Mrs. J. Enderle

Kindergarten Room 106

Maplehurst Elementary

419-668-6035 Ext.1669


Friday, May 29, 2020

Joke of the day: What did the duck say to the waitress? (Just put it on my "bill".)

Please note that in the math and reading assignments, I will have summer ideas above today's assignments. Parents, please review often throughout the summer so your child will keep things fresh in their minds and to help them be ready for the fall. I really appreciate it. I know everyone is probably tired of doing assignments. No, you do not have to do it everyday, but do some of the suggestions a couple times a week to keep things fresh in your child's mind for the fall. It is surprising how much can be forgotten over the summer if not reinforced.

Please feel free to go on my website to do lessons with Miss Emily, check out picture page(feel free to send pictures of what you are doing this summer) I will be keeping my movement page up. On those rainy days check out our movement songs or any of the math or reading songs. If you did not check out our Memorial Day songs and videos,please check these out on our social studies/science page.

To all my sweet students, I love you and I will miss you. I am glad that you have another year at Maplehurst so that I will see you next school year. I wish you a great summer. Have fun and make wonderful memories with your families. Watch emails this summer in case we can have a reunion get together. It will depend on how things go etc. Stay safe and be good for your parents!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Joke of the day: Why do geese make lousy drivers? ( because all they do is honk)

Good morning! I hope to see you all next Tues. June 2 at our drive by parade. I hope to make a connection with each of you this summer to give you your memory book that I finished for you. A couple students already got theirs. I hope that you will enjoy the memories we made together at Maplehurst while you were a kindergartner. The year sure went by quickly. I hope over the years you will keep in touch. I recently got a beautiful letter inside a graduation announcement from one of my past kindergartners. I was so pleased to hear from her. This year's senior class was the group I had the year my mom passed away. They touched my heart and helped me through a very difficult time. Your class has a reason to stand out too with this pandemic. I feel like I was able to get to know many of your families pretty well as a result. I really have liked and appreciated that. I have been to many graduation parties and activities of my past students and I really enjoy being a part of that. It sounds like a long time away, but it goes by so quickly. Enjoy it. Give your family big hugs and thank yous for all they have done to help you finish this year well. They are heroes to me because they have been a partner with me to prepare you the best they could for next school year.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Joke of the day: What do fish fear about computers? (Getting caught in the internet)

Hi, friends! I trust you are having a good day today. Just a reminder that you can drop off laptops and library books (if you have not) to Maplehurst this week. I know that Mr. Moore sent a one call yesterday. See the schedule below.

Be sure to mark your calendar for the send off summer drive by parade on June 2. It will be at all the elementary buildings. We would love to see all of you kindergarteners. ( Scroll down to May 18 for the exact times at each buildings.)

Count down for the end of the year has begun! It is sure warming up and feeling like summer is on the way!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Joke of the day: Where do you put baby pigs? (In a play pen)

I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. This is our last week of assignments. Thank you for continuing your hard work. If you need to drop off a library book, chrome book etc., you can do that at Maplehurst, May 27,28, or 29th from 10-2 and on the 29th you can come by 4-6 also.

** Check out our movement page for the new songs. If you have any Memorial Day craft to share, please send a picture for our class picture page. Thank you to those who sent their book reviews. I enjoyed reading them. If you have not sent me yours yet, please do.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Joke of the day: How did the orange know that he got enough sun? ( He was sunkist)

Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend. I added a couple songs in our Soc.Studies page to remember those that gave their lives for our country and our freedoms. If you have not checked this page out this week, there are stories and videos on Memorial day. There is also a craft section. If you do one of these crafts, please send me a picture of it. I would love to share these on our class picture page. I will not post new assignments on Monday. You can use this time to catch up on assignments you need to do. Be sure to have some fun time with your family. Will you have a picnic? Whatever you decide to do, have a good time.

***Go up to the top of this page to more and arrow down to our movement page. On those rainy days check out our new movement songs. Today would be gym day at school. Get in some extra exercise!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Joke of the day: How does a puppy row a boat? (With a dog paddle)

**** Please check out our science/social studies page. (See tab above) I included some stories and information about Memorial Day. You can check those out today or tomorrow. There is a craft or two you can do. If you do not have paint, crayons will work fine. If you do one of the crafts, please send me a picture of it. This could be a fun Friday activity.

I miss you all so much. It is hard to believe we would be counting down to our last day of school right now. Our last day for assignments will be May 29. Our drive by parade will be on June 2. At Maplehurst it will be 7- 7:45. I will look forward to seeing you. Plan to attend. Check out the Norwalk City School web page or Facebook to see the days to drop off chrome books, library books, etc. This would be the time to pick up items from classrooms. This will not be necessary for us since I already got those things to you. One of the students said they got the wrong scissors. I did my best to get them to the correct child. They were in table baskets. If they did not have your name on them, I gave my best guess to which belonged to who. I am sorry for any inconvenience. If you know whose you have, maybe we can make a switch when I get memory books to you.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My grandson wanted me to share this joke of the day: Why did the banana go to the doctor? ( He was not "peeling well!")

