NPS Student & Family Resources

Dear Families,

We hope that you are remaining healthy and safe and enjoying the beautiful summer days. The Norfolk Public Schools Administrative Leadership Team and our district Re-Opening Committee are working hard to plan and prepare for the safe reopening of schools in the Fall. We will be reaching out to parents to gather information and feedback over the summer months and will keep you updated and informed of our progress. This morning the Massachusetts Department of Education released preliminary guidance for districts on fall reopening. If you are interested in reviewing the full document, it can be found below.

We look forward to welcoming our students back into school in September!


Dr. Ingrid N. Allardi

Dr. Ingrid N. Allardi

Superintendent of Schools

70 Boardman St.

Norfolk, MA 02056

Tel# 508-528-1225 fax# 508-528-3739

DESE Initial Fall Reopening Guidance