

CONFLICTS are an inevitable part of our daily life. So instead of trying to avoid conflicts, you should work on your conflict resolution skills.

The way you handle a conflict shows a lot about who you are as a person. If you can resolve a conflict with grace and calmness, it indicates that you’re willing to put your differences aside for the sake of a resolution, which is a very important trait to have.

So, next time you find ourselves dealing with a conflict, you now know that you should try to apply some of the strategies available for conflict resolution and find a peaceful way out.

Throughout this UOI, we learned different types of conflicts and how to solve them. We knew this line of inquiry was extremely important so we now feel we are ready to make decisions in the future, and make this world a better place because we have studied different historic wars and their consequences.

It is important before making a conflict worse, to think about the consequences. That is the key for a better future.

YEAR 6- Conflict resolution