
Heartland AEA OneClick

**(New and improved access to the databases!) **

Students and teachers can log in to Heartland AEA OneClick using their school email credentials and then access each digital resource individually — without logging in again! This means the generic school username/password is no longer needed! Why the change? AEA OneClick provides better privacy and security and adds more convenient access. Click on the purple box to sign on to OneClick.

How to organize your launchpad

After you have signed in to Heartland AEA OneClick with your gmail and pw account you will see your launchpad. Click on the image to the left to watch a short video on how you can organize your launchpad of databases to best fit your needs!

General Research

Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia entries with multiple reading levels


Encyclopedia entries with multiple reading levels; news articles

SIRS Issues Researcher

News articles on a wide variety of current issues

Points of View

Exploration of differing views on a wide variety of current issues; links to news articles

Science Research

Discovery Education

Videos, articles, and virtual experiments on a wide variety of science topics


Videos and articles on a wide variety of science topics; articles all include read-aloud mode


Nonfiction books about a variety of science topics; all books have read-aloud mode

Social Studies Research

American History in Video

Archival footage and informational videos about U.S. history


Articles about people, places, and cultures from around the world


Nonfiction books about ancient cultures and U.S. history topics and events; all books have read-aloud mode


Nonfiction books about a variety of history and geography topics; all books have read-aloud mode

Literacy Research

Find books that are like another book