
Reading Log:

Biography Cube due March 16th

Students will now be expected to keep track of their nightly reading. The expectation is that students read 20-30 minutes per night and keep a running record of these sessions using the log passed out to them. Additionally, throughout the week, students will answer four questions about their reading. Students can answer these questions whenever is convenient but they should turn in this work every Friday.


We just finished up our study of angles. The students did quite well on their tests. We are also practicing complex word problems using sample PARCC questions. These have proven to be a challenge but we are getting better!

Math Resources:




We have been focusing on Determining Importance within the text we read, both fiction and non-fiction. We are trying to make a distinction between what is important to the author compared to what may be important to us, the reader. It's important to identify the main idea or theme to make this distinction.

We have also begun a unit on opinion writing which will continue for the next couple of weeks.

Social Studies:

Social Studies is back, as of January 22. Students will be learning about economics and using terms like fair trade, supply and demand, good and services, natural resources, capital resources, etc.
