Storytellers Photography reflects on 40 year NH legacy

Rene and Joan Genest pose for photo to celebrate long, successful 40 year career working in North Haven community as beloved photographers.

Storytellers photography interview

By Cecile Tobin, '20

How did you start Storytellers Photography, and what challenges did you have to overcome?

In 1980 Rene Genest and his partner Art Rich were exploring towns to open a second studio of Art Rich Photography. They looked at various locations in Cheshire, Hamden, and Wallingford. When they came to North Haven, they instantly felt at home. The town had a welcoming hometown feel, very much like Southington, where the original studio was located. Art and Rene opened the studio on Washington Avenue, nearly 40 years ago in a rented house that is now the new home of Gargano Dentistry. After two years in that location, Rene and I purchased a home at 18 Clintonville Road and added on to the house to build a studio. We ran a partnership of Art Rich Photography for 18 years. In 1998, Rene bought out his partner, and we created Storytellers Photography, which remained at the Clintonville Road location for the next 22 years.

Our biggest challenge in starting a new business was getting new clients and building a following. There was no Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or even email then. We wanted to specialize in children, families, weddings, and high school senior portraits, so we developed a direct mail campaign and gave away some complimentary family portrait sessions to get us started. We even had a drawing for a free wedding photography coverage at our grand opening event. It was a bigger challenge to build our senior portrait business, as North Haven High School was under contract with an out-of-town photographer. For several years we tried to talk to the yearbook advisors and school board, but no one seemed interested in us. Meanwhile, we photographed many senior portraits for families who liked our work and wanted something different from the contracted photographer. In 1985 we caught a break and the yearbook contract went out for bid. We worked hard on our presentation and our proposal and we were awarded the yearbook photography contract. For the next 30 years, we were the Official Yearbook Photographer for North Haven High School. We worked diligently with many great yearbook advisors and school administrators over the years. The families in North Haven became our family. Our photography skills and services blossomed and we were able to raise our two children in this wonderful town.

What have been three highlights of your career?

There have been so many highlights and special moments in our life and career in North Haven, but here are three meaningful moments. The first highlight and springboard for our business were becoming the yearbook photographer for North Haven High School. We learned so much, met great families and town administrators. Seniors led to weddings, then children, and more family portraits. That was our business model and we constantly worked to nurture those markets to be successful in our business. Another highlight was when I won the Kodak Gallery Elite Award for the United States in 2000. We had been competing in many photographic competitions in Connecticut, New England, and nationally for many years. It was a conduit for challenging us and improving our skills and creativity. Around that time, digital photography was gaining momentum in the professional world and I spent many, many, many hours learning Photoshop and perfecting my skills at digitally painting images. My painted beach portrait of two little sisters walking hand-in-hand away from the camera, titled ‘Beach Walkers’ won the Kodak Gallery Award locally and finally nationally. It was a huge surprise and a huge honor.

The third highlight I’d like to mention was being recognized and honored by the North Haven Sports Hall of Fame in 2019 for our community service. We have always tried to be contributing members of our community, whether it was in our work at the high school, Rene’s involvement with the North Haven Rotary Club, or my work with the North Haven Education Foundation. We have donated financially where we could, as well as with our time in service. We believe you can’t just be a taker, you must be a giver as well. Our work in North Haven and surrounding towns enabled us to make a good living and we have always tried to give back to our community. Many other people in town do that better than we do, but if everyone gives even a little bit, our world is a better place.

What is the best part about photographing multiple generations of the local community?

The best part is the sense of family and belonging to those around you. We have photographed children from birth to high school graduation and then we have even photographed their children. The first time we photographed the high school senior portrait of a young man whose portrait we also made at two years old, we were in awe that we had known him and his family for so many years. The two-year portrait was a bit of a challenge. He was this adorable little blondie going through the terrible two’s. How could such a cute kid be so much trouble? But we were patient and had many tricks and techniques to finally get the portraits we were looking for. We were very thankful that he became a very polite and well-mannered 16-year old who had outgrown the terrible two’s. The session was great and we made some memorable senior portraits. There have been many families we would photograph every year; a new child, a new milestone, a business portrait, a new family portrait over the fireplace, holiday cards to send to family and friends. It was a challenge to consistently find new ideas and styles to keep our work fresh. Through image competition and belonging to our state, regional, and national photography associations, we constantly worked to get better and to develop new ideas for props, backgrounds, posing, and lighting to try in our studio. It made our work fun and rewarding. We have been blessed to have worked with so many fine people in our careers. We remember what their portraits look like and the joy of special occasions we photographed for. We remember what they ordered and where it would hang in their homes. We remember the pride of all the moms when they would pick up the beautiful portraits of their children. We also remember the sad times when someone would pass away unexpectedly and our portraits became the most precious memory the family had left. We became the memory keepers and the photographic storytellers for our clients. That is one reason why we chose to name our studio Storytellers Photography. The hardest part about knowing so many people in town is that I can’t send Rene to the grocery store for a gallon of milk. It takes him way too long because he talks to everyone he knows in the aisles. (I guess that’s not really a bad thing.)

How have you contributed to the community outside of photography?

In addition to the North Haven Rotary Club and the North Haven Education Foundation, we sponsored and Rene coached a team for the North Haven Girls Softball League for many years. Rene and Joan have served on the boards of the Connecticut Professional Photographers Association, the Professional Photographers Association of New England, for which Rene also served as President. Joan still serves nationally as a PPA Approved Juror and Jury Chairman.


March 2020: Pre-Pandemic

March 2021: Post-Pandemic

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE FROM MARCH 10th, 2020...before we knew more

Coronavirus curse continues

By Christina Stoeffler, '20

The world has faced several deadly diseases/illnesses/plagues before, including the Black Plague, Ebola, Swine Flu, the Spanish Flu, and HIV/AIDS. As we all know now, world leaders have been combatting a raging strain of a new disease, coronavirus. The group of RNA viruses can cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals. The specific strain of coronavirus that has traversed across the world in record time is called COVID-19 and at this point, various strains of this have also developed. The novel coronavirus is an airborne illness that spreads when people cough or sneeze. It can also last on surfaces for up to nine days.

The highly contagious pandemic originated in Wuhan, China in an open meat market, where it is believed that bats primarily transmitted the disease to humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) along with scientists and investigators worldwide, still ponder how this actually occurred. What can be confirmed, at this point, is that the Coronavirus spread quickly due to large numbers of people traveling on airplanes and cruises for extended periods of time. Both of these modes of transportation recycle air, and when one person got the virus, in a short time, several others were infected. Many Americans continued to travel outside of the country for a while, which helped spread the virus which originally started in states such as New York, Washington, California, Texas, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Nebraska held the main center for contagious diseases and has people who have tested positive for the virus in quarantine.

President Trump then issued a notice advising American citizens to stock up on protective face masks, canned goods, and other basic needs. He assured at the time that there was no reason to panic, and that preparedness is key to fighting the disease. Within a short time, business in the United States took a turn for the worse due to the virus. At the time, America got the majority of its medical equipment from China, and the country closing its borders created problems and generated concerns that impacted the stock market. There were very few national manufacturers of PPE at the time since the US had been outsourcing the majority of those types of goods. Ultimately, U.S. manufactures began to mass produce what citizens needed but not before panicked shoppers emptied shelves in panic.

At the start of the pandemic, North Have core teachers, grades six through twelve, were asked to post assignments on Google Classroom in order to keep students up to date in case there was an extended time period off from school. Students were given modified coursework lessons as people in all parts of the globe because to use technology to reach out and accomplish tasks remotely. Schools, colleges, and universities began to halt in-school classes and activities.

As we now know, what many thought would last a few weeks, extended to over a year of disease, death and disruption of life as the world once knew it. Eventually, school administrators nationwide opted to keep students safe and learning remotely from home. It would be a year like no other and not seen since the Spanish flu pandemic 100 years earlier has the world struggled with such combined levels of devastating human loss and financial chaos.

Once the WHO declared a state of emergency, and death rates began to rise dramatically, the medical profession sadly began to realize the dire circumstances of the challenges that lay ahead. Concerns for vulnerable p0pulations like the elderly, newborns, and those with compromised immune systems, became a focus as did protecting those working on the frontlines in healthcare and other professions.

As the symptoms of coronavirus became all too familiar and somewhat flu-like, experts were hoping and even expecting full recovery for most victims. However, we quickly learned that the deadly impacts and long-term effects far exceeded our worst expectations. Best methods for protection and spread were communicated and remain somewhat the same. These included preventative ways to combat the transmission of the virus and the wearing of protective face masks/shields, no sharing of water bottles/fountains/materials or equipment, and consistent hand washing/disinfecting. Quarantining of those exposed became necessary and ultimately, testing and vaccines would show us all that there was indeed a light at tunnel's end. Now if only we knew exactly when we would emerge from said tunnel. Please stay vigilant.

Photo by Kevin Kerrigan

Staff at NHHS are pictured here after receiving COVID-19 vaccinations. The district has organized/scheduled multiple vaccine events. It has been an ongoing effort requiring non-stop communication and monitoring.

Bravo to the many volunteers who make it happen and Jenn Kozniewski for her herculean efforts to promote and support safety as the #1 priority within all district schools!

Go North Haven- we can do this!!

District continues focus on health, safety and learning in NH schools

The NH District continues to hold vaccine clinics at the North Haven Recreation Center. North Haven Public Schools is collaborating with the Amity, Bethany and Woodbridge School Districts as members of the Quinnipiac Valley Health District. At the start of the Pandemic, Superintendent of Schools, Patrick Stirk, appointed Jenn Kozniewski as NHPS’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Compliance Liaison. Since then, she has worked literally days, nights and weekends to keep people safe and well.

Stirk praises her for her ongoing dedication and current efforts to organize vaccination of staff, stating, "Jenn has worked tirelessly throughout this school year to be a resource for staff, families and the community. Her work behind the scenes as well as advocating for all staff during the current vaccination rollout has been crucial to our success as a school district."

Both Stirk and Assistant Superintendent Melinda McKenna have provided unwavering support and focused efforts on maintaining "Social Emotional Wellness and Learning" among students within the six schools. We in the HS community express heartfelt appreciation to them for all they have done and continue to do. They have guided us through these unprecedented challenges with cool heads and warm hearts. We have come to rely on their handling of situations with empathy and steadfast dedication which creates an atmosphere of comfort and confidence for students and staff. Along with the school principals, including our own Dr. Russ Dallai, they offer support and resources rooted in concern and collaboration.

Each morning NHHS students are reminded to focus on being "thoughtful, responsible and independent members of a global diverse society." Those words inspire us to work and rally to be our best selves and emerge from this difficult time stronger than ever.

As we each continue to adapt and rise to the occasion, we must stay positive and motivated. If we remember we are in this together, we WILL prevail. Hope trumps despair and that will get us there!

COVID-19 vaccine plans move forward as folks sign-up and line-up for protection

Looking back and ahead....

By Eva Redman

The coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the entire world to its core, sending nations across the globe into lockdown for the larger part of 2020. This left us all wondering, will we ever go back to “normal,” and what would that normal even look like? That is where the question of a vaccine comes in. Public reactions to it at first were anything but positive. Was the process rushed and the vaccines created too fast? Are they safe? Who volunteered to test the vaccine? The public is slowly getting answers to their questions within this timeline of the creation and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine.

At first many wondered how the vaccine was developed so quickly and if that posed a safety threat. Looking back, on March 30, 2020, the US Department of Health and Human Services put into action, Operation Warp Speed (OWS). This was an attempt to greatly speed up the vaccine creation process by designating unlimited funds for research and development. In addition, large quantities of vaccines were purchased from companies even before trials proved them to be successful. In short, they got the job done because they had no choice.

