Entering Class II

Students entering Class II are required to read ONE or TWO books, depending on their class enrollment.

  • All rising Class II students must read ONE book for a small group discussion in the fall. Please see below for more information.
  • Students enrolled in a History elective must also read ONE book for that elective. Please see below for more information.

Students are also encouraged to read books of their own choosing! Included below is a list of titles recommended by Nobles faculty and staff.

Titles for Small Group Discussions

In May, students selected titles of interest from a list of books nominated by faculty and staff. Students were then assigned a book from their list of titles of interest. In September, students who read the same book will meet in small groups with faculty and staff to discuss their book.

All students entering Class II should now have received an email from the Nobles Library with their assigned summer reading book. If you have not received an email from the Nobles Library with this information, please email Talya Sokoll (tsokoll0f@nobles.edu).

New incoming students: please make sure to check both your personal email and your new Nobles email address.

These books are NOT available through the Nobles Online Bookstore. Please make sure to obtain this book and read it over the summer. You will be participating in a discussion of your title in the first weeks of school.

History Elective Texts

If you are enrolled in a History elective for Fall 2020, you are also required to read ONE book for that elective.

Click the seal to the RIGHT to access the list of texts for History electives.

Additional Recommended Reading for Upper School

Below are two lists of additional titles recommended by Nobles faculty and staff - one list is fiction, the other nonfiction. These titles will NOT be part of the list of titles available as required reading. These lists are, however, a great place to get ideas for some interesting reading! If you have any questions or need even more suggestions, please reach out to library@nobles.edu.