Capital Projects Management Department Navajo Nation - Project Request for Proposals
Available RFP's/RFQ's
POSTED 6/10/2024
The Navajo Nation Capital Projects Management Department invites all interested Vendors to submit Bids on the following heavy equipment:
ITB #1 Churchrock Chapter Heavy Equipment
ITB #2 Lake Valley Chapter Road Grader
ITB #3 Tooh Haltsooi Chapter Motor Grader
All Bid packets, including specifications for each of the ITBs are to be requested from the Project
Manager, Kent Grantsen. Bid documents shall be identified with the appropriate ITB # and the name of the project. All questions and inquiries about each of the Bid Packets shall be directed to the Project Manager, Kent Grantsen by email at or by phone at (928) 871-6740. All Bid documents for all three ITBS are due on June 12th at 4:00 pm.
Late Submission or Faxed Bids will NOT be accepted. This solicitation and work performed under this
submittal are subject to the requirements of the Navajo Business Opportunity Act (NBOA), the Navajo
Preference in Employment Act and the Navajo Procurement Code. The owner reserves the right to
accept or reject any and all Bids received; and to negotiate with the Bidder regarding the terms of their Bid documents or parts thereof. The NBOA will be applied in the selection of the vendor.