The COVID-19 vaccine is much different from traditional vaccines in the sense that it does not use deactivated live viruses or antibodies to build immunization in the body. This new vaccine is what is called an mRNA vaccine. It works by encoding a messenger RNA with information on how to produce a spike protein, stimulating cell ribosomes, and then producing an excrete of SARS-CoV-2 protein which creates a rapid onset of production. This causes the body to create antibodies that fight this protein, and ultimately battle against infection of COVID. The protein is foreign to our bodies, but is found on the surface of host cells of COVID-19, and is required in order to enter the cell and fight it with antibodies. The only disadvantage to this new type of vaccine is that mRNA and RNA molecules tend to become disabled within the body.

The two leading companies that produced the COVID-19 vaccine are Moderna and Pfizer which both created mRNA vaccines. Early on scientists knew the results were very promising. Trials of the vaccine began in August with more than 70,000 participants given a placebo or a real vaccine and monitored over 10 weeks. In November, Moderna and Pfizer released their trial results, and they were exceptional. The vaccine was working as intended which exceeded the expectations of many. The efficiency rate among the two vaccines was around 95% for both companies. Results were taken to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the EUA (Emergency Use Administration). Authorization was awarded to both companies and the vaccines began rolling out to those at the highest risk, starting with the elderly and emergency medical workers. Different states varied as to distribution and as they have safety protocols. Eventually, Johnson and Johnson also received approval and a third vaccine option became available to the public.

The development of vaccines has been touted as an extraordinary achievement for the healthcare research field. The shortest time span to create a vaccine before this was the mumps vaccine back in 1967, but even then it took around 4 years. In a time of need, selfless researchers worked tirelessly to create an effective and safe vaccine in record-breaking time. Knowing the history of the COVID vaccine and having a general understanding of the science behind how/why it was developed so quickly should ease the minds of millions looking for protection from this demonic and deadly virus that has changed the world as we know it. The creation and development of this vaccine is an amazing and groundbreaking achievement that could save thousands of lives.

Governor Ned Lamont has modified policy and procedures over the last year and in a recent press release updated CT citizens with information regarding vaccine distribution. “The governor today announced that the state will continue with an age-based approach to expanding eligibility to the vaccine, explaining that other previously considered scenarios proved overly complex and confusing, would potentially exacerbate inequities in vaccine distribution, and slow down the process of providing it to Connecticut residents. The governor's new approach calls for scheduling based on age-based eligibility for the next several months. By laying out a clear timeline for eligibility for the vaccine, the strategy allows everyone in the state, including essential workers and those with chronic conditions, to know when they will be able to schedule an appointment. In addition to the age-based eligibility, PreK-12 school staff and teachers, and professional childcare providers will be eligible to receive the vaccine in March at dedicated clinics that will be set up specifically for those sectors.

How COVID has impacted Healthcare workers

By Hayly Caruso

COVID-19 has affected all of us in many ways. However, no one has been affected more drastically than healthcare workers across the nation and the world. The nature of most healthcare careers is inherently stressful. Even before COVID-19, doctors, nurses, and first responders faced pressure to think on their feet and make decisions that hopefully result in positive outcomes for patients and families. However, nothing could have prepared them for this. The rapid spread of COVID-19 and the varied symptoms across patients created an unprecedented challenger for the healthcare industry and left its workers scrambling to literally save the world.

Healthcare workers were placed on the frontlines of battling the pandemic with limited resources and little knowledge about the virus. While the rest of the world was being told to stay home, healthcare workers were asked to leave the safety of their homes, work long, strenuous hours, and potentially put themselves and their families at risk. They were tasked with reducing the spread of the infection while also having to care for the critically ill. While everyday Americans struggled to find toilet paper, healthcare workers were forced to reuse masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) so vital to their profession and the work they do. In addition, healthcare workers also found themselves standing in for family members who were not allowed to be by the side of their sick and, in many cases dying, relatives. News coverage would highlight workers singing to patients or using their personal phones to allow relatives to FaceTime their loved ones as they passed on. The critical shortages of PPE and physical demands of the endless workdays were soon overshadowed by the emotional stress placed upon them.

In May of 2019, The New York Times reported that as many as 25% of nurses experienced PTSD at some point in their careers. A more recent study, published in the Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection, looked at the psychological impact of the disease on 1,257 medical and nursing staff in Wuhan, China. The findings were shocking with nearly 50% of the respondents reporting symptoms of depression, 45% reporting symptoms of anxiety, and 71.5% experiencing psychological distress.

As the world continues to battle COVID-19 it is important to be aware of the emotional stress being placed upon healthcare workers in order to provide resources to identify and address their needs. INSIGHT magazine published an interview with The Chicago School President Michele Nealon, Psy.D., in which she stated, “The fields of psychology and nursing can complement each other by beginning to focus more on the interconnectedness between our physical condition, our emotional state, our social and living environments, the choices we make, the thoughts that we have, and our actions as individuals.” Offering continuing education in mental health is a way that the healthcare industry can assist, not only nurses but, all healthcare workers. Outside of the industry, communities must recognize their ability to support their local healthcare workers and give back through small gestures such as cards, food donations, gift cards to take-out restaurants, and food deliveries to hospitals.

Quarantine impacts the mental health of today's teens

By Ellie Kerzner

How does one cope when isolated for months? Well, there are many different ways people can react to isolation. Some people are extroverts, and they had a hard time dealing with social distancing because they had to cut off most in-person social interactions. This made them feel trapped and alone. But on the other hand, some people are introverts, who often don’t mind their alone time so it didn’t have the same impact on them as it did for the extroverts out there.

But one thing everyone could agree upon would be that after three months of isolation, it really took a toll on everyone’s mental health. Some felt anxious all the time due to the virus and some felt anxious because they had nowhere to go and nothing to do. This caused changes in every aspect of our daily schedule. Our eating habits were off, our sleep routine was different every day, and we had to modify exercising since the gyms were closed. Every day felt the same and it felt like a chunk of our life was taken away from us. Some upsides to our mental health during this time was being able to spend time with family. It gave us time to bond and make some memories out of this crazy time.

Another upside is that it gave us time to discover some new hobbies and do things we usually didn’t have time for. The number one way to cope during quarantine was getting fresh air and observing the nature around you. Meaning to go on walks, hikes, etc in your neighborhood and taking in everything. And a plus to this was you were getting in your cardio at the same time.

Some downsides that evolved from quarantine were that some people lost all of their motivation. It became harder and harder to stick to a plan and to do basic things like getting assignments in on time, waking up for school, and even getting out of bed was tricky. A lot of people felt depressed because it felt like they were forced into making lifestyle changes they weren’t ready for. Students had to teach themselves, teachers had to assign work from home, and parents had to do their work from home and make sure their kids were doing work. It was just too much for people to handle and they eventually lost their motivation. This is shown during this academic year because students find shortcuts. Especially with remote learning because there are way too many ways for kids to be passing without even learning. Some kids need to be in school physically in order to think and focus properly.

This whole generation will have long-term effects from this quarantine experience because it disrupted some of the most important years of their lives. Some will forget about hard work, some will lack social skills, and some will be behind in their academic levels. Overall, this has caused unwanted stress, anxiety, grief, and depression no one saw coming.

Anti-Asian American attacks increase during the Pandemic

By Viana Pham

Xenophobia against Asians could be traced back to when they first immigrated to the United States in the 19th Century. The “yellow peril” developed and people feared that Asians, especially the Chinese, would invade their lands and disrupt Western values. This was rooted in the fear of increasing competition with European immigrants and overall discomfort with Chinese clothing, hair, etc. People viewed Asians as unclean and unfit for American citizenship. This belief fueled the creation of the Chinese Exclusion Act, signed by President Chester Arthur on May 6, 1882. It was the first law that barred immigration solely based on race and placed a 10-year moratorium on all Chinese immigration.

Discrimination against Asians is still an issue in today’s society and COVID-19 continues to fuel anti-Asian racism worldwide. This pandemic created a narrative around Asians as bat eaters responsible for the virus. Since the outbreak, Asians have been the targets of hate speech in the media, by politicians, and among the public. From March of 2020 to May of 2020, there were 2,583 reports of hate crime against Asians, with 9% involving physical assaults. Not to mention, there have been reports of bullying, harassment, and violence towards Asian students in all grade levels across the country during the pandemic. In February of 2020, an Asian middle school boy from San Fernando Valley was bullied, physically attacked, and accused of having COVID-19. In February of 2021, a 16-year-old Asian student in Los Angeles, CA was physically assaulted by his classmates due to their personal fears of the coronavirus. He sustained severe injuries that required hospital care.

In addition, Asian American businesses have been reported to be among the worst groups affected by the recession during the pandemic. According to the study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, there was a 26% decline in Asian American business-owner activity. The businesses that happened to survive were subject to harassment, vandalism, and stigmatization.

Even though there is evidence of an increase in discrimination against Asian Americans, racial gaslighting is used to invalidate the experiences of people of color and shift the blame away from those who are oppressing. Phrases like “it was just a joke, relax,” “why is it always about race,” or “that’s not even racist,” are common gaslighting phrases.

The lack of knowledge about common microaggressions and cultural appropriation is fueling this rise of normalized racism against Asians. A racial microaggression is a verbal or nonverbal insult, whether directly or indirectly, that expresses negative stereotypes or prejudices against people based on race and ethnicity— like a backhanded compliment. “Oh your English is surprisingly good,” “You’re pretty for an Asian,” and “Where are you really from?” are some frequent microaggressions experienced by the Asian community. Cultural appropriation is the inappropriate use of customs, practices, and ideas of one culture by another. Hairstyles and clothing are worn by people who do not know about, celebrate or connect to the historical/cultural background represented. While the appropriators are praised for their actions, black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) are discriminated against for wearing the same attire. Racial gaslighting, microaggressions, and cultural appropriation are all aiding in the normalization of racism against Asians. Those who call this pandemic the "China Virus" certainly add fuel to this hurtful and divisive fire.

As layout was wrapping up, on March 17, 2021, in Atlanta, a 21-year-old gunman killed eight people at Spa Salons with six of the victims being of Asian descent. The attack is under investigation as a hate crime and could reflect an escalation of an already deeply troubling trend.

President Biden and Vice President Harris both addressed the matter with Harris stating, "If you attack one attack all of us" and Biden adding firmly, "Hate can have no safe harbor in America." Stay tuned for updates in our next issue.


During summer of 2020, people in support of Black Lives Matter marched down Washington Ave in North Haven. Protesters held speeches on the NH Green and chanted as they marched down the Avenue.

Protests in our backyard: The Black Lives Matter Movement travels across North Haven roads

Focus nationwide remains on racial justice, police accountability and systematic change

By Zeena Mohamed

After the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement in the summer of 2020, there were some calls throughout the nation to defund the police. Depending on who you ask, you might get different responses as to what that means. However, what these calls all had in common was the demand for reallocating funds from police to marginalized communities in an effort to minimize policing overall.

Studies reveal that low-income communities of color have a greater amount of policing in their neighborhoods in comparison to higher-income, often white, communities. In their efforts to serve in these predominantly black/brown communities, there has been evidence of the police causing more harm than good. Video evidence revealing incidents of police aggression and unnecessary brutality targeted at Black Americans has been under scrutiny lately following the deaths of people of color at the hands of law enforcement. Officer Derek Chauvin's has been charged in George Floyd's killing, and as his trial begins, use of violent tactics, like chokeholds and fatal force, is coming under fire. Those same methods have also been used against Americans facing mental health episodes and towards the homeless population as well.

There have been killings of unarmed people of color long before the Floyd case. However, in this instance, an 8 minute video gave Americans a clear view of undeniable evidence of what happened and it has resonated nationwide. In 2014, 12 year old Tamir Rice while holding a toy gun was shot and killed by a police officer. Floyd was killed in 2020 after an officer pushed his knee into his neck. These instances were six years apart and in between many more were killed due to police violence. People in support of defunding the police argue that reallocating funds into social programs, education, and mental health resources will help lower-income communities grow and manage some of the problems in their communities. Their calls are heavily supported from evidence and research revealing a direct correlation between poverty and crime. If communities can have the opportunity to grow out of poverty, less crime would occur, decreasing the need for police resources. However, their are many who disagree and feel minimizing police support before problems are eliminated is a dangerous move.

