NRCSD Health Services
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
I am reaching out at this time with an important reminder for the 2024/2025 school year.
The North Rockland Central School District maintains strict compliance with New York State Immunization laws. New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164 requires that schools do not permit a child to attend school unless the parent provides the school with a certificate of immunization or proof from a physician, nurse practitioner or physician's assistant that the child is in the process of receiving the required immunizations. All health care providers that give immunizations to children are required to enter the immunizations they provide in NYSIIS or NYCIR within 14 days. Students learning in person or virtually that are not in compliance by day 14 may not attend on day 15, and are required to be reported to the Department of health. This applies to both the Meningitis vaccine and the TDAP vaccine as well. Simply stated, if your child is not up to date with all required immunizations, they will not be permitted to attend school after the 14th day of school.
Please reach out to your child’s Health Care Provider now, and inquire about required immunizations. If you do not have Health Insurance, you can contact the Rockland County Immunization Clinic at (845) 364-2520. You can also contact your child’s current school nurse to find out what immunizations are necessary for the upcoming school year. I am including a copy of current NYS mandated immunizations, and when they are due.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter, and enjoy the rest of the school year!
Kathy Varieur, RN
Health Services Facilitator for the NRCSD
School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential. The nurses of the North Rockland Central School District work across sectors, professions, and disciplines to build a culture of health and improve student and community health outcomes by providing leadership, advocacy, care coordination, critical thinking, and mitigation of barriers to health.
District Health Forms
School Nurse Directory
District Nurse: 942- 3418
North Rockland High School: 942- 3315, 942- 3316, 942- 3554 ,
North Rockland High School Extension : 942- 3124
Fieldstone Middle School: 942- 7930, 942- 7931 ,
Farley Elementary: 942-3220
Haverstraw Elementary: 942-3420
Willow Grove Elementary School: 942- 8013
Stony Point Elementary School: 942- 3144
Thiells Elementary School : 942- 3164
West Haverstraw Elementary School : 942-3184
Gerald Neary School: 942- 7530
10 FAACTs about Food Allergies
Students come to school with diverse medical conditions; some serious and even life threatening; that can impact their learning and their health. For example, exposure to an allergen can create an emergent situation where the student faces life‐threatening anaphylaxis within moments .
Please read the attached 10 facts regarding food allergies, and talk to your children about the importance of keeping each other safe and healthy.

Community Resources
Covid 19 Health and Safety Reopening Plan and Health Forms
The health and safety of the students and staff of the North Rockland Central School District is the top priority when making the decision to reopen school campuses. The North Rockland Central School District will work in collaboration with NYSED, the NYS Department of Health, and the Rockland County Health Department to reopen schools safely. The North Rockland CSD will continue this collaborative effort to monitor current disease levels and the capacities of local health providers and health care systems. Click here for more information.
Important Covid 19 Health Forms