Northern Stewards

2024 Field School June 3 -27

Final Presentation June 27 1-3pm NNMC Event Center

Our Conference Paper has been awarded the 2023 Impact Award by the 

Computational Social Science Society of the Americas.

"More lands have been lost to native peoples probably by mapping than from physical conflict,” Jim Enote, Zuni

Northern Stewards is a broad partnership devoted to building and testing a place-based participatory curriculum for preparing students and teachers to: acquire geospatial data, integrate this data into maps, develop voice and narrate these maps into stories, animate these maps via agent-based computational models of geospatial phenomena including wildfire, rain and flooding, population dynamics, and vehicle traffic, and share these stories and maps among community stakeholders in a participatory fashion using immersive experiences around an augmented reality sand table of their own construction.

Our annual Field School at Northern New Mexico College  supports 5 High School Teachers and 10 students age 17 or over.  

Participant StoryMaps/Frames       beginning with a StoryMap of our 2024 Northern Stewards

Mikayla Archuleta Mural StoryMap, Mural Frame, Los Luceros StoryMap, Los Luceros Frame, Grid Garden Frame, Farming

Sienna Baca Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, Espanola's Beauties StoryMap, NetLogo StoryMap, Where We Call Home

Ella Downing Olsen Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, Tara Downing

Byrne Larsen Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, NetLogo StoryMap, Excursion

Natalia Larsen  Rio Grande StoryMap, Santa Fe River

Garry Lopez Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, Los Luceros Frame, Grid Garden Frame, Grid Garden StoryMap, Rio Grande Geology StoryMapNetLogo StoryMap, US Virgin Islands

George Lopez Mural StoryMap, Mural Frame, Los Luceros StoryMap, Los Luceros Return StoryMap, Sapawe StoryMap, DroneWork StoryMap, Ferrets: My Furry Friends and Their interesting Past

Nick Lopez Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, Grid Gardens StoryMap, Los Luceros II StoryMap, NetLogo StoryMap, Ohkay Owingeh

JahnClarisse Madlangbayan Mural StoryMap, Mural Frame, Los Luceros StoryMap, Sojourning in the Realm of Nature & Nurture

Chelsea Sisneros Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, The Wonders of Albuquerque 

Nicholas Taylor Mural StoryMap, Mural Frame, Los Luceros StoryMap, Los Luceros Frame, NetLogo StoryMap, Roots

Jesse Thompson Mural Frame, Los Luceros StoryMap, Grid Gardens StoryMap, From Latir Peak to the Acequia Madre del Cerro

Ramon Treviso Mural Frame, Los Luceros Frame, To the East

Mercadez Trujillo Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, Grid Gardens StoryMap, Los Luceros II StoryMap, NetLogo StoryMap, Trip to Cali & Vegas

Jeremy Vigil Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, Life Outside the City

Angel Zavala Mural Frame, Mural StoryMap, Los Luceros StoryMap, Home Sweet Home

Team StoryMaps

Jesse, Sienna, Nicholas Lopez, Mercadez: Drone Week

Garry, George, Mikayla, Ramon: Drone Week

JahnClarisse, Ella, Nicholas Taylor, Angel: Drone Week

Byrne, Natalia, Chelsea, Jeremy: Drone Week

Funded by NSF 1911607 GP-EXTRA: Place-Based Participatory Path to Geoscience and Indian Resources Development, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University

For further info please contact