Another factor that has sparked these calls this past summer was the militarization of police during protests. Critics have expressed their discomfort with such an aggressive police response. Thousands and thousands of videos show police at protests with riot gear, batons, armored vehicles, weapons, and tear gas. Rubber bullets were fired at protesters causing serious injury and excessive force was used. Oftentimes police escalated protests, causing them to go from civil to violent. Although, it is a controversial subject since come citizens argue that the police were working to keep the peace. The vast majority of protesters were there to peacefully make a point and send an important and united message. However, the sad truth is, there were others, who wanted to exploit the situation. The FBI believes that white supremacists groups were apart of the people that instigated the situation. There were many different kinds of people that attempted to take advantage of the protests, and portray peaceful protesters in a poor light.

During the summer of 2020, multiple protests were held right here in North Haven with high school students, parents, alumnus, and residents coming together to show their support for Black lives. In one protest, supporters marched from the high school to the police department in solidarity. People shouted “Black Lives Matter'' as well as multiple chants of “Say Her/His Name” followed by the name of a victim of police brutality. In another protest, supporters met at the town green and later marched to the intersection between Washington Avenue and Clintonville Road where they held hands and knelt on the ground as another way to symbolize their solidarity. Their efforts were met with opposition with some North Haven residents showing up at the protests with Blue Lives Matter flags and Trump flags. Unfortunately, there were a few who crossed the line, posing threats with their vehicles to the Black Lives Matter protesters.

The Black Lives Matter movement has forever changed the face of this country as some continue to demand action and fund reallocation. As towns and cities continue to protect and provide for their own through community work and mutual aid, it is clear that discussions must continue so that problems can be resolved and effective solutions put into place. Folks need to come together and engage in productive discourse and have meaningful conversations rooted in empathy and problem-solving. First and foremost, we all deserve to feel safe and be treated fairly. The good in all of us can help bring about much needed change.

2020 Presidential Election: Joe Biden and Donald Trump fight for America's votes

By Tara Stoeffler

This year’s Presidential Election was extraordinary as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris representing the Democratic Party and Donald Trump and Mike Pence representing the Republican Party, went head to head. Prior to becoming President in 2017, Trump served as a successful real-estate developer, businessman and television personality. He had licensed his name to several large clothing lines, hotels, and properties. Our country’s former Vice President, Mike Pence, is a lawyer and politician, who was the governor of Indiana for five years. Biden, the oldest candidate to ever run for president, had served in various political positions for over six decades and as America's 47th Vice President under Barack Obama for eight years. Harris served as attorney general in 2010 and continued her journey in politics after winning a seat in the U.S. Senate. She has now broken barriers as the first woman, first Black American, and first Asian American to serve as Vice President of the United States.

Voting was done a bit differently this year due to the pandemic, yet since 1900, there had never been such a high number of voters involved in an election. Millions of Americans voted at the polls, through provisional ballots, etc. Per usual, the candidates competed to win electoral college votes. Biden received 306 votes while Trump received 232. Biden was the first ever candidate to win at over 80 million votes, receiving 81,283,098 in total. Trump won 46.8% or the votes cast: 74,222,958 votes in all. Therefore, as we all know, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election, and now serve in the White House as our nation’s history-making American President and Vice President.

After the election results were released, an unprecedented effort was made by the Trump administration to try to overturn the outcome. A large number of rioters stormed the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 with several reports describing it as an attempted coup. Trump and his allies made claims that this 2020 election was stolen from them due to various reasons, including alleged rigged voting machines and communist conspiracy theories. These claims were rejected by many state judges, officials, and departments. Thus, President Joe Biden and his administration continue to serve.

For now, Trump’s plans are up in the air. There does not seem to be a concrete answer in regarding what his future will hold. A few of America’s biggest platforms have shut down his social media accounts, causing him to be cut off from certain services. Many Americans will continue to deem the Trump brand harmful and toxic. However, there are still millions who support him and hope to see Trump continue on as a major political figure in the years to come.

In his first term, Biden has pledged to enforce numerous new guidelines and policies that will significantly shift our nation’s path. He and Harris have committed to executive orders and have implemented a one-hundred day in-office plan. Biden has made many new economic, environmental, and educational plans, and will be making racial justice a priority. In addition, Biden also has also implemented many science-based plans to address our current COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine distribution process. Biden and Harris’s historical win is one for the books and they now strive to unite the nation so deeply divided among blue and red states to bring about unity among citizens.

Brandon Bernard

“I'm sorry. That's the only words that I can say that completely capture how I feel now and how I felt that day."

Brandon Bernard Receives the Death Penalty

By Diego Esponda

In Trump's final days in office, he and his administration zoomed through a list of federal executions. One such execution was of a man named Brandon Bernard, a 40-year-old black man convicted and imprisoned on a murder charge from 1999. Back in June of 1999, Bernard and a group of teenagers robbed two adults and forced them into the trunk of their car. An accomplice of Bernard’s shot the two, and then Bernard set the trunk on fire.

During the trial, the question being asked was whether or not Bernard’s fire killed the pair, or if the gunshots they had experienced before being burned had killed them. Both the defense lawyers and an independent investigator stated that the pair had died before Bernard set the trunk on fire, but government testimony cited the presence of soot in one of the adult’s lungs as evidence explaining why they had been killed by the fire that Bernard started. Because of this evidence, Bernard was sentenced to death at the age of 18. During Bernard’s case reassessment, his lawyers argued that he should instead be given life without parole, because of his subsequent participation in outreach programs dedicated to stopping other people from getting involved in crime, and his good behavior while jailed. The judge disagreed, and Bernard was executed. His last words were to the family of the victims, to whom he said, “I'm sorry. That's the only words that I can say that completely capture how I feel now and how I felt that day."

Bernard’s execution and the death penalty as a concept have recently sparked political controversy across America, with the main political parties being split on the issue. The left believes that the death penalty inherently violates many aspects of the Constitution, including equal protection under the law due to its unfair targeting of racial minorities (especially if their victims are white). Jurors in Washington state are three times more likely to recommend a death sentence for a black defendant than for a white defendant in a similar case. In Louisiana, the odds of a death sentence were 97% higher for those whose victim was white than for those whose victim was black. The death penalty also targets those who are of lower economic status, due to these individuals being unable to afford legal representation to defend them effectively.

Many individuals believe that the death penalty is cheaper than taxpayers paying for criminal spending the rest of their life in prison; but in fact, the opposite is true. The death penalty route is more expensive for America due to the longer trials and appeals required when a person's life is on the line, the need for more lawyers/experts on both sides of the case, and the relative rarity of executions. Another reason many advocate for the death penalty is because they think it deters both crime and, more specifically, crimes that result in the death penalty, i.e. murder. However, statistics show that this is false, or inconclusive at best. Not only has the FBI found that states with the death penalty have the highest murder rates, but surveyed police chiefs across the nation cite the death penalty as one of the worst deterrents to crime. There is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long terms of imprisonment. Finally, many simply think that the state executing prisoners is inherently immoral, and is putting too much power into the hands of the government. Discourse about the death penalty has gone on for decades and will likely continue.

Dr. Miguel A. Cardona: Connecticut Commissioner "upgraded" to U.S. Secretary of Education position and makes history

By Diego Esponda

Miguel A. Cardona has recently been appointed to Biden's cabinet, filling the position of the United States secretary of education. Cardona was appointed with a bipartisan approval of a vote 64 to 33. Cardona was a local Connecticut educator prior to his big step upwards, working as a principal in Meridan. Cardona was chosen for the role due to his long and impressive record in the Connecticut school system, and for his work in pushing for a reopening of schools in the state. Cardona also plans on addressing and tackling the issues of inequity in the Connecticut education system and the national education system. "At this moment of crisis, Dr. Cardona is exactly the leader we need at the Department of Education" commented Senator Murray of Washington state. Cardona's approval came with no controversy, in comparison to his predecessor Betsy DeVoss, who needed the tie-breaking VP's vote to be appointed. What made Miguel Cardona more likable in comparison to DeVoss is likely his public education background since DeVoss had little to none. With Miguel A. Cardona's appointment to the secretary of education comes a brighter future for children across the country during these challenging times.

Victims' families file lawsuit against infamous Alex Jones

Claims that Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax incite justifiable outrage

By Jenna Courville

Conspiracy theorist and radio/television host Alex Jones is known for making outrageous, untrue and often insanely insensitive statements. It has made him a rich man but he may have just crossed into forbidden territory from which he can never return.

The 46-year-old influential media figure takes pride in making atrocious statements to stir up controversy and anger. But in late 2014 many think he crossed the line one too many times when he made an on-air claim on his show InfoWars that the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown Connecticut was a staged hoax.

Most known for his viral clip claiming that tap water is turning frogs gay, Jones has made many scandalous claims on InfoWars, which is a radical political theorist show. His appalling views are usually offensive and hurtful and supported by little or no factual evidence whatsoever, but they still often go viral. His most recent escapade is by far one of the most revolting because it revolves around the death of innocent school children whose loved ones continue to mourn and suffer from unimaginable and heartbreaking loss.

Parents of the Sandy Hook victims filed a civil lawsuit against Alex Jones in 2019 based on defamation against their children (Defamation is the act of damaging the good reputation of someone.) Their attorney presented video proof of broadcasts with Jones stating his suspicions that the shootings were staged and that no real deaths occurred. Once in court, he was also accused of deleting evidence that revealed his sentiments about the Sandy Hook tragedy.

Recently, in June of 2019, Jones was slammed with sanctions by Bridgeport Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis who was ruling in the Sandy Hook lawsuit when he claimed a lawyer representing the families tried to frame him by planting child pornography in his emails. During one of his trademark on-air tirades, Jones suggested, without evidence, that the “pornography plot’ was part of the lawyer’s attempt to set him up. He crazily pounded on a photo of the attorney, who took him to the court stating he interpreted Jones’ actions as “threats against counsel…made to a very large audience”. Jones later backed off the claim and his lawyer stated that while his behavior was “inappropriate”, it did not rise to a level of threat. Jones was flabbergasted by Bellis’s subsequent sanction which he felt was unjustly imposed. Jones ultimately issued a public apology on one of his shows.

Bellis has described Jones’ behavior on the broadcast as “indefensible, unconscionable...and possibly criminal”. The Sandy Hook attorneys say YouTube’s ban on hoaxer videos comes “too late to undo the harm” that Jones has caused the families of the Sandy Hook victims. Eventually, Jones was ordered to pay 100,000 dollars plus the court costs of the victims’ families. In addition to costs and legal troubles, he and InfoWars have been banned from nearly every major social media platform for various terms of service violations, including hate speech.

One individual states, “Burying one’s own child is a parent’s worst nightmare. Having a monstrous opportunist claim your child's death never took place, is a heinous act that must not be tolerated nor forgiven”.

Other critics place the blame squarely on the shoulders of those who constitute his audience and the advertisers who pay him good money as long as people watch/listen to his hurtful and maniacal rants.

One NHHS senior who knows someone who lost a child at Sandy Hook expresses her fury stating, “Jones is a despicable scoundrel guilty of many horrific actions including barbarous cruelty to others….some say he is insane but most of us agree he is sly as a fox and will exploit any/all situations that get him attention and make him money….he may always find an attorney who steadfastly defends him, for the right price...but that just represents another level of offensive all-out abuse of America’s constitution….and a mockery of our legal system.”

