Pathway 2: Keystone Composite

To qualify for the Keystone Composite Pathway, a student must have taken all three Keystone Exams and must have at least one Keystone Exam scaled (numeric) score of Proficient or Advanced, no Keystone Exam scaled (numeric) score of Below Basic, and the composite of the three scaled (numeric) scores must be 4452 or greater.

Students who DO NOT have a score in all three Keystone Exam areas (e.g., an EL student who did not participate in the Keystone Literature Exam, a student who did not participate in a Keystone Exam for religious reasons, a student who did not participate in a Keystone Exam due to COVID-19) do not qualify for the Keystone Composite Pathway and must meet graduation requirements under the CTE Concentrator, Alternative Assessment, Evidence-Based Pathways, or re-take the exam.


On July 8, 2022, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 55 of 2022 (Act 55) into law. Act 55 of 2022 amends the Pennsylvania School Code to assist students in meeting statewide high school graduation requirements. Effective immediately, any student may graduate via the Keystone Composite Pathway provided the student:

    • Has one "COVID- proficient indicator" for a Keystone Exam during the spring of 2020 (pursuant to Act 136 of 2020);


    • Successfully passes the academic content (Algebra 1, a 9th grade Biology course, or a 10th grade ELA course) associated with the course aligned to that COVID provident indicator;


    • Achieves a Keystone Composite score of 2939 or greater for the other two Keystone Exams (calculated using the highest numerical scores attained by the student, neither of which may be Below Basic and at least one of which must be Proficient or Advanced).