Religions & Beliefs


In our journey of inquiry, we embarked on an exploration of beliefs, delving into the captivating realm of religions that shape the tapestry of our world. Our quest to understand different faiths led us to a profound exploration of the five major religions practiced across the globe.

Throughout our engagement with the Primary Years Programme (PYP), we not only gained a vast repository of knowledge and an array of essential skills but also developed a deeper appreciation for the intricate tapestry of human beliefs. We reflected on the importance of effective communication, collaborated harmoniously within groups, conducted extensive research on diverse religious topics, honed our skills in delivering insightful presentations, and even ventured into the fascinating world of taking action. Along the way, we realized that the study of religions provided us with a unique lens through which to examine the human experience.

As we forged ahead on this enlightening path, we initially harbored some apprehension and uncertainty about the challenges we would encounter. However, as we delved deeper into our exploration, our confidence flourished, and we ultimately derived immense joy and satisfaction from the fruits of our diligent labor. We discovered the power of unity and cooperation through our collective efforts and seamlessly compiled our findings into a shared document, capturing the essence of our exploration into the world's diverse belief systems.

We hope that you, too, will find as much enjoyment and enlightenment in our journey through the intricate tapestry of religions as we have.