Traveler Reviews

Below, you'll find reviews from students (and some staff!) who have travelled with us in the past. Here are some of their experiences!

If you are a former traveler and want to leave your review, click HERE!

I think these tours are a good way to broaden your horizons when you’re still limited to your community in high school. It is easy and planned out and all you have to do is experience what they’ve planned out for you. 

My favorite memory was going in the London eye with all of my friends. At first, I couldn’t even stand up because I’m scared of heights, but I manage to stand up and see the amazing view. 

I learned that experiencing other cultures is very important and that I have a passion for traveling. 

Melanie Richmond, 2023 Grad --London & Paris Tour 2022

It’s a great experience, and the tour guides are super helpful and will give you great information about the countries you’re traveling to. It’s good to get out and get see some of the world when you’re young, in case you don’t have a chance when you’re older.

[My favorite part was] Marc, our tour guide, was so funny, and he walked really fast.

[While in Paris], I learned that there are no lanes around the Arc de Triumph, and the cars just go wherever they want!

Avery St. George, 2023 Grad --London & Paris Tour 2022

This truly was one of the greatest opportunities that I was given in my 26 years as an educator in Nordonia!  To get to experience other cultures and explore other parts of the world with such an outstanding group of students, will be a highlight in my career.  I recommend travelling on a tour to both students and staff because it is a great opportunity for individual growth and making connections with others!

[My favorite memory] would have to be our amazing tour guide [Marc], and the spinach soup!! [IYKYK;)]

I learned that when you step outside your comfort zone, with others doing the same, what seemed like an obstacle in your life can be overcome and provide a great memory that will stick with you as you move forward in life...and of course, that there is so much more of the world that I want to continue to explore.

Staci Ross, Staff at Nordonia for 26 years --London & Paris Tour 2022

Traveling on a tour is a chance for students to break out of their comfort bubble in Ohio, and experience a culture that is totally new and different with their peers! I think travelling during high school gives you insight into the larger world as you are about to become a full-fledged adult.

My favorite memory is definitely taking a boat cruise down the river Seine in Paris at night... or riding the London Eye with people who are afraid of heights!... or staying in a haunted hotel in Wales... or taking pics in front of the Eiffel Tower... or watching students become confident in navigating a foreign culture... or so many more!!

When I took my first student trip as a senior in high school, I learned that the world is bigger than Ohio or the United States. And it's filled with people who see the world differently and experiences that are worth my time and effort in getting there.

Jessica Korman, Staff at Nordonia for 15 years -- Dublin, Wales, London & Paris Tour 2016 and London & Paris Tour 2022

I would recommend traveling on a tour because you get to see and do so much. With having a tour guide that knows the area well, we got to see little parts of international culture that we wouldn't have seen on our own. Traveling during high school really opens your eyes to the different ways that people live across the world. I loved being able to travel around England and France and having so much fun with my friends, teachers, and guide. 

My favorite memory from the trip was going to Covent Garden and spending the afternoon there shopping and walking around. We got to street performers doing magic, juggling, and singing. I vividly remember sitting on the curb singing "Let it Go" and "Sweet Home Alabama" with everybody there on a cool spring night in London. 

I learned to live in the moment and embrace everything I can, especially when traveling. 

Thank you so much, Mrs. Korman and Mrs. Ross. I went on this trip during a really rough time in my life and the week away was seriously the best week of my life.

Laney Wilhelm, 2023 Grad -- London & Paris Tour 2022

I would recommend traveling on a tour because it was very educational and lots of fun!! You would learn about the city and different buildings, and then you got a couple hours to go off on your own and go to stores and restaurants, and you were able to go explore.

I learned the background information of different castles and who they were for. 

My favorite memory is probably seeing the Eiffel Tower and exploring the cities with my friends. It['s so nice to] feel so independent without your parents with you. You feel free!! 

Reanna Turk, 2024 Grad -- London & Paris Tour 2022

I think it provided a good guided experience with people that you knew well and that you could trust to tour with in a different country. The cost was minimal to compared to what I would've had to pay taking a trip on my own as an adult, and the structure of the trip was great for high school students. There was a lot to see and experience, and we could not have done it without our experienced, kind tour guide.

My favorite memory from our trip was getting to walk around Covent Garden with all of my best friends and just take in the city, while being among live music, locals, and amazing food and shops. We were fortunate enough to spend a couple hours there, and my friends and I just had the most amazing time together experiencing what it was like to be a London native for a day. 

I learned a lot about the different people and cultures of London and Paris, and I learned to respect how different people live life. I tried many different foods that I had never had before, and I started to learn about other ways of life. I also took in a lot of the history of both London and Paris, and appreciated the importance and beauty of these countries that many Americans would overlook.  

Getting the chance to take this trip was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I would recommend taking this trip to everyone in high school. To experience leaving the country and getting to be independent is something that all students should have the chance to do, and it is a great opportunity without spending the amount of money traveling solo would cost. 

Morgan McClelland, 2023 Grad -- London & Paris Tour 2022

Travelling on a tour like the ones EF offers makes the whole trip enjoyable. Everything is already mapped out for the group, allowing everyone to focus on sights and experiences. It's truly life-changing, having an opportunity to see the world and explore cities older than our country and engage in the history of each one. 

It's nearly impossible to choose a favorite memory from the trips. I loved our stop in Wales, lunching at a little seaside café, along with visiting Oxford where we saw sites from the Harry Potter films, touring the BBC and watching our students simulate a news broadcast, shopping in Covent Garden, exploring the palace at Versailles, taking in displays at the Louvre, lighting a candle in the Notre Dame Cathedral...the list goes on and on. The second trip had so many beautiful views--the blend of historical sites and modern architecture in Edinburgh, Rosslyn Chapel's ornate stonework, London's hustle and bustle, artists at work high above Paris in Montmartre, and the Eiffel Tower sparkling at night. But it all comes down to a tie for me: Penning a message and signing my name on the wall on Abbey Road and competing with my small group on our Harry Potter tour. 

It's good to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new, regardless of how scary it might be. You never grow if you don't! 

[And] EF's tour guides are the absolute BEST at what they do. I'm so grateful to have had these opportunities with my colleagues and students! 

Erin Miller - Staff at Nordonia for 20 years -- Dublin, Wales, London & Paris Tour 2016 and Edinburgh, London & Paris Tour 2018