Thorp Academy

Performance by Kate from the film Tangled:

'Mother Knows Best'

Thorp 1 new.mp4

Kate is in year 10 and likes Drama and raising money for charity. She aspires to work with children as an Educational psychologist in the future.

Justin Herwitz cover by Amelie C

'City Of Stars'

Amelie C - Thorp Academy - City of Stars

Amelie is currently in Year 9. She loves to play music on piano as well as the violin with a particular love of folk music. She is currently rehearsing for the Thorp Academy panto which is taking place in December. Amelie is playing the role of fairy godmother.

Izzy R - Thorp Academy - Clair De Lune

Claude-Achille Debussy cover by Isabella R

'Clair De Lune'

Isabella would like to study medicine at either Edinburgh or York University after she leaves school.

She would also like to travel as much as possible.