Mrs. Anderson

Grade 5  Room 210

Welcome to fifth grade! We hope it will be a wonderful year of growing and learning together. Our fifth grade is departmentalized. I teach ELA and Social Studies to the whole fifth grade; Mrs. Tenaglia teaches Religion, Math, and Science. 

ELA covers reading, grammar,  and writing. Our grammar book, Voyages, helps us cover the parts of speech, the writing process, and creative writing. Our reading series, Into Reading, teaches reading skills through literature based stories. 

Our Social Studies series uses magazines to teach the topics. We will cover geography, states, capitals, and regions of the United States; the history of how our states were acquired, and the Americas.

All in all, fifth grade is a wonderful experience that I am looking forward to sharing with your children! I hope we all have a wonderful year together!

You can find information about tests and events on our Fifth Grade Hub Google Classroom 🙂