Class Offerings

Session IV

april 8-may 9

Creative Writing

The Writers Room: Writing for TV (T/TH)

In this course we will dip our toes into the basics of writing for television. We will watch episodes of our favorite shows and examine them for craft, study the art of diagramming, and develop pitches for our own show. We will become a “writers room,” workshopping each other’s scenes to punch them up and/or get them grounded. While this class does not have a heavy reading component, you will be expected to do some writing outside of the course. 

Materials: Provided; laptop encouraged. Open to 10-12th grade.

Culinary Arts

Oodles of Noodles (T/TH)

Everything you wanted to know about pasta, noodles and more! Learn to make traditional Italian pastas - fettuccine, pappardelle, farfalle, ravioli and gnocchi. Also flat rice noodles, colored and flavored pasta and veggie pasta - even chocolate pasta!! For 9-12th graders.

Materials: Provided. 

Requirements: Students must come dressed in long pants, shirt (long sleeves preferred), socks and closed toe and heel shoes (preferably non slip - sandals or slides will not be allowed), and a head covering (ball cap or scarf). Hair must be kept up and secured tightly (no hanging ponytails or braids). Fingernails should be unpolished and trimmed short - no fake nails), no cologne or perfume, no false eyelashes, no hoops or hanging jewelry.

Classical Vocal Music

All School Choir  (M/W)

This choir will be open to all NOCCA students, as well as outside high school students. NOCCA Choir will prepare and rehearse choral music from various periods of music history, culminating in a Fall performance and a Spring performance. It is recommended that students attend 2 successive sessions ( 2 in the fall or 2 in the spring) in order to prepare for the concert. The choir is open to all students in grades 9-12, including NOCCA students and other high school students.

Materials: All Music will be provided. Students will need a pencil and a binder for music/handouts.

Middle School Clasical Vocal Workshop (T/TH)

This vocal music workshop is for middle school students (grades 6-8) who are interested in classical vocal music. Voice classes will emphasize Italian and English beginner solo classical repertoire as well as age appropriate vocal technique. There will be ensemble singing using music especially suitable for this age group. The students will also study music theory and sight singing appropriate to their abilities. 

Materials: All Music will be provided. Students will need a pencil and a binder for music/handouts.

Classical Instrumental Music

Beginners Violin Group Workshop (T/TH)

This workshop is designed for beginner violin students with approximately 6 to 12 months experience with the instrument. Students will work on different techniques and exercises appropriate to their level, proper posture, and on ensemble playing. Note reading is not required prior to taking the workshop as elements of introductory music theory will be covered. All instruction will take place during the regularly scheduled Workshop times. Students are required to bring their own instrument outfit in a suitable size (the outfit includes violin, bow, shoulder rest, rosin, and case). You can purchase or rent an instrument from a local music store such as Keller Strings, or online at or Please watch the following video to determine the correct instrument size for the student: For 7-10th grade.

Materials: Violin outfit, manuscript paper, and a pencil. All other materials will be provided.

Group Piano for Not-Quite-Beginners (T/TH)

The workshop is designed for students with basic previous experience in piano playing, with an emphasis on developing good technique on the instrument, improving skills in reading music, and learning and polishing new repertoire for our in-class performance at the end of the session. Depending on student interest and ability, special topics related to the piano may be explored, including beginning music composition, songwriting, improvisation, and music theory. This workshop will expand upon the introductory material presented in our Session 3 workshop, Piano for Very Beginners, and students are encouraged to attend both sessions as a sequence. While it is not required for students to have completed the previous group piano workshop at NOCCA, this Session 4 class will be best suited to students who are already familiar with the basics of piano playing (note names, finger numbers, and beginning sheet music reading). This workshop will combine group instruction with short one-on-one coachings, as well as individual guided practice sessions. All instruction (group and individual) will take place during the regularly scheduled Workshop times in NOCCA’s keyboard lab. The Workshop will conclude with an in-class performance of solo pieces learned during the course. For 9-12th Grade.

Materials: All materials will be provided.

Jazz Instrumental

Jazz Improv (M-TH)

Students in 9th-12th grade who have prior experience on their instrument, and would like to learn, or improve their Jazz improvisation skills. Emphasis will be on small group combo playing and performing. Music theory, reading, and ear training, will also be introduced as they specifically relate to Jazz music.

Materials: Students must own or have access to an instrument. All other materials will be provided.

Pre-Screening/Requirements:  Students must own or have access to an instrument. All other materials will be provided. To be considered, students must have studied their instrument for a minimum of two years. Students must be able to read sheet music for their instrument. 

Visual Arts

Paper Mache Replicas (M/W)

In this Visual Arts workshop students will learn how to use paper mache to recreate a real world object of their choice. They will learn every step of the paper mache process starting with observational drawings from different angles of found objects. They will then begin constructing the armature of their objects using newspaper, bristol board, and / or cardboard. Students will then begin coating the sculptures in multiple layers of newspaper and paper mache glue to create a strong form and add detail. Sculptures can be finished with joint compound to create smooth surfaces wherever necessary. The final step will be painting the surface with acrylic paint. We will end the workshop with a group discussion about all of the sculptures. For 9-12th grade.

Materials: Provided

Handmade Book Workshop (T/TH)

Handmade books can take many forms from simple pamphlets, to accordion, to more elaborate books that can be displayed sculpturally. In this class, students will be introduced to several different book formats including: accordion style (pants, snake and origami) books, a flag book and a large drum leaf bound book. Most books will be blank, sketchbook style but some will include collaged content. For 9-12th grade.

Materials: Provided

Musical Theatre

Intensive (M-TH)

Students in 9-12th grades. This workshop will cover the Musical Theatre process from offstage to the audition room to the stage. Basic vocal, singing technique and performance tools will be covered in a group setting, along with practical matters such as song selection and audition preparation. Students will take part in regular in-class performances of vocal solos and small ensemble numbers.

Uniform: Must attend in sneakers (or jazz dance shoes) and athletic clothes that you can move in. No jewelry allowed.


Directing Bootcamp (M-TH)

In this class you will get a whirlwind tour through the Director’s Process. We will cover the Director’s duties, text analysis for the director, developing a production concept, working with actors and more. The class will culminate in short class projects where directors will get to try out the skills that they have learned. Students in the 9-12th grade.

Uniform: Must attend in sneakers and athletic clothes that you can move in. No jewelry allowed.

Sketch Comedy Writing Workshop (M-TH)

 In comedy, a sketch is a short humorous play.  You can find examples in shows like: Saturday Night Live, Key & Peele, and even Sesame Street. This class will be a mixture of writing and performance. After students generate original sketches,  they will "put them up." This is the practice of reading the sketch out loud with minimal staging. Students in the 9-12th grade.

Uniform: Must attend in sneakers and athletic clothes that you can move in. No jewelry allowed.

Media Arts

Camera and Lighting-Interview and Self-Tape Setup (T-TH)

In this class students will explore camera basics and specific lighting techniques for self tape and interview setups using accessible equipment.  Students will learn the exposure triangle, the rule of thirds, and three point lighting to create a well balanced and properly exposed video for auditions and interviews. The class will consist of small projects aimed at the learning objectives and conclude with a successful self tape for each student. 

 For 9-12th graders.

Materials: Provided