Species information

The wild flora holds a number of plant species that, even though we might not be aware of it, represent an important part of what we call genetic resources. Often lacking the physical characteristics that otherwise would make us pay attention, such as e.g. spectacular flowers, they are regularly equipped with different types of defenses like spines or thorns, burning or sticky glandular hairs, or bitter flavors. A good example of this is prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola L.).

Nordic CWR project in iNaturalist

Help us to map the distribution of crop wild relatives (CWR) in the Nordic countries! You are invited to add your own observations to the Nordic CWR group at the iNaturalist portal. iNaturalist is an open, international and online citizen science portal for reporting biodiversity observations. Observations can be added directly at the website or by using a mobile app on your smartphone. Georeferenced observations with a species name that has been verified by at least one other person will be published in GBIF.

Nordic CWR iNaturalist group: http://www.inaturalist.org/projects/nordic-crop-wild-relatives

List of Nordic CWR species: http://www.inaturalist.org/lists/525787-Nordic-Crop-Wild-Relativess-Check-List?rank=species

Contact person: Anna Palmé, anna.palme@nordgen.org

Photos by Dag Endresen and Åsmund Asdal