Science Curriculum
Welcome to our Science CPD training portal for the 2021-22 academic year.
What is included in the programme?
The programme covers the 10 Big Ideas of Science that are introduced at Key Stage 3 and further developed through GCSE. These Big Ideas cover topics in biology, chemistry and physics.
Students in Year 7 and Year 8 study 4 topics per Big Idea; for each topic a short video has been introduced to highlight the key subject knowledge, curriculum links and teaching strategies to enable science teachers to deliver these areas of science successfully to their students.
The training aims to focus on the most important concepts of each lesson within a topic to ensure any teacher is able to deliver the lesson effectively. Practical work will be highlighted with tips for delivery, alongside alternative approaches to the lesson. Videos will be released half termly for teachers to familiarise themselves with content prior to teaching. By considering some of the most difficult concepts of the biology, chemistry and physics curricula and how to use practical work successfully, the sessions will develop the confidence of classroom teachers and their understanding of pedagogical approaches.
The sessions include:
Subject knowledge in key areas of biology, chemistry and physics
Common student misconceptions
How to teach and scaffold difficult concepts
Links between different areas of the curriculum
How to deliver practical work to enhance understanding
If you have any questions about this training please contact:
Science CPD Brochure
Who is this training for?
The Science support for non-specialist teachers in Year 7 and 8 is for any teacher of science who is teaching out of specialism; without a conventional science qualification. It is also relevant to teachers who would like to expand and strengthen their subject pedagogical knowledge. The sessions are designed to show how big ideas develop in science from Year 7 to Year 8, with the awareness that these ideas are further developed throughout Years 9 to 11. The aim is to enable non-specialists in an area of science to be able to teach successfully across all areas of science.
Suitable applicants may be:
Trainee teachers, NQTs and RQTs
Science teachers without a conventional science qualification
Experienced science teachers looking to develop their teaching of a new science specialism