3d Design

gcse 9-1



How will this subject benefit me?

Companies are increasingly looking for employees to have design and presentation skills and this course allows you to develop your skills, along with a portfolio of work that you can take to future employers.

The 3D Design course develops your creative and presentation skills. These vital skills will help you to present ideas and concepts and design creative outcomes for problems that you face. It has strong links with Engineering and Media Studies, develops your analytical and persuasive writing skills, as well as improving your spatial awareness which is key for maths and science.

What will I learn?

Pupils will be able work in one or more of the 11 areas of 

3D Design. For example these might be: 

You will understand how artist/designers find inspiration and how they develop their ideas. 

You will also learn how meanings, ideas and intentions, relevant to 3D Design, can be communicated.

You will learn 3D Design techniques and processes such as model making, constructing, surface treatment, assembling and modelling.

You will learn to use a range of media and materials to create your ideas and final pieces. These might be; 

Who is this course appropriate for?

This course is ideally suited to learners with a preference for practical, rather than theoretical learning as there is a large focus on creativity.  Pupils will need to be well organised and passionate in order to achieve high grades with practical and  coursework. 

How will I be assessed? 


A project unique to you, where you follow the creative design process through to making final 3 Dimensional designs, models or prototypes There is no time limit for this. 

Externally set Assignment- sketchbook & practical work 40%

A Project set by the exam board. Pupils will follow the creative design process through to making final 3 Dimensional designs, models or prototypes (10 hour time limit)

What opportunities will this give me?

Successful pupils will be well prepared for further education courses and careers in the design sector including the following careers:

COURSE SPecification

For further information, see the course specification on the following link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/art-and-design/gcse/art-and-design-8201-8206/subject-content/three-dimensional-design