Growth Mindset

What is growth mindset and why does it matter?

  • The growth mindset is the belief that you can grow your brain and that your intelligence grows with effort and the right learning strategies.

  • A fixed mindset is the belief that you cannot grow your brain and that if you can’t do or understand something immediately, you will never get it.

  • Making mistakes is part of our learning and actually helps us learn.

  • Having a growth mindset has been shown to lead to more academic success in school.

From by Khan Academy and PERTS

How do I grow my brain?

From by Khan Academy and PERTS

The power of YET

  • People approach...problems with the two mindsets… “Are you not smart enough to solve it …. or have you just not solved it yet.” Your mindset can determine whether or not you are successful.

Carol Dweck

Mistakes can be good if we learn from them.

What can parents do to help their kids develop a growth mindset?


What can parents do to help their kids develop a growth mindset?