NDA Student Government

Leadership is action, not a position.

Applications forStudent Body Positions are now open!  Click on Elected Positions above for information and application.

Stay tuned for Class President, Representative & Senate and Outreach applications. They will be open soon. In the meantime you can read about the positions by clicking on the tabs above.

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another 

as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 

-1 Peter 4:10 

Verse for 2023-24

Executive Board Members 23-24

Student Body President - Jair Rincon-Smith

Senior Class President - Hannah Greisen

Junior Class President  Bryson Pappas

Sophomore Class President - Cecelia VanDrisse

Freshman Class President- Ben Foster

VP Outreach - Cassidy Green

VP Senate - Samantha Hendry

Administrative Assistant - Frannie Wied

Communication Specialist - Jessica Sack 

Rep to School Board - Zinash Ham

Reps to Administration -  Alaina Heesacker & Madeline Hilts

Reps to Curriculum and Student Life - Madeline Scripp & Lidiya Schneider

Fan Man - Nick Gruesen

Mermaid - Katy Polasky

Outreach Members 23-24

Cassidy Green - VP
Mila Volkova
Camille Broullire

Greta Fangman
Maame Asiamah

Kate  VanPay
Shaun Huss


Senate Members 23-24

Samantha Hendry - VP
Diana Daraei
Laetitia Zankoul
Saul Guevera
Leo Dart

Jasmine Riodgers
Amelia Chrudimsky
Charlie Gerstner
Mia Miller

Spencer Messmann
Emanuel Poehlmann
Misha Narendra
Ian Johnson
