposits. 

SRS2024-150Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms from Cottonwood Cave, NM 

AUTHOR(S): Halie Locke, Marisa Garcia, Brooklyn Hensley, Tiffany Spence, Natalia Gallegos 


Cottonwood Cave, located in the southeastern corner of New Mexico, presents an interesting research opportunity to evaluate microorganisms associated with its abundant sulfur and gypsum deposits. Samples were collected from the cave system and subjected to multiple enrichment and isolation techniques. We prepared various media, including solid agar plates as well as defined media for nitrite oxidizers, elemental sulfur oxidizers, glucose oxidizers, and methylotrophs.. We identified microorganisms isolated on complex agar media using PCR and gel electrophoresis to amplify and analyze their 16S rRNA genes. Sanger sequencing and BLAST analysis showed that the isolates were related to Brevundimonas sp., Microbacterium yannicii, Virgibacillus necropolis, Arthrobacter sp. strain BT2, Frigoribacterium faeni and uncultured bacterium clone HL201208-15. The characteristics and origins of these bacteria provide insights into microbial biomes within the cave. We will also present results from ongoing enrichment efforts using the four defined media types to further explore specific bacterial metabolisms in the cave.