NOMMA Special Education
The Department of Special Education at New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy is comprised of certified Special Educators, Related Service Providers, Evaluation Specialists and Support Personnel committed to provide the necessary, specialized instruction to identified cadets so that progress in the general education curriculum is achieved.
We are committed to providing the highest quality services and instruction to identified Cadets so they graduate NOMMA and are ready to meet their post-secondary goals.
What is Special Education?
Special Education is a set of services that can occur in many environments, including the regular classrooms. Special Education is NOT a place. Eligible Cadets are provided services in the "Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)", and the LRE is the regular education classroom.
Cadets identified needing special education services are not automatically removed from their classes. Just the opposite, NOMMA follows a very inclusive model for all Cadets. The Diploma Pathway they are currently working toward does not have to change. Cadets can receive a Regular High School Diploma and earn TOPS, Jumpstart/TOPS, or Jumpstart Career Diploma via Alternative Methods (for those who qualify).
All decisions for the student are made by the IEP Team, which includes the parent/guardian, and nothing can change without Parental Consent.
Contact the Special Education Department with any questions
Your Special Education Team
2024-2025 School Year
Special Education Teachers
8th Grade: Ms. Moss
9th Grade: Mr. Jones
9th Grade: Mr. Williams
10th Grade: Mr. Daley
11th Grade: Ms. Monroe-Willis
12th Grade: Ms. Crutchfield
Special Programming and Related Services
Special Education Teacher A+SPIRE: Ms. Hadley
Special Education Teacher A+SPIRE: Ms. Collins
ASL Interpreter: Ms. Cooper
Paraeducator: Ms. Harris
Paraeducator: Ms. Surtain
Paraeducator: Ms. Knight
Paraeducator: Mr. Smith
Speech Therapist: Ms. Patterson
Social Worker: Ms. Butler
Social Worker: Mrs. Beal
Social Worker: Ms. Scrubbs
OT: Mr. DiMaggio
PT: Ms. Sims
TOD: Dr. Argrave
Director of Special Education: Mrs. Heather Desrochers
Special Education Department Chair: Ms. Heather Crutchfield
School Psychologist: Ms. Dotson-Dulaney
SEAC (Special Education Advisory Committee) meets three times each year. Members include Parents, Cadets and Special Education Providers.
The purpose of the NOMMA SEAC is to is to provide direct input to school leaders about policies, programs, practices, and services that have an impact on students with disabilities and their families. Its purpose is to advise, advocate, and offer guidance, not to decide policy. It is the goal of the NOMMA SEAC to increase the proactive, productive involvement of families by inviting their input in ways that can be used to shape NOMMA’s special education policy.
Meeting Minutes and Reports
2023 EOY Report
For any questions or recommendations, please contact Mrs. Heather Desrochers at
NOMMA Camera Policy
NOMMA Program Description
Description of Special Education Services and Supports identified for the 2024-25 School Year.

It is the policy of this agency that no applicant, student, client, and/or employee of the New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy shall, based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, political affiliation, sex, disability, age or any other non-merit factor, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, which New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy operates or is applying for funding.
No person on the grounds of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, political affiliation, sex, disability, or age shall be subjected to discrimination or be denied employment in connection with any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
No persons with responsibilities in the operation or administration of a program or activity (including, but not limited to, student enrollment, student clubs, athletics, or advanced or CTE course offerings) shall discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges because of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sex, political affiliations, disability or age as may be prohibited by federal and state law.