Only the American public can disarm Alex Jones and put him out of business by refusing to give him the spotlight he incessantly seeks. Most decent Americans believe Jones is a repugnantly disgraceful monster who makes unfounded accusations in the name of entertainment and under the guise of free speech. It is deplorable that he abuses his first amendment right to grant himself free reign to attack the innocent in the most heinous and inhumane ways. We the public must disarm rather than empower him in his relentless and heartless pursuit of fame and fortune at any cost.

ICE Detains New Haven Student

By Zeena Mohamed

As of March 2020 ...

Mario Aguilar, a junior at Wilbur Cross High School in New Haven, Connecticut, was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers in September of 2019. According to the teen’s legal counsel, Aguila had been previously arrested by West Haven Police after an incident where he caused minor damage to a parked car. A police officer then arrested him and accused him of driving under the influence. According to his legal counsel, Aguilar had been reaching for his phone after it had fallen from the dashboard when he lost control of the vehicle. He was later seized by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents before he was able to make his second appearance in court and was detained. Aguilar has made a continuous effort with his teachers to continue his education by having his coursework mailed to him along with letters of support from his classmates.

According to his legal counsel, Aguilar came to the U.S. from Guatemala in an effort to escape a local violent gang that tried to hire him. When he rejected their recruitment efforts, the 18-year-old was abused and threatened with death. He came to the U.S. to live with his uncle and worked in order to send money to his family in Guatemala. Despite Aguilar’s support from his community including classmates, teachers, and many more, in addition to a presented a plan that would allow him to avoid driving a vehicle, the immigration judge ruled against granting Aguilar bond. He was detained at an ICE facility in Massachusetts and after months at the detention center, was granted Asylum and released from ICE custody.

Wilbur Cross High School Principal, Edith Johnson, stated that the school faculty has been fighting for Aguila’s freedom ever since they found out he was detained. Current Mayor Justin Elicker when referencing the string of events has said, “There’s something deeply wrong in our society.”

Aguilar’s case is one of hundreds facing people throughout our nation over the last couple of years. Fortunately his community rallied behind him during his time in need. Data reveals that 69,550 migrant children were detained by the United States of America in 2019 alone. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the immigration detention system exposes detainees to inhumane conditions. In January of 2020, the ACLU stated that under the Trump Administration, immigration detention standards are weaker, causing health and safety consequences for the detainees. Each story shows the flawed immigration system in the United States and the harm it has caused and continues to cause to detainees. Mario Aguilar was just one story representing a small fraction of those struggling to stay on American soil.

Jane Fonda accepts Lifetime Achievement award at 2021 Golden Globes

"You know, we are a community of storytellers, aren't we? And in turbulent, crisis-torn times like these, storytelling has always been essential."

Jane Fonda Continues Her Legacy in the Spotlight

By Carly Fresher

Wrapped in a bright red coat and proudly sporting plastic cuffs binding her hands, Jane Fonda was one of 16 charged with unlawful demonstration on the East Front of the Capitol in late October. According to Capitol Police, Fonda was later released on her own recognizance after a night in jail.

At age 81, Fonda chose to make the major life change to move to Washington in September to highlight the urgency of the climate crisis by staging protests at the Capitol. Recently, she has frequently been arrested for demonstrating during intermittent protests, often with a famous friend or two in tow. Some celebrities that she has brought along in the past include Sam Waterston, Ted Danson and, on the day of her latest arrest, Catherine Keener and Rosanna Arquette. She continued protesting after her arrest until mid-January. At which time she resumed filming for her Netflix show, “Grace and Frankie,” and was forced to move out of Washington at that time.

Fonda is a two-time Academy Award best actress winner and fitness video siren. Her arrest reminded many of her drastic activism during the 1960s and 1970s. She has received both acclaim and criticism for her protests at that time and she continues to face both positive and negative reactions to her activism. Despite the frequent disobedience she has displayed throughout her life, the only time other than her latest arrest that she has actually spent the night in jail was in 1970. 32 at the time, Fonda was taken into custody for an overnight stay while she was protesting the Vietnam War on a speaking tour (charges were eventually dropped in that matter). Two years later she visited North Vietnam, landing the nickname Hanoi Jane, and went on to apologize repeatedly for causing any insult to American soldiers. The nickname has stuck, though, and at the protest which landed her in jail for the night at least one detractor shouted it her way.

Fonda and the many others protesting alongside her hope to inspire others to flood the streets and compel lawmakers to force fossil fuel companies to keep trillions of dollars of remaining oil reserves in the ground. Whether this lofty goal is reached, she has at least made pop culture inroads. Her recent acceptance of a Bafta Award while getting arrested went viral, and Buzzfeed’s suggested Halloween couples costumes included dressing as Fonda and her arresting officer.

Directly before her arrest, Jane Fonda was asked by an inquisitive reporter if her civil disobedience was having its intended effect. To this question she proudly responded, “You are all here,” as she indicated to the eager group of camera crews and journalists surrounding her, “So I think it’s working.”

Just recently at the Golden Globes, Fonda was honored with a lifetime achievement award, celebrating her excellence in film and TV. She made her breakthrough in 1960 and is now one of the most iconic Hollywood stars. Fonda continues to make strides with her political activism and her dedication to the craft.

Before and After: The Storming of the Capital

Chaotic storming of the U.S Capitol horrifies America and shocks the world

By Kayley Zielinski

On January 6th, 2021 during what was supposed to be a peaceful count of votes, a riot broke out at the United States Capitol. Thousands of Trump supporters banded together to protest the results of the election, still believing that the win was fraudulent. Prior to the senate meeting, Trump addressed the crowd, stating, “We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." It was this moment that many believed sparked the start of the riot with Trump claiming that they needed “to take back our country”. From there the chaos started as they marched to the Capitol and broke through barricades to get into the building. The protestors were caught on camera climbing walls and making their way past the Capitol police who could not control the mob. The Congressman and staff were evacuated to a safe room before any protests could get to them. Once the rioters entered the building, hell broke loose.

The crowd continued to get past the officers and broke into individual chambers and offices of Congress. Many people inside were acting like it was a big joke, taking pictures inside of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and stealing her lectern. The pictures that were so proudly being posted are what led to many of the arrests afterward. Along with the lectern, two laptops were stolen from the Capitol. One of the laptops was stolen from Pelosi’s office and an aide confirmed that the computer was used only for presentations but did not specify if it contained classified information. Another computer stolen was the computer of Senator of Oregon, Democrat Jeff Merkley. US attorney Micheal Sherwin claimed that the stolen laptops could possibly pose a national security threat, but no other information was released on exactly what those threats may be.

As of now, 235 people have been charged for their roles in the Capitol riot. There are currently another 400 under investigation by the FBI. The easiest arrests were made with photo proof in which many of the individuals had posted photos on social media of them in the Capitol. Officials were able to easily identify individuals and had much help from the public. So far 20 of those charged have been charged with destruction of government property. Two of these defendants are under even more fire, being accused of terrorism which could heavily influence their sentences. The age of those arrested varied greatly, with those as young as 18 to as old as 70. As a result of such heavy media talk about the riot, many protesters have fired from their jobs afterward. As of recent news, five of the protestors worked as law enforcement, and four of them have had to leave their job because of their involvement. The biggest commonality found amongst the protestors were affiliations to extremist groups. Those charged have already been connected to Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Texas Freedom Force, and QAnon. The amount of involvement of these groups has been a big question throughout the investigation.

Not only did the riot bring fear to Americans but it also brought tragedy. Due to the chaotic environment at the Capitol, 5 people lost their lives. Three of the deaths were due to medical emergencies that could not be attended to in the midst of the crowd. A fourth death was the death of a Capitol Police officer who died from injuries sustained from trying to keep back the rioters. The fifth accounted death from that day was the death of other protestors that was shot by Capitol police. The woman was shot while trying to break through a window and succumbed to her injuries at the hospital. In weeks following the riot, many were still dealing with the consequences. Due to the events that took place that day, two police officers have taken their lives since then. The events that took place on January 6th, 2021 are still being investigated and will continue to take a toll on the people affected.

"Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn't be that women are the exception."

Ruth Bader Ginsburg leaves behind legacy of integrity, justice, and brilliance

By Regan Cunningham

Another tragic loss in the terrible year that was 2020 was the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. On the bleak day of September 14, 2020, Ginsburg died from complications of the pancreatic cancer she had been fighting for so long. She lived an honorable 87 years, having accomplished so much for women in her time here.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was laid to rest at the Arlington National Cemetery on September 23rd. There were many gatherings and vigils that took place days after her passing, including a gathering at the Supreme Court steps, where people sang songs and stood together to honor her. Some memorials took place online, as people all across America joined to mourn. In person vigils also took place in many different cities. The morning after her passing, there was a memorial on the front steps of the Supreme Court, decorated with flowers, candles, and cards.

When a Justice passes away while in term, it is tradition to drape their bench in black, and the flags of the capitol to be flown at half staff. Across the United States, statues and buildings were then renamed and modeled. Notably, the Brooklyn Municipal Building is being planned to be renamed to honor Ginsburg, who was originally from Brooklyn, NY. The governor of New York also stated that a statue would be made for her in Brooklyn as well.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg shared a last wish that her replacement justice be chosen by the man who won the 2020 presidential election. However, that did not happen. Instead, Amy Coney Barrett, was nominated by then-president Donald Trump and her nomination was moved forward and she took her place on the Supreme Court. Regardless of the politics of the process, Ginsberg's legacy and her impact on our nation lingers on.

She will be known in history as a feminist leader, paving the way for women all over the world, and even more so normalizing women in the judicial system. Ginsburg served 27 long years as a justice in the Supreme Court. She first was a lawyer, and then the first Jewish woman and second woman to serve in the Supreme Court. Ginsburg was an advocate for women’s rights, and spent lots of her time as a lawyer fighting gender discrimination cases. She made the more general argument that gender inequality should be abolished completely, and made her very strong case to the court, eventually leading to the end of gender discrimination in lots of different laws. She also fought in many cases involving equal pay, where she inspired laws going against women being paid less than men. Ruth’s popularity also came from her stance on abortion rights, which was a very pro-choice point of view. She is quoted in one New York Times article saying “The basic thing is that the government has no business making that choice for a woman”. Not only did she fight for women’s rights throughout her years, she also fought for voting rights as well as search and seizure laws.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be remembered as a great speaker, an advocate for gender equality, and an extremely talented lawyer and Justice. Her time in the judicial system was extraordinarily important to women, and she has, and will continue to inspire many people around the world.

Jon Ossoff

Raphael Warnock

David Perdue

Kelly Loeffler

State of Georgia election determines the Senate power of balance

By Grace Finch

The Georgia Senate election drew national attention from Democrats and Republicans alike when the Nov. 8th election had to be extended into two runoffs. Georgia has no primary election for their senate races, so multiple people from a single party can run which effectively split the vote in this election. In order to win on election day, one candidate has to receive more than 50% of the vote, and if no candidate exceeds 50% the election shifts to a runoff race with only the two most popular candidates on the ticket. This occurred last November after none of the candidates in either of the two races received the percentage of votes needed to claim one of Georgia’s two open Senate seats. After the inconclusive results of the Nov. 8th election, a new ticket was drafted with Democrat Jon Ossoff and Incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue facing off for one seat while Democrat Raphael Warnock and Incumbent Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler competed for the other.

The runoff vote was held on January 5, 2021, and its results were highly anticipated across the nation because they would determine the balance of power in the Senate. At the time of the election, Republicans held 50 Senate seats, Democrats held 48 and the remaining two needed to be decided by Georgia. Republicans only needed one of the Senate seats to secure their majority and Democrats needed to win both to create a 50-50 split, with Vice-President Kamala Harris acting as the tie-breaking vote.

