
Happy Numbers

This is a website designed for each child to have thier own account and each child can work at thier own pace!


Directions for setting up an account. SUPER EASY!!CLICK HERE

Copy of Copy of Math Bingo Board

Math Bingo Board

Directions: Choose 1 or 2 activities to do a day. Keep track of the ones you already did. How many Bingos can you make?

Whose Voice in Math Class?

This is Mrs. Brady, a Title I Math Teacher and Math Recovery Trainer. She is thought of as a math guru, supporting elementary teachers in our school district. Mrs. Brady helps to design professional development offerings in mathematics and in-district trainings for Math Recovery. She is constantly providing guidance and insight to her colleagues. Check out this link if you'd like to dive into mathematical thinking.

Video of how to play Treasure Hunt with a regular deck of cards from home Click Here
