Mr. Cole Physical Education
Thanks for Emailing me all of your activities this year.
Mr. Cole
You can do your own activities. The video's are just an example of what you could do.
Do not for get to email me that you have completed an activity.
Bedsheet Parachute
Please watch the video link below on how to ride a scooter.
Week 1:
Play outside for 60 minutes a day if the weather is nice.
Play inside (garage or basement) if the weather is not nice.
Try these moves from the video!
Week 2:
Play outside for 60 minutes a day if the weather is nice.
Play inside for 60 minutes a day if the weather is not nice.
Try these games outside with your family or friends.
Week 3:
Play outside for 60 minutes a day if the weather is nice.
Play inside for 60 minutes a day if the weather is not nice.
Try 2-3 GONOODLE workouts.
Week 4 :
Complete any activity / play inside or outside for a total of 60 minutes.
You can pick any activity that you like to do.
Please email Mr. Cole to let me know that you have completed an activity.
Week 5 :
Complete a moving activity / play inside or outside. Try to get in 60 minutes if you can.
Pick any activity that you like . Does not have to be from the videos.
Please email Mr. Cole to let me know that you have completed an activity / play.
Week 6 :
Please continue with any movement activity inside or outside for a total of 60 minutes.
You can repeat any activity / play or come up with an new activity / play.
Email Mr. Cole when you have completed any activity / play.
Week 7 :
Complete any movement activity / play inside or outside for 30 minutes.
Pick an activity / play that has a lot of continuous activity and you like to do.
Email Mr. Cole when you have completed any activity / play.
Week 8 :
This is the last week of movement activities.
Pick an activity / play that you like and has continuous activity for 30 minutes.
The activity / play can be inside or outside if the weather is nice.
Email Mr. Cole when you have completed any activity.
Week 9 :
Cooperative Activities. These activities / play are working with someone else.
Example : A parent, brother, or sister.
You will be using a blanket or bed sheet as a Parachute. Complete activities / play with it.
You can watch the video for ideas or come up with your own.
Don't forget to Email Mr. Cole when you have completed any activity.
2nd Nine weeks of school year.
Week 1:
Please continue with the Cooperative Activities / play.
We are completing Parachute activities. Remember to work with someone.
The video can help you. Email Mr. Cole when you have completed an activity.
Week 2 :
We will continue with the cooperative activity / play with the Parachute.
Remember to work with someone during the activity / play.
The video is there to help you. You can create your own activity if you like.
Email Mr. Cole when you have completed any activity. Have Fun.
Week 3 :
Please use this week to complete any make up work you may have.
You can continue with activities / play.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Week 4 :
The activity / play is riding a scooter. You can ride any type of scooter.
It can be inside or outside weather permitting. I have a video link on how to ride a scooter. Please make sure you have a helmet. Have fun and enjoy.
You can email Mr. Cole when you complete any activity.
Week 5 :
Please continue the activity / play riding a scooter. You can ride any type of scooter.
You can ride it inside or outside. Please make sure you wear your helmet.
Email Mr. Cole when you complete any activity. Have fun.
Week 6 :
We will ride any type of scooter for our activity / play for this week again.
It can be inside or outside. Please be careful and wear your helmet.
This is the last week before Christmas Break. Have a Very Happy Holiday.
I will post new activities when we return after the break. Mr. Cole
Week : 7 Start of the New Year
We will be throwing Overhand , Underhand, and Catching.
Please use a Yarn Ball or Sox Ball. You can throw with a parent or brother/sister.
You can throw at a target if you have no one to throw with. Be careful in the house.
Try to throw each way several times. Have Fun.
Week : 8
We will continue with the throwing activities of Overhand and Underhand.
Don't forget to work on the Catching. Yarn Balls or Sox Balls.
You can throw at targets or with someone. Have Fun.
Don't forget to Email Mr. Cole when you complete an activity.
Week : 9
We will use the last week of the 2nd nine weeks as a make up week.
You can complete any activity that you like this week.
3rd nine weeks of school year
Week 1 :
We will continue the skills of throwing overhand & underhand, along with catching.
Now try and use a foam ball or a ball that is bigger than the yarn/sox ball.
You can throw at targets or with someone. Have Fun.
Don't forget to Email Mr. Cole when you complete an activity.
Week 2 :
With it being a short week due to the snow days we will repeat the week 1 activity.
Use a larger foam ball for throwing underhand and over hand to someone or a target.
Week 3 :
We will continue with throwing activities with a foam ball overhand and underhand.
We will now try and throw at a moving target. Throw with someone if you can.
Have them move around when you throw with them. Have Fun.
Week 4 :
With the short week due to snow days please use the time to make up any activities.
You can repeat any activity you like. Take care.
Week 5 :
Our focus this week is on catching. Please use a foam ball.
You can work with someone. Try to make 10 catches in a row or more.
Have fun. Don't forget to Email Mr. Cole when you complete an activity.
Week 6 :
We are now working on the skills of shooting a ball in a basketball hoop
If you have a small hoop please use it or come up with your own way to have a hoop.
You could use a laundry basket in the middle of your room to shoot a ball at it.
Try to make 10 baskets from at least 5 different spots. Use a foam ball inside the house.
Week 7 :
We will continue with shooting a ball in a basketball hoop. A small hoop will work.
Try and make 5 baskets from 10 different spots this week. Use a small foam ball.
Week 8 :
We are now working on dribbling and passing skills. Use a ball that you can dribble.
We will start by doing stationary dribbling with our right and left hand along with switching hands. You then can begin to move around as you dribble.
Week 9 :
We will continue with the basketball skills of passing and dribbling.
Dribbling with right and left hand along with switching hands while moving in space.
Control the ball as you move. See how long you can dribble without losing control of the ball. You can also dribble around objects like a chair or a cone. Have fun.
4th 9 weeks of the school year.
Week 1 :
Please use this week before spring break as a make up week to catch up on any missed work. We will start with new activities when we return. Enjoy your break.
Week 2 :
Please complete any activity you would like that has you moving around for at least 20 minutes. You can do a dance, ride a bike/scooter, or play a game/sport. These are just examples of what you could do. Try to do the activity for 20 minutes. Have Fun.
Week 3 :
Please continue with any fitness or movement activity.
It should last at least 20 minutes. The activity can be inside or outside. Have Fun.
Week 4 :
We are working on soccer skills. Dribble a soccer ball out in your yard. If you can find a place where can kick the ball into a goal or at a target that would be great also. Don't forget to email Mr. Cole when you complete an activity.
Week 5 :
We will continue with soccer skills. Kicking to a target or goal and dribbling.
You can kick back and forth with someone if possible. Have fun.
Week 6 :
We are still working on soccer skills. Sorry the weather has been so bad.
Dribbling and kicking skills. Kick back and forth with someone if possible.
Week 7 :
This the last week of soccer skills. Continue with the skills of dribbling and kicking.
Try to work with someone if possible. You can also kick the ball at a target.
Week 8 :
We are working on improving our fitness levels. Please complete any activity that involves walking, running, or riding a bike / scooter. Try to do the activity for at least 20 minutes. Be safe and have fun.
End of the Year. Have a Great Summer !!!!!