The two runoff races were exceedingly close but ultimately Raphael Warnock defeated Kelly Loeffler with 51% of the vote and Jon Ossoff won over Republican David Perdue with 50.6% of votes according to the Associated Press. In the days and hours before the runoff was called, many people were biting their nails awaiting the final results. Warnock and Ossoff were favored before the runoff began but by slim margins. The Warnock and Loeffler runoff was called early January 6th by the Associated Press. However, the Ossoff and Perdue race was deemed too close to call until later January 6th when more than 98% of votes were counted and Ossoff was declared the projected winner by a slim margin.

The Georgia Runoff election was not only a huge and suspenseful accomplishment for Democrats, but it was also a historic race on multiple fronts. Not only was it the first time in 20 years that a Democratic Senator, let alone two, were elected in the traditionally red state, but Raphael Warnock is also Georgia’s first black senator. The runoff election was also marked by a record-setting voter turnout. The runoffs shattered the previous records with over 4.4 million ballots cast and there was also a huge push of votes from the black community with 93% of black voters supporting the Democratic candidates.

Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock’s victories and confirmations mean Democrats have the majority in both Houses of Congress. This is significant because the narrow majority will make it easier for new President Joe Biden’s administration to pass legislation without full bipartisan support. Previous administrations have been limited in their accomplishments and handcuffed by an unwilling Congress but it does not look like that will be the case for President Joe Biden, at least not until the 2022 midterm elections.

Check Out TikTok back in MARCH 2020 (Former editors)

By Diego Esponda

The United States government has recently been investigating the chinese-owned media app called Tiktok. It is a social network where users create 15 second videos, usually either quick comedy snippets, dancing videos, or memes.

Known originally as, the platform was purchased and rebranded by Chinese company ByteDance. This app has had a major influence om teen culture, even as a foreign company, making popular creators into celebrities with tens of millions of followers, and heavily contributing to the success of smash hit songs, like Old Town Road, and even singers themselves, like celebrity award-winning performer, Lizzo.

Why would TikTok, a modern teen social media app no different from other apps, be investigated by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)? The CFIUS reviews threats of national security, specifically revolving around foregin businesses. Usually, the CFIUS focuses on businesses with intelligence connections or military involvement. Recently, however, the committee has been focused mainly on personal data.

Although it is unknown what specifically triggered the investigation, because the CFIUS does not release information on the details of investigations, the company ByteDance has come under scrutiny from Congress about censoring information on the app TikTok. It has been shown that TikTok may be censoring videos about protests in Hong Kong and videos that are pro LGBT. There have also been reports about propaganda being posted on the app. The CFIUS is also likely concerned with the Chinese government’s access to the private information of American users.

Americans fear that the private information of teens will be shared with the Chinese government or will cause foreign-controlled misinformation. Many senators, like Marco Rubio, have been calling for an investigation and ultimately, the CFIUS will need to make a decision about whether or not TikTok is a threat to national security. If it is deemed a non-threat, ByteDance will be allowed to continue operating as the company has been doing. If the company is deemed a threat to national security, CFIUS will demand divestment of the company, which would reduce their assets. It is likely that this would mean TikTok would have to revert to This has happened to apps like PatientsLikeMe and Grindr. Reversion would be difficult because the app and its users were wholly and directly transferred to TikTok. Following the TikTok rebranding it is likely that would not have as much value. Divestment would not only revert the app to but also hamper ByteDance’s plans to expand internationally.

The most likely possibility is that CFIUS would develop a list of demands, called a mitigation agreement, for TikTok to satisfy to ensure that they do not pose a threat to national security. Some measures that will likely come into play with that process include auditing, an increase of government reporting, and hosting certain data in America. CFIUS will likely want to see evidence or proof that TikTok’s presence in America is run independently from ByteDance and that the Chinese Government is not involved in either the app or the company, specifically in terms of possessing the ability to influence or control censorship.

TikTok has recently stated that American content moderation is handled by TikTok employees based in the United States, and that data from users from the United States is not stored in China. Rather, this data is stored in both the US and Singapore. TikTok has also recently hired lawmakers to help it develop content moderation guidelines, presumably so they can avoid being accused of censorship. It also insists that data about American citizens is stored in the US, with Singapore (and not China) as a backup. The company is already in talks with CFIUS and “only time will tell” if they reach a solution that will satisfy all parties involved. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking….

Check out TikTok now.... adapting to the Pandemic along with the nation and world (Current editors)

By Eliza O'Connor

In 2020 and 2021, the world was impacted by the newest social media app, TikTok. TikTok is an app where anyone can create and post videos ranging from three seconds to one minute long. Over one billion people have downloaded the app and there is content that caters to everyone.

On the app you can see anything from dance videos, to educational videos, to comedy videos. Although some videos may seem lighthearted, TikTok has given a platform for people to speak on issues such as mental illness, social injustices, and politics. This platform has created a new wave of “influencers” and is actively impacting our society now and will continue to in the future.

The new wave of influencers are becoming celebrities to a younger generation. Tiktokers like Charli and Dixie D’Amelio and Addison Rae have found themselves launched into the public eye. They all have hundreds of millions of likes coming from their millions of followers. Their fame is predominantly admired by children, teens, and young adults. Tiktok has given these influencers a platform that can potentially lead to more “mainstream” fame. Now more than ever, these influencers are present in television, movies, and music.

Tiktok has quickly become a hub for young people to receive news. Many accounts are dedicated to informing people on politics and news. The one minute videos make what may be complex information into shortened and easy to understand news. Some politicians have even joined TikTok, like Jon Ossoff, a United States senator from Georgia. The Senate race in Georgia was incredibly important this year and Senator Ossoff used Tiktok to further reach a young audience which he knew would be very important for him in the election. Ossoff won his election and was sworn into office by Vice President Kamala Harris.

One of the biggest examples of Tiktok having an impact on politics was when a large group of people (predominantly teenagers) reserved spots at a Donald Trump election rally. This caused Donald Trump and his team to overestimate how many people would show up and ended up making the rally look a lot more empty than expected.

One of the most important outcomes of TikTok is that it has given a platform for people to spread awareness on social justice issues and mental health. When it comes to social justice issues, many users are dedicated to spreading awareness to movements like Black Lives Matter.

Many users advocated for black communities, gave resources that helped to educate on systemic racism, and provided tips for attending protests. These videos helped spread messages of the Black Lives Matter movement, helped people become more educated, and provided resources for those inclined to learn more. Tiktok has become a place where black creators’ voices can be amplified during this time and onward.

TikTok has given Gen Z the opportunity to find communities that can offer support. Many people share their experiences with mental health, whether that be depression, anxiety, eating disorders, or something else. Users have found a safe place where they feel accepted on Tiktok. For example, creators have started to film themselves eating in hopes of helping someone else to eat. TikTok has created a cultural revolution amongst people around the world in 2020 and continues to be the leading social media platform for trends, politics, and music.

Jeff Bezos accumulates more $$$ as the world struggles through the Pandemic

By Noelle Carmody

Jeff Bezos, the first ever person to be worth two hundred billion dollars, was born in Albuquerque on January 12, 1964. As a child, he was raised in Houston, however a job transfer brought the family to Miami where Bezos attended high school. Bezos graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. After many offers, he landed a job on Wall Street where he helped build a hedge fund. Now, at 57 years old, Bezos is an American internet entrepreneur, industrialist, investor and a media producer. One of his greatest achievements was creating the online business, Amazon. Founded in 1994, Bezos later became the CEO of the company in 1996. However, he recently stepped down from that position to focus on other businesses, but is still involved with the company. Even though Jeff Bezos is known to be a very wealthy person, Elon Musk still holds the title of richest person in the world. However, it has been close between the two and they have traded the number one spot multiple times. Jeff Bezos, known for his many accomplishments, can at times be associated with controversy.

Bezos put pen to paper on the Amazon business plan on a road trip he was taking to Seattle. He left his job in 1993 to make his Amazon business dream come true. He started from his garage and received three hundred thousand dollars from his parents to invent Amazon. Bezos even had to warn early investors that there was a seventy percent chance that Amazon would fail. He first started Amazon only as a book store online, but he always knew he wanted to expand to selling a variety of products. In 1998, the company was able to expand to offer music and other consumer goods. Shortly after, Bezos left the company to start Amazon web. They even nearly went bankrupt in 2003, but came back a year later by work office layoffs. Bezos continued to grow Amazon which is now one of the most popular purchasing websites. Bezos is forty eight percent richer than the British monarchy. Although numbers keep changing, as of 2020 Bezos was making 9 billion a month or 2.25 billion a week.

There was a lot of controversy surrounding Bezos’s gains throughout the pandemic. Many continue to criticize him for not putting forth enough resources to help his workers. Injuries are common and with COVID-19, many workers have tested positive in their respective facilities. Bezos may encompass a controversial name, but the immense amount of wealth he has is undeniable.


"They would punish inmates for everything"

Sayragul Sauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh woman who fled China's internment camps

Uighur Persecution and atrocities revealed

By Sophia Iannotti

The Chinese government has had a decades-long effort against a Muslim ethnic group, known as Uighurs, that has recently grown stronger in 2017. Uighurs make up about 45% of the population in Xinjiang. Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State for the United States, said that China’s actions towards Uighurs qualifies as genocide, a declaration made right before the end of Trump’s presidency. He continued by stating, “I believe that this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uighurs by the Chinese party-state”.

Tensions have steadily grown between Uighurs and another ethnic group, known as Hans. Starting in 1950, there have been multiple occasions of attacking businesses, stabbings, and general violence which led to the general prejudice against the Uighur people. When confronted by the U.N. in 2018, Chinese officials denied that such camps existed.

As of October 2020, nearly half a million children had been placed in boarding schools to assimilate them without family influence. Outsiders are not allowed to enter, and some parents don’t even know their kids are in the schools, finding out from social media. Uighur students are taught Chinese culture and songs that praise the Chinese party. The boarding schools have completely erased Uighur culture. In Hotan, a town in southwestern Xinjiang, more than $1 million have been put towards security and surveillance in schools, just in the past 3-4 few years.

Papers issued by the Chinese government were leaked to the New York Times by someone within the party. The documents explained to local officials how to respond to questions about relatives put into camps. Students coming back from school were told their behavior could shorten or prolong their family’s detainment. In April 2014, Uighur militants stabbed 150 people at a train station, causing the President of China to deliver a private speech to other officials. He says a “struggle against terrorism, infiltration and separatism” is needed. “We must be as harsh as them and show absolutely no mercy.” Multiple attacks from Uighurs have taken place, but none of them have had enough impact to jeopardize the party.

After the recent spotlight that has been put on this situation, many are concerned about the spread of misinformation. The best solution right now is to listen to actual Uighurs that have either escaped the camps or have loved ones that are currently there.

Explosion in Lebanon

By Jenna Courville

On August 4th, 2020, a huge explosion rocked Beirut, Lebanon. This massive explosion caused at least 204 deaths, 7,500 injuries, and $15 billion worth of property damage, leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless. The blast was so large that it was heard in Syria, Turkey, and other parts of Europe. It was detected by the United States Geological Survey as a seismic event of magnitude 3.3, and is now considered one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosions in history.

As to why this event happened, the cause is still pretty unclear. In the port, where the explosion originated from, there was a large amount of stored ammonium nitrate. To be exact, there was 2750 tonnes of the substance and had already avoided safety measures for 6 years before the explosion. The explosion itself was caused by a fire in that same warehouse, however the cause of the fire is still not clear. As of January 2021, the exact cause of the detonation is still under investigation.

The aftermath of the explosion was horrific, people were walking the streets covered in dust and blood, trying to find safety or even lost loved ones. The government of Lebanon declared a two week emergency following the Beirut explosion, and weeks after there were massive protests and outcries demanding to know why the government hadn't prevented the explosion. Those protests had become a part of a series of other protests from 2019, and are still going on to this day.

North Haven students: "Dive in and Thrive in" the Arts!

