Rubik's Cube Pixel Art

With Google Sheets


Pixels are tiny, square dot of color that work together to display content any electronic device. Watch this video to learn more.

We can use Rubik's cubes to create pixelized art.

The Celtics logo is 30 x 33 pixels.

The bullseye is 21 x 21 pixels.

While computer monitors can display thousands of colors, Rubik's cube art contains just six:

  • Red

  • White

  • Blue

  • Yellow

  • Orange

  • Green

The following videos will guide you through the process of making your own Rubik's Pixel Art pattern with Google Sheets.

Start by typing in a new tab.

Step 1 of 4: Setting up your sheet (takes 2-3 minutes)

Bridges Pixel 1.mp4

Step 2 of 4: Sizing your sheet - (takes 2-3 minutes)

your sheet should be a minimum of 27 x 27 pixels (81 cubes) and a maximum of 75 x 51 (or 51 x 75) which is 425 cubes - approximately the size of one of our classroom tables.

Bridges Pixel 2.webm

Step 3 of 4: Define conditional formatting to "paint" our pixel art (this step takes longer)

conditional formatting for pixel art.webm

Now that you have your conditions set, type numbers into each cell of your spreadsheet until it is full! Remember, full, detailed spreadsheets make better art than those with lots of blank space

Create with care!!

Something like this smiley face is boring.

Below are some fuller examples with more detail.

Step 4 of 4: Drawing lines to define cubes (takes 2-3 minutes)

Pixel Art Step 4.webm

Awesome job! You are done! Add your spreadsheet to the assignment on Google Classroom and turn it in.