Club Overview

Students of all grades who are highly self-motivated and have an eye for detail are welcome to join the NRHS yearbook club. Yearbook students not only gain knowledge of photography and design but also develop their leadership and communication skills. They meet real-world deadlines, deal with significant budgets and produce the only permanent record of the school year. Since the very beginning, creating a yearbook is "genuine assessment," and the book itself is a "performance portfolio." Students learn the importance of research, contemplation, revision, critical thinking, cooperation, communication, and creativity via the yearbook-making process.

Upload pictures using the HJeShare app or website. Code: rockland


Ordering Links

  • Order your yearbook & personal ads here. Order number 4007

  • Place a business ad here

Important Information

  • Order your yearbook & personal ads here. Order number 4007

  • Place a business ad here

  • Senior Portrait information can be found here

  • Senior Quote Submission form

  • Underclass/retake information: Retakes will be Wednesday, October 26th in the auditorium.

Club Links