Each year in January we participate in the The Great Kindness Challenge The intent of the program is to bring an awareness to performing kind acts during the Challenge week as well as all year long. We always have a theme and the students decorate an activity which correlates with that theme. These are on display outside the main office and the picture below is the 2019/2020 theme.


Red Ribbon Week (RRW) is celebrated locally and nationally to bring an awareness to children about making good choices and living a drug-free life. Each year we have a theme and several dress up days that the children enjoy. It is an opportunity to have fun while remembering to take care of ourselves and make healthy choices.


The focus of CUB SPUD is raising money for Norman North's student led program, Students Performing Unselfish Deeds (SPUD). SPUD Week originated in 2001 at Norman North High School. Since then, SPUD fundraisers have raised over $2,000,000 to support students, families, and organizations within our community. Norman North's student body comes together and gets behind one another to make SPUD happen, creating a sense of selflessness that spreads like wildfire among their community. We try to create that same environment at Cleveland by supporting this wonderful program at our feeder high school. We have done a variety of fun activities to raise money including students and staff donating money for dress up days at school.