~Peruse the carrousel of artwork produced by NHMS and NHHS children~


Companies compete to develop 5G technology

By Sophia DelVecchio

Companies around the world are racing to launch 5G networks, the fifth-generation of wireless technology. Each decade has brought a new generation of faster, more reliable wireless technology, and with our entry into 2020, the same is promised. There are two types of 5G technology: the superfast “millimeter wave” network that can download movies within seconds and the regular 5G that will modestly reduce lag and increase connectivity. Although downloading movies within seconds would be quite exciting, this “millimeter wave” technology is unlikely to be accessible in most places because its signals travel shorter distances and have a hard time passing through obstacles, so it will mainly be used in large, open spaces like stadiums. AT&T and Verizon launched 5G networks in a small number of cities across the U.S. in 2019, but this technology has not been implemented at large. However, this is the year that is supposed to change.

Many people are framing the establishment of 5G networks as a race between telecommunications companies. Huwaie, the Chinese telecom company has emerged as the leader of this race because it is likely to establish the first wide-area 5G network and has contracts to set up these networks in about 30 countries. This is of concern to America because the companies that implement 5G technology first will become the chief suppliers of this technology, gaining economic and intelligence benefits for their country that may last for decades. Economically, this technology could enable commercial applications such as in developing self-driving cars, smart homes, and advanced robotics. In regards to national security, this 5G technology.

Some are saying that not developing the technology first will not only delay materialist 5G benefits for America but it could also reduce long-term gains, impacting our nation well into the future. On the other hand, the winner of the “5G race” will not necessarily obtain the predicted benefits. Stu Woo, a journalist at The Wall Street Journal explains, “Being first to a new technology isn’t always everything. The Soviet Union beat the U.S. to space but not in landing astronauts on the moon. In telecom, European countries pioneered cellular networks in the 1990s. Then American companies rallied to globally dominate the technology that powers today’s mobile internet.”

This new technology could open doors for America, but who is to say that these benefits could not be obtained at a later time? As of right now there are a lot of people trying to predict the benefits of winning the race to 5G technology, but no one knows for sure how losing will affect America. As an increasing number of companies join the race in trying to develop the required cutting edge technology, one can only imagine what lies ahead. In the meantime, for once perhaps mankind can be satisfied with the technology it currently possesses and focus on other priorities like the millions of homeless/starving people struggling to survive throughout the world.

NASA tests underwater rover to explore alien life on Jupiter/Saturn moons

By Tyler Karasinski, '20

It is no easy task to develop a rover that travels through the vast deserts of Mars, but designing one to cling underneath a twelve mile thick sheet of ice is another feat altogether.

Nicknamed ‘Bruie,’ or Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration, the three foot wide, tooth-wheeled rover began testing in the frigid waters of the Antarctic in December 2019. It was developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA. The rover will be deposited below the thick sheets of ice through use of a nuclear powered, autonomous tunneling robot named Cryobot, as proposed by German engineers.

Bruie features cameras, lights, and eventually will be equipped with wireless communication to remotely navigate autonomously without a tether. It can also carry some scientific instruments, which will be incorporated later if preliminary testing goes well. When deployed, it will wheel along the underside of the ice, recording observations at what scientists call the ‘ice-water interface,’ held in place by her own buoyancy.

It’s specific targets? The watery worlds of Enceladus, which orbits Saturn, and Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Scientists believe that these icy frontiers now hold the largest possibility for extraterrestrial life in our solar system. Enceladus, warmed by subsurface volcanic activity, is hypothesized to maintain temperatures where life may prosper. This, paired with Europa’s liquid oceans, which are rumored to be nearly sixty miles deep, hold the most mystery and promise in the evolution of life.

With only twenty percent of Earth’s oceans mapped and explored, it is not unreasonable to let the mind wander towards endless possibilities of what might be sixty miles below. If Earth hides the giant squid, what might swim, hidden beneath the miles of ice, on Europa? What might feed from the aquatic alien volcanoes of Enceladus? With Bruie, a machine developed and produced through pure curiosity, NASA hopes to learn what hides in their depths. As Bruie continues testing in the freezing Antarctic waters, Europa and Enceladus wait with their secrets ready to be discovered by the curious eyes of a tooth-wheeled explorer.

Mission of Zero-Waste restaurants: minimize waste to benefit the environment

By Evan Ziegler

In the modern era, man made waste and its effect on the environment is a prevalent ecological topic debated throughout the world. Waste management not only poses the question of where to put it but also how to keep it from contaminating the environment. average temperatures rising day by day as a consequence, climate change has become, more so than ever before, a global problem in desperate need of solving.

The restaurant and food industry is one major contributor to waste products globally, with unfinished food often being immediately disposed of in most restaurants as well as waste material like plastic often being used/discarded. This explains why many feel that the industry is in major need of a waste solution to help the fight against climate change. Hence, the concept of no-waste restaurants was born and may just be the solution.

No-waste restaurants are an environmentally friendly concept that aims to reduce the waste output of restaurants by changing their practices to establishing a no-waste function by up to one hundred percent. The waste reduction effect this new restaurant style could have a crucial impact as part of the solution to waste and climate change.

Two major no-waste restaurants are Nola restaurant, located in Helsinki, Finland, and Rhodora wine bar, located in Brooklyn, New York. Nolla is a no waste restaurant dedicated to serving “great food without compromising sustainability.” They achieve their no-waste status by establishing that “All…. ingredients are mindfully sourced from local farmers, fishermen and producers.and placing a heavy emphasis on seasonality….plus their in-house composter enables them to close the loop by offering suppliers composted soil to take back to their fields in return for their great ingredients”. Thus, since Nolla utilizes ingredients through sourcing from local producers, in accordance with their pro environmental methodology, they are able to focus on seasonality, which cuts down on waste outside of the restaurant, omitting the need for overseas shipping and packaging costs/pollution.

The system of local produce collection also involves a form of trading, which Nola accomplishes through their homemade compost soil, made from the remains and scraps of their in restaurant food. This allows most of the food to remain unwasted, giving it a purpose. The compost soil also functions as a helpful benefit for the local farmers they buy from, assisting in the growing of bigger and better crops, benefitting not only Nolla and the farmer, but the other buyers of the farm’s produce.

Regarding the concept of material waste like plastic, the information page quotes “Our approach to sustainability goes beyond the basics like food packaging and plastic. We have thought of every little detail, from our clothing to our energy consumption”but unfortunately the web page lists no specifics. Regardless, the information demonstrates that the restaurant actively and carefully observes and is cognizant of their material, energy, and food wastes.

Another major no-waste restaurant is that of Rhodora wine bar. Much like Nolla, Rhodora has an information page entitled: “Our Mission'' that outlines the many facets of how Rhodora achieves their no-waste mission. The information page states that Rhodora’s core tenants are “Sustainability and respect for humans and the environment...and guide both the food and beverage choices, as well as the operations of the restaurant as a whole”.

The restaurant achieves its goals for material waste by ensuring that there are “No single-use plastics utilized or accepted into the space, and they will only source and utilize products across its food, beverage, and operations that can be recycled, upcycled, or composted”. When considering food waste “ Decisions around food and beverage are guided by this foundational ethos - a commitment to minimizing waste wherever and however possible. Similarly, decisions around staffing and our business model are guided by sustainability and respect for the people who work in the space”.

The webpage also states the menu of the restaurant “celebrates natural, low-intervention wine with accompanying conservas, or tinned fish, rounded out by cheese and vegetable offerings to snack on or to enjoy as a full meal and ….by featuring small-farm, natural winemakers, the Rhodora team partners with wine producers who share a similar respect for the land and environment, working against the often harmful impacts of large-scale wine manufacturing”. The restaurants specific manufacturing agreements state that “All of Rhodora’s food partners have pledged to use packaging materials that can be composted or recycled, and in many cases, are working to create closed-loop delivery systems in which the vessel of delivery is returned and reused”.

Through the efforts and practices of both Nolla and Rhodora Restaurants, we learn of different ways to make concerted efforts to help fight global warming by being conscious of how much waste is produced. Both achieve their missions of being no-waste style restaurants and are currently succeeding in bettering the ecological impact that the food industry has on the world as a whole. They are to be applauded for their efforts and used as models for other restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, corporations and any number of institutions that serve food.


Thirty million watch Oprah interview: Harry and Meghan chose peaceful privacy over "royal turmoil"

Couple redefines “happily-ever-after” describing depression, isolation and racism issues....while palace focuses on damage control

By Ariana Stewart and Lily Coish

Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle announced on January 8, 2020 that they are stepping down from their royal life as they knew it. The press quickly coined the phrase, Mexit when the couple chose to be classified as "senior" members of the Royal Family. It was very vague and came as a complete surprise to the public. The couple will not be splitting up, but removing their title as Duke and Duchess of Sussex for personal reasons. Queen Elizabeth supported their decision as she herself declared that this would take effect in the spring, keeping the details to a minimum.

An inside look into Harry and Meghan’s life together begins in July 2016 when the couple was introduced in London by “mutual friend” Violet von Westenholz. They met on a blind date and both were almost instantly optimistic about the situation. Von Westernholz was a childhood friend of Harry's who works in public relations with Ralph Lauren, which is how she met Meghan.

The couple’s relationship became more official when Harry put out a statement demanding an end to “the sexist and racial harassment” Meghan was experiencing on social media. Together, Harry and Meghan gradually went more public about their relationship and began to make appearances at weddings and social events. When they traveled to Africa for Meghan's 36th birthday the world took notice and later, Meghan supported Harry at a highly publicized polo match in England.

Markle spoke publicly about her relationship with Harry in an interview with Vanity Fair and stated that she as a person has stayed the same and will never define herself by her relationship. The couple dated for a little over two years before announcing their engagement in November of 2017. They later married at St. George's Castle on May 19, 2018 in a media frenzy with a crowd of family members, friends, and celebrities from the royal world and hollywood/musical entertainment industries. The event represented a mixture of difficult cultures and traditions and was hailed as a sign that the royal world had accepted the beautiful exotic young lady of color into their exclusive world.

Before the wedding began, Queen Elizabeth granted the couple the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex and it seemed the fairy tale was off to a rousing celebratory start. This seemed to be confirmed when only five short months after their wedding, Harry and Meghan announced they were expecting a royal baby and Kensington Palace confirmed that on May 6, 2019, healthy baby Archie Harrison Mouthbatten-Windsor was born.

However, before long, their storybook life began to show signs of stress and strain and in October 2019, Harry put out a personally-written statement to the British tabloids with stern words of warning regarding the mistreatment and misrepresentation of his wife. Markle then filed a lawsuit against "Mail on Sunday" and other associated newspapers for the violation of a private letter written by the Duchess of Sussex accusing them of “purposely displaying deceitful and degrading information” about her and Harry. Harry’s statement later read, "I have been a silent witness to her private suffering for too long, to stand back and do nothing would be contrary to everything we believe in." Shortly after the scandal, with pressure mounting and Markle appearing increasingly unhappy during public appearances and interviews, Harry and Meghan declared their removal from royal life in England.

Following their official statement, the couple gave their final notice that they will be stepping back from royal life completely defending their decision to remain “happily married with their son Archie”, and explaining that royalty was no longer for them. The couple will officially vacate royalty on March 31, 2020 and continue to contemplate what they will do in the remaining weeks until that set date. Harry has revealed plans to re-record "Unbroken" with Jon Bon Jovi and Invictus Games Choir on February 28 and he and Markle plan to attend the Mountbatten Musical Festival, the Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey, and the Endeavour Fund Awards. These events will be one of the first appearances the couple will make since their big announcement.

When the couple conclusively become seniors of the Royal Family, all of their public funding and royal duties will cease. The Queen herself has granted them permission to keep their HRH (His/Her Royal Highness) titles, but after discussion, the couple has decided to remove their application with the British Government to obtain the name "royal" within their relationship.

The family will then begin their new life and plan to create a non-profit organization that focuses on ways to support/improve other foundations globally. They do intend to keep the private sponsorships they have established such as the Prince Harry-funded charity Sentenable and the Invictus Games. They plan to leave England and make America their new home. They will live very private cost-effective lives and clearly stated that they wish to become financially stable and independent.

The couple recently considered purchasing a $7 million Malibu mansion from David Charvet from Baywatch and his wife Brooke Burke. The home lies in the community in which many Hollywood idols such as Caitlyn Jenner, Mel Gibson, and Dick Van Dyke have lived. The house is away from the view of the public which pleases both Harry and Meghan after their negative encounter with the British press.

While many British citizens are disappointed with the couple’s decision to lead their own non-royal lives, some understand why they made that decision. Others feel they did not want to lead their lives in the shadow of beloved royals, Harry’s brother, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his wife, Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge with first-born son,William, obviously an heir to the throne in the future. As for Queen Elizabeth, she has made it clear that she will always love and welcome Harry and his family.

On Sunday, March 7, Megan Markle and Prince Harry shared their experiences and the racism they faced in the royal family during an interview with Oprah. Megan went in depth, describing the suicidal thoughts she had while living as a royal. According to a New York Times article about the interview, “She also blamed Britain’s first family for not providing her with sufficient protection from Britain’s ferocious tabloid press and described racism within the royal family, saying that, during her pregnancy, there had been “concerns and conversations about how dark” the skin of her child would be.” Not only did Megan face hostility in the royal family, Prince Harry revealed a strained relationship with his father, Prince Charles, and brother, Prince William. The “explosive” interview was viewed by 17.1 million people on CBS. After breaking the silence, Megan and Harry excitedly announced they are expecting their second child due soon.

This interview only adds to drama/scrutiny/scandal the British monarchy has endured involving issues such as infidelity, divorce, and inappropriate/illegal sexual escapades all contributing to the ongoing uphill battle to maintain its hierarchical status in an ever-changing modern world.


Chadwick Boseman: Influential Actor and Activist dies of cancer

"You have to cherish things in a different way when you know the clock is ticking, you are under pressure."

Death of Chadwick Boseman

By Lily Coish

Chadwick Boseman can be described using one word, inspiring. Throughout his life, he was motivated and determined to make a change. Many people have noted that Boseman was the definition of a hero. Rather than retreat when diagnosed with cancer, Boseman chose to fight back. Even though he began his career as an actor at an older age, his legacy will always be remembered.

Chadwick Boseman was born in Anderson, South Carolina. Both of his parents worked hard to support Chadwick and his two siblings. His mother was a nurse while his father worked for an agricultural conglomerate and as an upholsterer on the side. Boseman had said he always thought of his father whenever he worked a hard week. Even though Boseman had a loving family, they could not always shelter him from the hate and racism that constantly surrounded him. According to an interview with Rolling Stones in 2018, Boseman was forced to endure racial slurs as a child while simply walking down the street. Growing up, Chadwick loved basketball, but also became attracted to the arts after watching his older brother at dance rehearsals. These recitals inspired Boseman to apply to Howard University and pursue his dreams of becoming a director. Boseman was later accepted into the British American Drama Academy in Oxford, England. He later wrote and directed several plays until he landed his breakout role in the movie “42”.

Chadwick Boseman worked hard to acquire many roles throughout his career. The movie “Black Panther” was more than just a movie for Boseman. The film was an instant hit, earning $1.3 billion worldwide box office revenue. Not only was the movie a huge success, it promoted black power. According to NBC News, “Boseman earned far more than acclaim and celebrity. He became a global icon, an inspiring symbol of Black power and racial progress. "Black Panther'' was a certifiable pop phenomenon. It immediately became a touchstone for moviegoers of all ages around the world, at once a supremely entertaining blockbuster and an urgent political allegory coursing with ideas about power, oppression and inheritance.” Boseman embraced his role, even pushing for the script to be spoken in an authentic South African accent and was known to lead on-set discussions about ancient African symbolism and spirituality. The movie was the first major superhero movie with an African protagonist and the first to have a predominantly black cast. Quoted fromThe New York Times, “Its success represented a moment of hope, pride and empowerment for Black moviegoers around the world. And it marked an inflection point in Hollywood, where decades of discrimination against Black-led films gave way to a new era of increased visibility and opportunity for Black artists.” Martin Luther King III said Boseman’s role in the movie “brought history to life”.

Unfortunately, Boseman was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016. The cancer quickly progressed to stage IV before 2020. He never spoke publicly about his illness or personal life. While battling cancer, Boseman worked to complete several films. Not only was Boseman an inspiration on screen, he expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement during the summer of 2020. His cancer diagnosis inspired Boseman to donate to many charities including St. Jude’s Hospital to help researchers battle the disease. He also donated $4.2 million in personal protective equipment to hospitals fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in black communities.

Boseman defied black stereotypes and empowered many around the world. Throughout his career as an actor, he infused his culture into roles, making an impact on the screen. Boseman used his celebrity status for the greater good, as shown through his philanthropic donations. He left his mark across the world. Boseman was once quoted saying, “The struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose.” Boseman died at the age of 43 on August 28, 2020 after a four year battle with color cancer. He has been posthumously recognized for his final performance in the highly rated Netflix movie, "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom". Most recently he won the NAACP Image Award and his widow, Simone Boseman, accepted on his behalf reminding the audience that African Americans are 20% more likely to develop colon cancer and 40% more likely to die from it. She added, "People 45 years or older should get screened and listen to their bodies... the disease is beatable if caught in its early stages and even if you have no family history, please be proactive with your health. "

Boseman's legacy will forever live on through his craft and he will be sorely missed by many who enjoyed his thespian magic and the way he transformed himself to take on a wide variety of roles. It leaves us to mourn the sad loss of someone so brilliantly gifted and kind.

Looking back at the 2020 Golden Globes still provides entertainment for viewers

By Eva Redman

Last year’s Golden Globe Awards ceremony was an emotional time for talented celebrities. The awards are given to recognize excellence in both American and international film and television. British multi-talented personality, Ricky Gervais, hosted the show and received solid reviews for keeping the crowd chuckling.

The most notable wins receiving attention are the films 1917, and Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood. Universal’s 1917 won the award for ‘Best Film’ in the drama category, with director, Sam Mendes, taking home the ‘Best Director’ award for the film. Its ‘Best Film’ award was seen as a triumph and surprise, as its competition included Netflix originals including Marriage Story, The Irishman, and Two Popes. Mendes’ film was also up against the comic book based smash hit of the year, Joker. The Hollywood love letter of a film, Once Upon a Time, took home the award for best film in the comedy/musical category, beating out hits like Rocketman, Jojo Rabbit, and Dolemite is my Name.

The Globes are widely known for curveball award wins and outright puzzling results, but this year, most of the night’s winners were expected. The evening’s biggest surprise was Mendes taking home the coveted directing prize over other extremely talented directors including Martin Scorcese, Quentin Tarintino, and Parasite’s director, Bong Joon Ho. Accepting the award, Mendes was humble and gracious when he said, “There is not one director in this room who is not in the shadow of Martin Scorsese.” The comment received resounding applause and a nod and wave from the ever-classy, Scorcese. Although he did not win the award, he is undoubtedly regarded with such admiration from his peers, colleagues, and fans.

There was a major controversy about the director nominees, none of which were women. Greta Gerwig, who was not nominated for her highly adored debut film, Ladybird, two years ago, again missed out with her adaptation of Little Women. She sarcastically suggested that if the film industry would stop hiring women as directors, then the controversy would be solved. The only award that was given to a film with a female director was the award for ‘Best Lead Actress’ in a comedy or musical, given to Awkwafina for her role in Lulu Wang’s The Farewell.

Bong Joon Ho’s film Parasite, became the first Korean film to win the award for ‘Best Foreign-Language Film.’ Although receiving this award was a major achievement for Bong, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s rules prevented the film from being nominated for ‘Best Drama.’ As he accepted his award, Bong urged viewers to expand their horizons when it comes to film, and said, “I think we use only just one language: the cinema.” The film went on to win the ‘Best Picture’ Oscar later in that season.

While the Golden Globes often give a preview of what is to come at later awards ceremonies, one must keep in mind that the winners are selected by a mere ninety HFPA members who are not film professionals. Many believe that the relatively small voting group leads to issues of bias and numerous curveball winners. This explains the biases against directors and actors in minority groups, such as people of color and women. Though the HFPA has tried to nudge the awards towards more seriousness and prestige, they are not taken as seriously as other more diversified and universally respected award events. Still, viewers enjoy the pomp and circumstance of celebrities marching down a red carpet in fancy clothes and jewels, therefore the ceremony gets its fair share of media attention.

On Sunday March 14 the annual Grammy Awards show was held in a whole new format. It still honored musical talents across many genres but performers were on separate stages and audiences were seated apart with strict safety measures in place.

Beyonce is pictured left making history as she accepts her record-breaking 28th statue! Her daughter Ivy Blue also took home her first Grammy at age nine. Congrats to the mom and daughter team!

Taylor Swift also made Grammy history at the 2021 award show as the first female artist to win the coveted Album of the Year award three times! This year she won for the album Folklore!

Swift later posted words of praise for her musical colleague, Beyonce, who sent her flowers and a note congratulating her on her win and for "always being so supportive". It seems Lady "B" really is the "Queen of grace and greatness" as many fans claim!

A couple's "dramatic" reunion: Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey of Grey's Anatomy fame, pose together at a beach in Malibu.

Dempsey left the series at the height of its popularity with the nickname "McDreamy" establishing his cast member popularity status. He returned in a dream sequence to the joy of many fans.

The long-running drama is popular with a younger audience of viewers and featured on Netflix for "binge-watching" as needed.

Not just a "Mc-Dream"... reality sets in for fans as Patrick Dempsey returns to Grey’s Anatomy after a long stay away

By Juliana DeAngelo

Patrick Dempsey, most commonly known as Derek Shepherd, or Dr. McDreamy, played a major role as a neurosurgeon in the medical drama series, Grey’s Anatomy. His character formerly played the Chief of Surgery at Grey-Sloan Memorial and had an intimate relationship with Meredith Grey, Ellen Pompeo’s character. Dempsey served as this character for 11 seasons, or 10 years, before calling it quits in 2015. His famous phrase “It’s a beautiful day to save lives” has become ingrained into pop-culture. The show broke off Patrick’s character by having him die after a fatal car accident that left the fans heartbroken. Dempsey left the show to focus on his family and to follow his passion for auto-racing. However, he recently made a shocking comeback in the season 17 premiere. Showrunner Krista Vernoff recently confirmed to Variety that Dempsey will return in the second half of season 17. She confirms, "You will see McDreamy again in the back half of the season." Krisa Vernoff says that she knew she had to find a way to somehow incorporate Demsey back into the show to provide the fans with a sense of joy, humor, romance and entertainment, especially during these hard times, which is what the show is all about.

Vernoff also noted that Ellen Pompeo was the one who proposed her envision to Demspey. Pompeo told Deadline Magazine that her and Patrick went for a hike together one day in their hometown, Malibu, which is where the idea to ask him struck. She was understanding of all of the other jobs he has going on, like his cancer foundation in Maine where he supports cancer patients and survivors, so she knew he already had his hands full. But, Dempsey seemed to love the idea, and he was in full support of coming together to bring some rays of light during dark times.

*SPOILER ALERT* At the end of the show's 2 hour long premiere for their 17th season, which was set in April 2020, Meredith collapses in a parking lot after being infected with COVID-19. This is where she drifts off into a dream at the beach and Dr. Shepherd appears, which their showrunner, Vernoff, has envisioned for a while now. The showrunner said, “I had this imagining of a beach motif throughout the season, and I called Ellen, and I said, what if we bring back, I don’t know, some dead character that you could dream of on the beach, that would be so fun for the fans. And she said, let’s get Patrick.” However, Dempsey’s return is not limited to only this one scene. It is confirmed that he will have several more appearances in the future, but for now the details are sealed.

Another former Grey’s star, T.R. Knight, also known as George O’Malley, who died in season 5 after saving a woman from getting hit by a bus, made an appearance in Meredith’s dreams in this season as well. This makes fans wonder if more past characters who have died on the show will return in the future. “We all have hopes, but we don’t have anything new to report yet” teases Vernoff. Season 17 of Grey’s Anatomy is set to come back in March of 2021, which is mainly focused on the pandemic and how it has impacted the hospital and its workers. Fans are counting down the days until they can binge watch the season to see which characters come back to the show.

Giovanni Calderon 'scores' place on Puerto Rico's national men's soccer team- #13! Bravo to this NHHS alum for his extraordinary achievement!

Best of luck!

North Haven soccer star "kicks off" an exciting career start!

By Payton Hebert, 20’

As the class of 2020 enters the last semester of high school, many seniors are hearing back from colleges, deciding where they will spend the next four years of their life, and setting themselves up to pursue their desired careers. For many, this means adjusting past childhood dreams, like becoming an NFL football player or an astronaut, for careers like sports analytics and aerospace engineering. However, for one student-athlete, who aspired to become a professional soccer player, his dream is becoming true.

Giovanni Calderon, a senior at North Haven High School, is chasing the dream he has had since he was a child, and, for him, it will soon become a reality. Calderon has played soccer for most of his life, following in the footsteps of his brothers, who all played Division I college soccer. During his time in NH Calderon, he has been highly involved in athletics, playing for both the school team and a club team, while in middle school. He has played competitively with the Beachside Soccer Club from the 2016-17 season up until the current season, in addition to playing for New York City Football Club’s U16/17 team for a year. However, that was not enough to satisfy Calderon’s love for soccer. More recently, he has expanded his play onto the international level.

This impressive latest chapter started for Calderon in 2017, when he played for the Puerto Rican National Team during the summer, and also made the U15 National Team. Then, in the summer of 2018, he played for the Puerto Rican U20 National Team at the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) World Cup Qualifiers and did the same this past summer. Calderon’s appearance on the starting lineup, alongside his older brother, Joshua, for the Puerto Rican National team this fall in their game against Honduras established Giovanni as the youngest player to debut for Puerto Rico. Calderon expressed that it was “a dream come true that I will never forget.”

Giovanni does not plan to stop playing soccer any time soon. He is still competing with the Puerto Rican National Team sporadically throughout the year, ready to get on a plane and go play whenever he is given the opportunity. In addition, he has made a verbal commitment to play soccer at the University of Hartford starting in the Fall of 2020 and plans to try out for the national team in Kansas City this summer.

Even though Calderon is a very successful soccer player, who sometimes misses weeks of class to compete, his classmates agree that he maintains a bright and entertaining presence at the school. He is well-liked by his peers, enjoys making them laugh, and never takes himself too seriously. Many still remember his entertaining rendition of the Bruno Mars’ vocal hit, “Grenade,” and his friends, who enjoy his sense of humor and pleasant disposition, envision him making people laugh, even when/if he makes it to the World Cup. Calderon recently made the first team for the Puerto Rican Men’s National Team and will be able to play in the World Cup qualifiers! We wish him best of luck and hope he has a “ball” as his soccer career evolves onto the international stage and beyond!

NHHS Teachers relax outside of school to stay focused, fit and healthy

Bravo ladies- you inspire us all!

As a member of the East Haven World Champion Taekwondo, Spanish teacher Mrs. Nancy Schreiber received her second degree black belt this fall. The two hour test involved many challenging performance tasks including target sparring, self defense and board-breaking combos, and an endurance component.

Math teacher, Mrs. Mary Anne Hardy is pictured enjoying a hike at East Rock. It is one of many Connecticut trails featured in a book she wrote to encourage people to get outside called "50 Hikes in Connecticut". The book is currently being used as the "school read book for Spring 2021" by Bolton K-8 public schools to encourage families to plan hikes and share photos for a school-wide slide show. How exciting that the book is bringing people of all ages together

to enjoy fresh air, safe outdoor exercise and beautiful local scenery.

Hardy recently sent an email to colleagues with helpful information below:

The CT DEEP has released its hiking challenge for this year (Sky's the limit 2021) offering lots of fun hiking opportunities with a focus on boardwalks, and bridges. This is suitable for families, individuals, and hikers with dogs so check it out! Runs through Dec 3, 2021.

Unified Sports is thrilled to be back in action: Between inclement weather and holidays, participants were finally able to recently gather and have fun. It is great to see the team back in action and most certainly enjoying safely reconnecting with friends. Go kids!

NHHS girls and boys basketball teams give it their "best shots" as they return with triumphant winter seasons

Maddie LaDore, Ariana Stewart, Grace Peruso, and Catie Tancreti cheer on the boys basketball team. Fight fight fight!

Zoom fatigue sweeps the nation

By Regan Cunningham

After a long day of staring at a computer screen, one of the best feelings is closing your laptop and getting up for the first time in hours. A new term, describing the feeling of sitting in front of a computer, going meeting after meeting, called "zoom fatigue", has started to resonate with a lot of people working from home during the pandemic.

Students and adults alike have all felt zoom fatigue. Eye strain from excessive screen time and general fatigue from staring at yourself on screen can add to the overall stress of working online. If participants forget their fatigue for a while, a visual reminder of their faces, perhaps stressed/tired, reminds them.

There are different things that can help overall online fatigue. Blue-light glasses can be used to ease/prevent headaches and eye strain during the day. Turning your camera off, or hiding your camera tile is a good way to not have to look at yourself all day. That has proven to lessen the stress of staring at oneself.

We are all grateful for the technology that has helped keep us connected and productive during this pandemic. However, acknowledging that zoom fatigue is an understandable and expected problem, is a good way to deal with this very widespread consequence impacting us all.

Accept the fact that you may feel tired, anxious, and/or stressed during these times. Plan for fresh air/exercise/snack breaks or in-person interactions with friends/family members, to perhaps ease the problem and boost your spirits.

Photo by Kaitlyn Freeman

As millions throughout the world embrace technology to fulfill professional/personal responsibilities and maintain important human connections, zoom fatigue has become a very real phenomenon that has swept the nation/world.

With memories of your kindness and smiles

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family of Marcia Brunner. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother and a longtime employee of NH Public Schools. She was a light in our community and will be missed.

Winter sports postponed

Ilana Blumenthal

Despite much skepticism that the winter season would not take place, the CIAC has approved a winter sports plan. The majority of CIAC sponsored teams started on January 19, including girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball, boys’ ice hockey, and boys’ swimming and diving. All other sports started later that week or the following week. The regular season for most of these sports will last about ten weeks. Girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball, and boys’ ice hockey are scheduled to have twelve games. Boys’ swimming and diving are scheduled to have ten virtual meets. Some athletes say the shortened season is better than nothing. They are excited to play the game they love. The CIAC could have easily cancelled their seasons, but managed to create a schedule that will vary depending on the situations the teams may face.

At all times, every sport is required to wear masks. The only time the masks will be taken off is during designated mask breaks, while the athletes remain socially distanced. Boys’ swimming and diving is excluded from this rule, but they are required to wear masks at all times while on the pool deck.

Many questions have come up as to if fans will be allowed to attend high school athletic events. The SCC voted to not allow any spectators to attend events through the first week of the season, February 8 through February 14. Beyond that date, it is the individual district’s decision to allow or to not allow spectators. Currently, the North Haven School District has decided to allow one spectator per athlete. Although North Haven has made this decision, the Connecticut Rink Owners Association have decided to not allow any spectators through the whole month of February. Having spectators is a big part of the intensity of each event. Throughout the 2021 season, because of the limited number of spectators, there may be a lack of energy from fans that some players thrive off of. JJ Mazzaro, senior captain boys’ basketball player, adds on to this point, “No spectators will be tough, especially for basketball. A lot of our energy comes from the crowd and a loud student section. This year we will have to do the best we can creating our own energy and being our own crowd.” Since most fans will not be able to attend athletic events, all games will be livestreamed either through NHTV or the NFHS network.

This year, unfortunately, there will be no state championships. The SCC has created a postseason experience for the four CIAC sanctioned sports, including girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball, boys’ ice hockey, and boys’ swimming and diving. Having the postseason experience will be a great opportunity for our athletes, but it is disappointing to not be able to have the state championships. Andrew Sacco, captain and senior on the boys’ ice hockey team, states his opinion on this topic. “No state championship to me is just robbery in my opinion. We had a good run last year that got cut short due to COVID-19. Some say we had a good shot at making the finals...I believed it. There will be a tournament at the end of the season with the SCC division two conference teams. That conference consists of the best teams in our division so if we’re not having a state tournament, this is the next best thing.” Although there will be no state championships, the CIAC and the SCC are creating the best experience that they can under the unfortunate circumstances.

Overall, 2021 has already been a crazy year. The postponement of winter sports is disappointing, but it is better than nothing. The winter athletes are able to play the sport they love, even if it is a shortened experience. The opportunity of memories and experiences await these athletes.


Steve Blumenthal, Director of Athletics

The North Haven High School Athletic Department is excited to announce the appointment of Mr. John Higgins as the new head coach for the North Haven High School Boys’ Tennis Program. Coach Higgins' tennis background includes being the Assistant Tennis Pro at the Oak Lane Country Club in Woodbridge and the Wallingford Clubhouse. His responsibilities included coaching the Junior Club programs at both of these clubs. Coach Higgins has also coached basketball for many years in the HRYBL, with his last two years coaching in the high school division. He also was a referee in the HRYBL for multiple years. Additionally, Coach Higgins and his family are longtime members of the High Lane Club in North Haven. Athletic Director Steve Blumenthal stated, “Coach Higgins brings a wealth of knowledge about tennis to North Haven High School. We are very excited to have him lead our boys’ tennis program.” Coach Higgins has lived in the New Haven/Hamden area for the last 35 years with his wife, Susan.

School walls display "Signs of the Times" to promote safety

Behind the Scenes at NHHS:

Folks work hard to maintain safety, normalcy and quality teaching and learning

~NHHS children continue to flourish despite challenging times~

Below left, Health teacher Anthony Sagnella takes a safe "mask break" while alone in his class, below right, Project Adventure teacher Dave Fazzuoli safely teaches his class indoor climbing techniques, bottom left Director of Dining Services Salvatore Rizzo and his staff prepare healthy food bags for students, and bottom right Custodian Reece Varney helps keep the building sanitary and supports staff and students in so many ways.

Thank you all for caring so much about our NHHS community!

Mask break in empty classroom

North Haven Public Schools focuses on Social Emotional Learning and wellness for students and staff!

Social emotional learning is the forefront and mission to implement to all students from preschool through transition to aid with emotional regulation, academic success, kindness, and deeper understanding of oneself and others in the community. Social emotional learning benefits staff and students during the school day.

Social emotional learning promotes and develops the following skills in all of us:

*positive thoughts of oneself

*learning to engage and collaborate with others

*identify emotions

*problem solve

*build relationships

*learn how we are different

Social emotional learning builds a sense of community and belonging for all staff and students.


Staff Box


Diana Blythe


Diego Esponda

Zeena Mohamed

Junior Editors:

Ilana Blumenthal

Lily Coish

Regan Cunningham

Guest Writers: Class of 2020

Christina Stoeffler

Cecile Tobin

Tyler Karasinski


Eliza O'Connor

Ellie Kerzner

Eva Redman

Genevieve Simon

Grace Finch

Hayly Caruso

Jenna Courville

Juliana DeAngelo

Kayley Zielinski

Noelle Carmody

Sophia DelVecchio

Sophia Iannotti

Tara Stoeffler

Viana Pham

Carly Fresher

Ariana Stewart