Freqently Asked Questions

Can I Chaperone My Child's Trip?

We love that you want to be involved, but to emphasize the educational aspect of this trip, we are able to fill our chaperone spots with staff members from Petoskey Middle School! 

How Much Money should I plan to send with my child?

We always lean toward suggesting anywhere between $50-$150. This seems to be a good amount for souvenirs. We do try to stop at a souvenier store in Washington D.C., but beyond that, students can shop at museum stores for any keepsakes they're interested in. 

Do Students get to pick their roommates?

Yes! In late November, students will get to pick their roommates, and they'll also be on the same bus together. 

Can students take their cell phones? 

Yes! For safety purposes we recognize that students having their phones is important. School rools apply during the day with their phones and we do like to participate in something we like to call, "Digital Detox Moments."

A Digital Detox Moment is a space of time being free from electronics. When chaperones encourage these moments, we find that travelers are able to give their whole time and attention to their guides and gain new connections with peers and the group leaders. They are able to be fully present -- laughing and joking-- with their peers, which will turn into moments they’ll remember the rest of their lives because they were fully there!

Throughout the trip, chaperones will intentionally enact digital detox moments. This may look like: