Page Source Code Cheat

Students may find out how to cheat and find answers through accessing the "Page Source Code."

Below are images of one way they can access the coding on the page and see the answers to the locks.

A link to a document can also be found below as a potential solution to this problem. The document asks the students to explain where they found the clues and how they arrived to their answers.

You will NOT have access to edit the document until you MAKE A COPY.

Students can right click on a Google Form and select "View Page Source" to access the source code for the page they are viewing.

The next page will be lots of code and numbers. Scroll down through the page and you will find answers to the locks.

Potential Solution: Google Document

Reminder: You need to Make a Copy of this document before you can make your own edits.

Digital Breakouts: You Broke Out