Battle of the Books


What is Battle of the Books?

Battle of the Books is a yearly competition between schools. Students in grades 3-6 read 10 books and in March compete against other teams to answer questions.

This year the competition will take place March 14, 2022.

Parent Informational Meeting:

Monday, October 4, 2021 @6pm

Join by Google Meet OR phone:

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 414-909-5555‬

PIN: ‪934 561 664#‬

More joining options

Permission slips were sent home with students Monday, October 4. Slips are due no later than Thursday, October 7. If your child was absent and did not receive a paper permission form, you are welcome to complete the digital permission slip.

Permission slips are due by Thursday, October 7.

Battle of the Books 2021-2022

Weren't able to attend the Parent Information Night?

Click on the presentation for more information.