Be sure to click on the above tabs for todays assignments in math and reading/language arts and science and social studies.

I so enjoyed seeing many of you on zoom last night! It was good to see a few that have not been able to come in the past. I liked sharing my very hungry caterpillar/ and butterfly puppet and sharing about the Life Cycle of a butterfly. I hoped you enjoyed it too. I also liked hearing some of your animal writing. I appreciate your hard work.

Coralee showed us her two pet ferrets. They were cute. Then others showed us their pets as well. It takes love and care to take good care of your pets. I hope that you help your parents with this responsibility. Do you feed and water them? Do you clean their cages or living space? Do you brush and comb them? Do you help them get exercise? These are important parts of having a pet.

Tuesday, May 19,2020

Zoom meeting tonight. See the invitation below. I will look forward to seeing you.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Joke of the day: Why don't penguins get married? (They get cold feet)

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! Only two more weeks of our online classes. Hang in there. I know it has been long but it has truly been great seeing your great efforts. I know your efforts will pay off in the fall. Thank you again, parents and family for your help. Please continue to work hard and do your best the next couple of weeks. Our last day for assignments online will be Friday, May 29,2020.

We will have a zoom meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, May 19, in the evening at 7:00 PM to accommodate those that may not be able to attend in the morning. I know they would love to see everyone. An invitation is below. Any questions how to attend, please let me know. I would love to see everyone.

There will be a drive by send off to summer on June 2, 2020.(Our final school day) You will follow the pickup drop-off procedure. Have your windows down ready to see your teachers. Teachers will be at the elementary buildings to say goodbye for the summer. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Pleasant- 6-6:45pm; League 6:30-7:15pm ; Maplehurst 7:00-7:45. We will look forward to seeing all of you.


Jessica Enderle is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: kindergarten meeting/Mrs. Enderle

Time: May 19, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 4252 6190

Password: 0KdGuR

Friday, May 15, 2020

Joke of the day: Did you hear about the notebook who married a pencil? ( She finally found Mr. Write.)

Good Morning! It is fun Friday. Check out what Mr. Cole has planned for you in gym today. If it is rainy, check out some of our new movement songs on the movement page. Use your play dough to make some Qq and Kk's. Think of things that start with those sounds. If we were at school today, we would be having our Qu wedding. Remember we talked about how when you see a q, you will always see a u next to it. They are forever friends. At school we would have had a wedding bringing q and u together as forever friends. We would have had a ceremony, reception with refreshments and a dance. It is one of my favorite days at school!!!! I wish we were doing that today. I miss all of your cute faces and your sweet smiles. I miss our fun and all of your laughter too.

If you haven't gone to the science section yet this week, please do. There is some neat things to check out about the Life Cycle of the Butterfly.

I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Have a great day! Our month is going by so quickly. Keep being awesome workers as you have been! You are getting smarter everyday. You are amazing!

Thank you for all of your pictures and writing. Don't forget to scroll down and do an activity or two on the Superkids site below. I appreciate all of you doing your HappyNumbers and your lessons with Miss Emily. Do a good job for your parents today. Do your work willingly and eagerly for them. It will make their day so nice too. You will be filling their bucket. That is always the best because you will fill up your bucket too.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Joke of the day: What is a well dressed lion called? ( a dandy lion)

Good morning friends! I hope you are all doing well. I was thinking a lot of about you today and missing you too.

Please notice that on our movement page I have added some new movement songs. Enjoy them and have some fun.

Remember you can scroll down on this page or go on our online resource page to click on our Superkids activities. I opened up some more activities so check those out a couple times this week.

I added a the read aloud and an animated story for The Very Hungry Caterpillar in our Science section. ( Keep in mind that in the story they called the chrysalis a cocoon. A chrysalis is what a butterfly comes out of. A cocoon is what a moth comes out of.)

Have a good day today! We will be having a zoom meeting early next week in an evening time to involve some that have not been able to come and would like to. I will send you the information soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Joke of the day: What do horses tell their kids at night? (Pony tales)

I hope you had a marvelous Monday. I sure hope it warms up soon so we can get out and have some fun and enjoy the sunshine!!!! Don't you?

Thank you for more pictures sent for Mother's Day writing and pictures with your mom's. It is not too late to send them. Check out our new pictures on the class picture page.

Check out the science page this week. I will be adding new videos and stories for our new theme: Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Monday, May 11, 2020

Joke of the day: What is Spring's favorite pickles? (Daffo-dills)

Good morning! I hope you had a nice Mother's Day with your family.

I have added a story in the science tab about the Life Cycle of a butterfly. I will add some other learning activities to this area. Check it out a few times this week.

Be sure to check out our new pictures on our classroom picture page. Scroll down and look at the neat writing and friends planting seeds and plants. There is room to add your animal writing, Mother's Day writing and pictures of you doing some planting too. I love seeing all of your great pictures.

Superkids' Portal

1. Press Play

2. PIN NUMBER is 123456

3 Find your teacher and your name

4. Click the picture password (BEAR)

Do one activity each day. You can use a phone or computer to play on Superkids.