First Grade

General Resources

BrainPop Jr.

Has quick videos on many different subjects. Sign up for free access.

NPS Education Resources for Families

A list of many different resources for learning


Kids are used to pretty structured schedule at school. The three pieces of the school day I recommend making sure your family is doing are:

Recess: Get outside! Social distancing does not mean you have to be inside.

Read Aloud: First graders love to be read to!

Morning meeting: At school, during morning meeting we greet each other, we go over our schedule for the day, we talk about anything unusual, we share things, and we look at the calendar. This could be a conversation over breakfast or dinner the night before. My son likes to discuss the next day as part of bedtime. Making plans and knowing what is coming is soothing for kids even when they are in school and on routine.

There are a bunch of sample schedules floating around the internet. They are all super ambitious. If you want help developing a schedule for your child please reach out to me but do not feel like you need to be doing a bunch of instruction. Our goal for this time is that students keep reading and do enough practice to not forget what they've already learned.