Presidential Fitness Challenge

The Presidential Fitness Challenge consists of sit-ups, sit and reach, pull-ups, shuttle run and mile run (half mile for Kindergartners).

Planks, crunches, russian twists, sit-ups, bicycles, leg lifts, etc. are a great way to keep your core strong for the sit-up challenge. Sit and reach is all about stretching so make sure you stretch before and after your work outs! Push-ups and dips are a great way to keep those arms strong. If you have a pull up bar or can make it to a park to practice your pull-ups is great too! Shuttle run is all about speed, so challenge your Mom, Dad, siblings or even your dog, to a race. Mile run is all about pacing so find a pace you can maintain, gradually getting faster if you feel good or slow down if you feel it's too fast. Start out running for just a few minutes and then see if you can increase to 10 - 15 minutes without walking.