Nodaway Valley Wellness

NV Wellness Information

The Nodaway Valley Board of Education promotes healthy students by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as a part of the total learning environment. The school district supports a healthy environment where students learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices.  Improved health optimizes student performance potential.

If any parent, guardian, or community member is interested in joining the wellness committee, please contact a current member for more information.

Triennial Assessment


Wellness Committee Agendas and Minutes




Committee Members

Janell Stender, Food Service Director

Amy DeVault, School Nurse

Paul Croghan, Superintendent

James Larson, PK-5 Principal

Sara Honnold, Activities Director, 6-8 Principal

Gerry Miller, 6-12 Principal

Keith Kiburz, PE/Health Instructor

Kim DeJongh, PE/Health Instructor

Sami Harris, PE/Health Instructor

Molly Herrick, Board Member

Susan Stevens, Board Member

Brandi Burnside, Parent

Lori Miller, Parent

Bailey Carstens, Student

Joanna Larson, Student